Page 26 - bon-dia-aruba-20200711
P. 26
Saturday 11 July 2020
Medical group cited by Trump denounces school funding threat
By COLLIN BINKLEY roundtable. "Although this
AP Education Writer will not be easy, pediatri-
A medical association cians strongly advocate
that the White House has that we start with the goal
cited in its press to reopen of having students physi-
schools is pushing back cally present in school this
against President Donald fall."
Trump's repeated threats Her comments echoed
to cut federal funding if guidelines issued by the
schools don't open this fall. group in June, which said
In a joint statement with time away from school can
national education unions lead to social isolation and
and a superintendents make it harder for schools
group, the American to identify learning deficits,
Academy of Pediatrics on child abuse, depression
Friday said decisions should and other problems.
be made by health ex- Vice President Mike Pence,
perts and local leaders. The Education Secretary Betsy
groups argued that schools DeVos and McEnany have
will need more money to repeatedly, and as recent-
reopen safely during the ly as Wednesday, cited
coronavirus pandemic and the American Academy
that cuts could ultimately President Donald Trump listens during a "National Dialogue on Safely Reopening America's of Pediatrics in defense of
harm students. Schools," event in the East Room of the White House, Tuesday, July 7, 2020, in Washington. Trump's approach.
The statement comes at a Associated Press But Friday's statement ac-
time when schools across knowledged that it may
the nation are weighing threaten the health of stu- funding he would withhold that schools reopen de- be best for some schools
decisions for the fall as dents and teachers." or under what authority. But spite growing coronavirus to stay online. School lead-
Trump pushes them to re- Trump, however, repeated White House spokeswom- outbreaks in parts of the ers, health experts, teach-
open. Millions of parents his threat on Friday, say- an Kayleigh McEnany has U.S. The White House hosted ers and parents should be
are still waiting to hear if ing on Twitter that virtual said the president wants a summit on the topic on at the center of reopening
their children will be return- learning has been "terrible" to use future coronavirus Tuesday, gathering health decisions, the groups said,
ing to school, but some of compared with in-person relief funding as leverage. and education leaders "taking into account the
the nation's largest districts classes. McEnany said Trump wants who said students should spread of COVID-19 in their
have said students will be "Not even close! Schools to "substantially bump up return to the classroom this communities and the ca-
in the classroom only a few must be open in the Fall. If money for education" in fall to continue their aca- pacities of school districts
days a week. not open, why would the the next relief package, demics and to regain ac- to adapt safety protocols
"Public health agencies Federal Government give but only for schools that re- cess to meal programs and to make in-person learning
must make recommenda- Funding? It won't!!!" he open. mental health services. safe and feasible."
tions based on evidence, wrote. Trump issued a simi- "He is looking at potentially Among those at the event "For instance, schools in ar-
not politics," the groups lar warning on Twitter on redirecting that to make was Dr. Sally Goza, presi- eas with high levels of CO-
wrote in the statement. Wednesday, saying other sure it goes to the stu- dent of the American VID-19 community spread
"Withholding funding from nations had successfully dent," McEnany said at a Academy of Pediatrics, should not be compelled
schools that do not open opened schools and that a Wednesday press briefing. who called for schools to to reopen against the judg-
in person full-time would fall reopening is "important She added that the fund- open. ment of local experts," the
be a misguided approach, for the children and fami- ing would be "tied to the "Being away from peers, statement said. "A one-
putting already financially lies. May cut off funding if student and not to a district teachers, and school ser- size-fits-all approach is not
strapped schools in an im- not open!" where schools are closed." vices has lasting effects for appropriate for return to
possible position that would Trump has not said what Trump has been insistent children," Goza said at the school decisions."q
No bail for 2 accused of helping ex-Nissan boss escape Japan
BOSTON (AP) — A Mas- cases" and defendants The Taylors' lawyers had ar-
sachusetts father and "must demonstrate 'special gued the pair were unlaw-
son who prosecutors say circumstances' that justify fully arrested and can't be
helped smuggle Nissan's their release on bail." extradited because "bail
former chairman out of Ja- Paul Kelly, a lawyer for the jumping" is not a crime
pan last year were denied Harvard, Massachusetts in Japan and, therefore,
bail by a federal judge in residents, said his clients helping someone evade
Boston on Friday. maintain they did not com- their bail conditions isn't a
Michael Taylor, a 59-year- mit an extraditable offense. crime, either.
old U.S. Army Special Forc- "We also believe that these Prosecutors countered that
es veteran, and his 27-year- two U.S. citizens, one a the Taylors have the skills
old son, Peter Taylor, had decorated Special Forces and resources to flee. They
sought immediate release veteran, and the other an provided evidence that
while they challenge Ja- impressive young man with Carlos Ghosn wired two
pan's extradition request. no criminal history, should payments totaling more
In this Jan. 10, 2020, file photo, former Nissan Chairman Carlos But Judge Donald Cabell, not be held in custody dur- than $860,000 to Promote
Ghosn speaks to Japanese media during an interview in Beirut, in his 18-page ruling, said ing a pandemic while these Fox LLC, which prosecutors
Lebanon. "there is a presumption issues are being litigated," say is managed by Peter
Associated Press against bail in extradition he said in a statement. Taylor. q