Page 28 - bon-dia-aruba-20200807
P. 28

                      Friday 7 august 2020
            Cambodian butcher quits dog meat trade, shuts slaughterhouse

            By SOPHENG CHEANG                                                                                                   theories  of  reincarnation,
            Associated Press                                                                                                    bode ill for their future lives.
            CHI  MEAKH,  Cambodia                                                                                               Another  villager,  Rouen
            (AP)  —  Animal  rights  ac-                                                                                        Veasna,  said  he  ate  dog
            tivists  in  Cambodia  have                                                                                         occasionally when he was
            gained  a  small  victory  in                                                                                       younger,  but  it  became  a
            their effort to end the trade                                                                                       habit after the local slaugh-
            in dog meat, convincing a                                                                                           terhouse  opened,  and  he
            canine  slaughterhouse  in                                                                                          would  have  it  for  lunch
            one village to abandon the                                                                                          or  dinner,  and  sometimes
            business.                                                                                                           while drinking with friends.
            Buth Pith and his wife Khath                                                                                        Prum  Nhenh,  who  oper-
            Hach this week shut down                                                                                            ates a small restaurant that
            the small abattoir they had                                                                                         serves  dog  meat,  said  it
            operated  for  about  seven                                                                                         would be difficult to afford
            years  after  animal  protec-                                                                                       medicine  for  her  80-year-
            tion groups agreed to pro-                                                                                          old  mother  without  the
            vide them an alternate liv-                                                                                         money the meat brings in.
            ing by building a small con-                                                                                        She  said  she  opened  her
            venience store for them.                                                                                            restaurant  more  than  a
            Animal  activists  are  taking                                                                                      year  ago  and  initially  just
            the 15 dogs that had been                                                                                           sold  items  such  as  soft
            caged  at  the  slaughter-   Dogs lay in a cage in a slaughterhouse as they wait for the FOUR PAWS International, rescue them   drinks,  beer  and  eggs.  But
            house  to  an  animal  shel-  at Chi Meakh village in Kampong Thom province north of Phnom Penh, Cambodia, Wednesday,   she  put  dog  on  the  menu
            ter  in  the  capital,  Phnom   Aug. 5, 2020.                                                                       and  it  proved  popular,  al-
            Penh,   for   rehabilitation,                                                                      Associated Press  lowing her to sell meat from
            after which they will be of-                                                                                        as  many  as  four  dogs  a
            fered for adoption, either in  however,  it  has  become  at  both  the  national  and  my  job  to  start  butchering  day.
            Cambodia or abroad.          popular.                     provincial level takes an in-  dogs instead," he said.    "The price of pork, the price
            The  closure  Wednesday  in  An estimated 2 million to 3  terest in the dog meat issue  He has no idea how many  of  beef  is  expensive  and
            Chi  Meakh  village  in  Kam-  million dogs are killed annu-  because they "do not view  dogs he has killed, but said  does  not  sell  as  well,  re-
            pong  Thom  province  fol-   ally  in  Cambodia  for  their  this as Khmer (Cambodian)  he  usually  butchered  five  ducing  my  income,  while
            lows a bigger victory in the  meat,  according  a  recent  culture. They view this as a  to eight a day.            dog meat is cheaper, and
            northwestern  province  of  report  by  the  groups  Four  Vietnamese import in terms  His  wife  Khath  Hach,  37,  people like to consume it,"
            Siem Reap, a popular tour-   Paws  International,  based  of culinary preference and  said  she  never  was  com-   she said.
            ist destination, which in July  in Austria, and Animal Res-  ...  dogs  play  a  really  criti-  fortable  with  the  business  Khath  Hach,  the  butcher's
            outlawed  the  buying,  sell-  cue Cambodia.              cal role in national peace-  but it was necessary to sup-  wife,  believes  there  are
            ing and butchering of dogs  They say that not only is kill-  keeping,  in  mine  detec-  port  their  family,  including  benefits  more  important
            for food.                    ing the dogs inhumane, but  tion."                        two children.                than  money  to  be  gained
            But animal lovers still have a  eating them is a health risk  Buth  Pith,  the  38-year-old  She  said  many  villagers  from  giving  up  the  dog
            long way to go. Dog is fa-   that can spread rabies. The  dog butcher in Chi Meakh,  complained  when  they  meat trade.
            mously part of the cuisine in  practice also hurt the tour-  explained why he entered  heard  the  sounds  of  the  She  said  after  she  opens
            neighboring Vietnam, while  ist industry, they say.       the trade.                   dogs  suffering  before  they  the  family's  new  conve-
            eating dog meat was tradi-   Katherine Polak, Four Paws'  "Before  I  was  a  seller  of  died, and her own parents  nience store, other villagers
            tionally  shunned  in  Cam-  head  of  stray  animal  care  freshwater  fish,  but  when  I  told  her  that  they  should  will no longer look down on
            bodia,  considered  by  an  for Southeast Asia, told The  saw  other  villagers  slaugh-  stop  the  killing  because  it  them and they won't have
            older  generation  to  bring  Associated  Press  that  the  tering dogs and earning a  would bring bad luck and,  the  taint  of  sin  from  killing
            bad  luck.  In  recent  years,  Cambodian   government  better  income,  I  switched  according     to   Buddhist  animals.q
             Egypt, Greece sign maritime deal to counter Libya-Turkey one

            By NOHA ELHENNAWY                               "This agreement allows Egypt and Greece each  With Turkish military support, the Tripoli govern-
            Associated Press                                to move ahead with maximizing their benefits  ment has repelled Hifter's 14-month-long military
            CAIRO (AP) — Egypt and Greece on Thursday  from resources available in this exclusive eco-      campaign to capture the Libyan capital. After
            signed a maritime deal that sets the sea bound-  nomic zone, namely promising oil and gas re-   Turkey turned the tide in the Libyan war, Egypt's
            ary  between  the  two  countries  and  demar-  serves,"  said  Egypt's  Foreign  Minister  Sameh  President Abdel Fattah el-Sissi threatened a mili-
            cates an exclusive economic zone for oil and  Shukry  after  Thursday's  brief  signing  ceremony  tary incursion into Libya, leading to concerns of
            gas drilling rights.                            in Cairo.                                       a direct Egyptian-Turkish confrontation.
            The deal is a response to a similar agreement  He added that "Egyptian-Greek relations have  Greece's Foreign Minister Nikos Dendias hailed
            between Turkey and Libya's Tripoli-based gov-   been  crucial  to  maintaining  security  and  sta-  the  Egypt-Greece  deal  as  as  "an  exemplary
            ernment last year that has spiked tensions in the  bility in the East Mediterranean region and for  agreement." However, neither minister revealed
            East  Mediterranean  region.  The  Turkey-Libya  countering threats caused by irresponsible poli-  any details of the deal.
            deal  was  widely  dismissed  by  Egypt,  Cyprus  cies that support extremism and terror," a refer-  "It is the complete opposite of the illegal, invalid
            and Greece as an infringement on their eco-     ence to Ankara's support for the Tripoli govern-  and  legally  non-existent  memorandum  of  un-
            nomic  rights  in  the  oil-rich  sea.  The  European  ment.                                    derstanding between Turkey and Tripoli," Den-
            Union says it's a violation of intentional law that  In Libya's proxy war, Egypt has been on the op-  dias added.
            threatens stability in the region.              posite side from Turkey and has backed the ri-  Turkey argues that Greek islands should not be
            Greece and Turkey have been at odds for de-     val administration based in eastern Libya and  included in calculating maritime zones of eco-
            cades over sea boundaries but recent discov-    the  east-based  military  commander  Khalifa  nomic interest — a position Greece says violates
            eries of natural gas and drilling plans across the  Hifter. Cairo claims Turkey is backing extremists  international law. Greece has around 6,000 is-
            east Mediterranean have exacerbated the dis-    on behalf of the U.N.-supported government in  lands and smaller islets in the Aegean and Io-
            pute.                                           Tripoli.                                        nian Seas, more than 200 of them inhabited.q
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