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Saturday 11 July 2020
35 years after Live Aid, Bob Geldof assesses personal toll
By JOHN CARUCCI Geldof is glad he and his
Associated Press fellow musicians pulled off
NEW YORK (AP) — The leg- their activist concerts be-
endary Live Aid concerts 35 cause he doesn't believe
years ago did a lot of good the world is the same today
— helping reduce African as it was during the time of
famine and putting a spot- Live Aid or even Live 8.
light on the world's poorest "It was the end of that politi-
nations. But it wasn't always cal period of cooperation
good for one of its key or- and consensus and com-
ganizers. promise. Would that hap-
Irish rock star Bob Geldof pen today? No. You just
may have earned awards have to look at the clowns
and cheers for pulling off running the planet to un-
1985's transcontinental mu- derstand that could never
sic event, though it took a happen again," Geldof
toll on his personal life and said.
career. Earlier this year, Geldof fi-
Live Aid changed Geldof nally got back to music
from frontman of the Boom- and released a new album
town Rats singing their hit with the Boomtown Rats,
"I Don't Like Mondays" to "Citizens of Boomtown,"
something more divine. "I their first album since 1984's
became Saint Bob," Geldof "In the Long Grass."
told The Associated Press In this Nov. 21, 2016 file photo, Jeanne Marine, left, and Bob Geldof attend the Angel Ball benefit- Thirty-five years after Live
ting Gabrielle's Angel Foundation for Cancer Research in New York. Geldof's Live Aid concerts
in an interview earlier this have raised millions. Aid, Geldof remains hum-
year. Associated Press bled by his accomplish-
He said he wasn't happy ments, and proud he's fol-
about the glory that came others on the 1984 single, ple made me the man of little better, he said he was lowed a tradition of activ-
with his charity work. "I "Do They Know It's Christ- the hour." no longer able to do what ist-musicians, like Woody
hated it. It became impos- mas?" with proceeds going The Live Aid concerts held he loved: play music. Guthrie, who Geldof cites
sible," Geldof said. "For a to Ethiopian famine relief. in London and Philadel- "I wasn't allowed go back as one of the main influ-
while I was bewildered. I Geldof then appeared on phia raised over $100 mil- to my job. I'm a pop singer. ences of the Boomtown
didn't have much money follow-up American ver- lion. Those shows included That's literally how I make Rats, a band that started
at the time. It impinged en- sion, "We Are the World" in performances by Queen, my money. That's my job. during one of Ireland's most
tirely on my private life. It 1985. Later that summer, he U2, Led Zeppelin, Madon- I get up in the morning, if tumultuous times.
probably ended up costing helped organize Live Aid, na, and dozens of others. I'm in the mood. I'll try and "We made a series of re-
me my marriage." the most ambitious global Twenty years later, he host- write tunes. I'll go and try cords, which became hits –
The whole thing began with television event of its time. ed the Live 8 concerts and and rehearse," he said. which, of course, helped to
Band Aid, an all-star group He suddenly found himself got the industrialized na- "And I couldn't. And no one change the country a bit.
in the U.K. organized by an unlikely celebrity. tions to pledge an increase was interested. Saint Bob, It helped to change music.
Geldof and recording art- "It wasn't because of my su- in aid to Africa by $25 bil- which I was called, wasn't And then through Band Aid
ist Midge Ure that included perior musical excellence, lion. allowed to do this anymore and Live Aid we helped to
Bono, Phil Collins, George like Elvis or the Beatles," While Geldof's altruism because it's so petty and so change the world a little bit,
Michael and numerous Geldof said. "Billions of peo- helped make the world a meaningless. So, I was lost." and then we stopped."q
Reid says she wants different
perspectives on MSNBC show
By DAVID BAUDER said in an interview. "Hope- "I happen to think she's the
AP Media Writer fully, I have a very unique right person for the right
NEW YORK (AP) — Joy Reid frame." moment in time.""
says she wants to bring As a Black woman, Reid Reid was a news junkie,
some different perspec- addresses a somewhat a sixth grader who con-
tives to MSNBC's evening embarrassing oversight at vinced her mother to let
In this April 20, 2018 file photo, Joy Reid attends the Tribeca TV lineup — lots of them. a news and talk network her stay up late to watch
screening of "Rest in Power: The Trayvon Martin Story" during the As anticipated, the host aimed at a mostly liberal Ted Koppel's "Nightline" re-
2018 Tribeca Film Festival in New York.
Associated Press of MSNBC's weekend "AM audience. ports on the Iran hostage
Joy" show was appointed Before her selection, the situation in 1979.
Thursday to succeed for- 5 p.m. to midnight hours "It almost didn't even sink
mer "Hardball" host Chris were hosted by five white in until I was older that I
Matthews in the 7 p.m. men and one white wom- was watching a parade of
Eastern time slot on week- an. white men tell me what's
days. "She's earned this, spot on," happening in the world, ex-
"We are going to try to fire said NBC Universal News plaining the world to me,"
out of the gate with what- Group Chairman Cesar she said.
ever is the most important Conde, who has said his She naturally brings a differ-
thing that's happening that goal is a workforce with 50 ent perspective to stories,
night, and try to frame it percent minorities at NBC particularly with the current
and contextualize it," Reid News, MSNBC and CNBC. debate over policing.q