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                                                                                         WORLD NEWS Saturday 11 July 2020
            Dutch government to take Russia to European court over MH17

            By MIKE CORDER               "Of  course,  the  relatives
            THE  HAGUE,  Netherlands  themselves do not have all
            (AP)  —  The  Dutch  govern-  this  information  so  we  can
            ment is taking Russia to the  help  them  by  starting  this
            European  Court  of  Human  procedure."
            Rights for its alleged role in  Moscow  has  repeatedly
            the  shooting  down  of  Ma-  denied  involvement  in  the
            laysia Airlines Flight 17 over  downing of the Boeing 777.
            eastern  Ukraine  six  years  Foreign   Ministry   spokes-
            ago,  the  foreign  minister  woman  Maria  Zakharova
            announced Friday.            said  Russia  sees  Friday's
            The  move  is  intended  to  announcement  "in  con-
            support  individual  cases  nection  with  the  disaster
            being  brought  to  the  Eu-  of the Malaysian Boeing as
            ropean  court  by  relatives  another  blow  to  Russian-
            of some of the 298 people  Dutch relations."
            who were killed when a Buk  Throughout  the  case,  the
            surface-to-air  missile  fired  Netherlands has acted "ex-
            from territory controlled by  clusively  within  the  frame-
            pro-Moscow Ukrainian reb-    work  of  anti-Russian  logic,
            els  blew  the  Amsterdam-   to  which  both  technical
            to-Kuala  Lumpur  flight  out  and  criminal  investigations
            of the sky on July 17, 2014.   were subordinated," Zakha-  In this Friday, Aug. 1, 2014 file photo, Australian and Dutch investigators examine a piece of the
            "Achieving  justice  for  298  rova said.                 Malaysia Airlines Flight 17 plane, near the village of Hrabove, Donetsk region, eastern Ukraine.
            victims  of  the  downing  of  However,  an  international                                                                      Associated Press
            Flight  MH17  is  and  will  re-  team  of  prosecutors  inves-
            main    the   government's  tigating the case has, how-   from a Russian military base  what  does  the  European  purpose  of  these  meet-
            highest  priority,"  Foreign  ever,  charged  three  Rus-  and  the  mobile  launcher  Court  for  Human  Rights  ings is to find a solution that
            Minister  Stef  Blok  said.  "By  sians  and  a  Ukrainian  with  was  later  returned  to  Rus-  have  to  do  with  it?"  Kosa-  does  justice  to  the  enor-
            taking this step today ... we  involvement  in  bringing  sia.                         chev said.                   mous  suffering  and  dam-
            are  moving  closer  to  this  down  the  plane  and  the  The Russian foreign ministry  Friday's  move  is  the  lat-  age caused by the down-
            goal."                       murder of all on board. The  didn't  immediately  react.  est legal maneuver by the  ing of Flight MH17."
            By  launching  the  case  men are on trial in a Dutch  Konstantin Kosachev, head  Dutch  government,  which  Blok  said  the  twin  legal
            against  Russia,  the  Dutch  court, although none have  of  the  foreign  affairs  com-  has  long  vowed  to  secure  tracks are headed toward
            authorities  can  share  evi-  been  extradited  to  the  mittee  in  the  upper  house  justice for victims and their  the same goal.
            dence with the Strasbourg-   Netherlands to face justice.  of   Russia's   parliament,  loved ones. Separately, the  "From  the  onset,  we  have
            based European court so it  Blok  said  much  of  the  evi-  called  the  Dutch  move  "a  government is pursuing Rus-  made clear that the down-
            can be considered in indi-   dence the government will  strange  initiative  from  ev-  sia for state responsibility in  ing  of  an  airplane,  civilian
            vidual relatives' cases.     submit to the human rights  ery aspect" in remarks car-   the downing.                 airplane, and 298 innocent
            "As a government, we have  court  also  is  part  of  that  ried  by  the  Interfax  news  "The  government  attaches  casualties  is  such  a  severe
            information, evidence, that  criminal case.               agency.                      importance  to  continuing  breach    of   international
            leads  us  to  the  conclusion  Prosecutors  say  they  have  "The investigation isn't over  the meetings with Russia on  law that we will pursue any
            of  the  involvement  of  the  evidence  the  missile  that  yet,  there  have  been  no  the matter of state respon-  venue to find the truth and
            Russian  Federation,"  Blok  blew  MH17  out  of  the  sky  court  verdicts  on  the  na-  sibility,"  the  foreign  ministry  bring  justice  to  the  rela-
            told  The  Associated  Press.  was  trucked  into  Ukraine  tional level yet and, finally,  said  in  a  statement.  "The  tives," he said.q
            Hundreds try to storm Serbian parliament as protests heat up

            BELGRADE,  Serbia  (AP)  —  have said the violence was  considered  the  most  in-
            Hundreds of demonstrators  the  work  of  demonstrators  tense  since  the  overthrow
            tried  to  storm  Serbia's  par-  controlled  by  the  govern-  of  former  Serbian  strong-
            liament on Friday, clashing  ment  —  with  an  aim  to  man Slobodan Milosevic in
            with  the  police  during  for  discredit  the  protests  that  2000. He instead expressed
            the fourth night of protests  began in response to Presi-  his fear about the spread of
            against  the  president's  in-  dent Aleksandar Vucic's ef-  the virus by the demonstra-
            creasingly    authoritarian  forts to reimpose lockdown  tors.
            rule.                        restrictions  against  the  vi-  "It is so irresponsible to call
            Demonstrators — who were  rus, but have mushroomed  upon people to gather and
            defying  a  ban  on  mass  into an expression of wider  demonstrate when we are
            gatherings  amid  a  spike  frustration with his hard-line  faced with the most horrific
            in  virus  infections  —  threw  rule.                    numbers of infections from
            bottles, rocks and flares at  Vucic  has  denied  that  the coronavirus," Vucic told
            the  police  guarding  the  "hooligans," who were seen  reporters  during  his  state
            domed  parliament  build-    beating  up  the  peaceful  visit to France.
            ing  in  central  Belgrade.  protesters earlier this week,  "I  beg  people,  please  let's
            Smoke rose above the en-     are under his control, claim-  keep  our  health  safe.  No-
            try  stairway.  Police  used  ing they were brought in by  body is going to take pow-
            their  shields  to  push  back  the opposition.           er by force. Power is taken
            the protesters and prevent  Speaking     earlier   Friday,  at  the  elections.  You  can
            them  from  entering  the  Vucic  said  he's  not  wor-   protest  as  much  as  you
            building.                    ried  about  losing  political  want when the epidemic is
            Some  opposition  leaders  power  amid  the  protests,  over," he said. q
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