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                                                                                                  BUSINESS Friday 7 august 2020
            Apple shines in pandemic with $2 trillion value on horizon

            By MICHAEL LIEDTKE                                                                                                  Google's  parent  company
            AP Business Writer                                                                                                  — account for nearly 23% of
            Early  in  2020,  Apple  ap-                                                                                        the  S&P  500's  entire  value.
            peared  to  be  caught  in  a                                                                                       Big  Tech  companies  have
            horrible bind.                                                                                                      soared  for  years  because
            The  initial  spread  of  the                                                                                       they've  been  able  to  de-
            novel    coronavirus   shut                                                                                         liver  outsized  growth  even
            down the factories in China                                                                                         when the global economy
            that  assemble  its  iPhones                                                                                        was  slow.  More  recently,
            and  also  closed  its  retail                                                                                      they've  largely  been  able
            stores  in  a  country  that                                                                                        to  deliver  even  during  a
            ranks  as  the  company's                                                                                           pandemic.    Apple,  for  ex-
            biggest   market   besides                                                                                          ample, said its earnings per
            the U.S. Things looked even                                                                                         share rose 18% in the spring
            bleaker in March after the                                                                                          from  a  year  earlier.  That
            global  pandemic  shoved                                                                                            compares with an expect-
            the U.S. economy into what                                                                                          ed drop of 34% for compa-
            now looks to be its deepest                                                                                         nies across the S&P 500, ac-
            downturn  since  the  Great                                                                                         cording to FactSet.q
            Depression  nearly  a  cen-
            tury ago.
            Since then, Apple has man-
            aged  to  shine  amid  the
            gloom,  putting  it  on  the   In this Tuesday, June 16, 2020 file photo, the sun is reflected on Apple's Fifth Avenue store in New
            cusp  of  becoming  the  first   York.
            U.S.  company  to  boast  a                                                                        Associated Press
            market  value  of  $2  trillion,
            just  two  years  after  it  be-  after Apple released unex-  products so much that they  stock  split  that  will  make
            came  the  first  to  reach  $1  pectedly  strong  earnings  continued  to  buy  iPhones  Apple's shares more afford-
            trillion. With its stock already  for  an  April-June  quarter  and  other  devices  online.  able to more investors also
            up  50%  this  year,  the  only  during which most U.S. con-  The company also made a  sparked a rally after it was
            question among analysts is  sumers were stuck at home  decision several years ago  announced last week.
            whether Apple will pass the  and  the  company's  U.S.  to  focus  on  selling  digital  Apple has been at the van-
            $2  trillion  milestone  before  stores were closed most of  services, which now include  guard  of  a  group  of  Big
            the release of its next-gen-  that time.                  music and video streaming  Tech  companies  that  are
            eration iPhones in October.  So  how  has  Apple  defied  and  warranties  on  top  of  increasingly  taking  over
            It looks like "a performance  the  doomsayers?  Facto-    the  commission  it  collects  people's lives and the stock
            for  the  ages,"  as  Wedbush  ries  in  China  reopened  by  from an app store now un-  market.  Just  five  compa-
            Securities  analyst  Daniel  March and Apple's hugely  der antitrust scrutiny.         nies  —  Apple,  Microsoft,
            Ives  described  it  last  week  loyal customer base trust its  An  upcoming  four-for-one  Amazon,  Facebook  and

            Nintendo profit zooms as virus has

            homebodies playing games

            By YURI KAGEYAMA             popular  was  "Mario  Kart  8  devices, were also drawing  Facebook, are reaping the
            AP Business Writer           Deluxe."                     more people.                 benefits  of  people  turning
            TOKYO  (AP)  —  Nintendo  "Ring Fit Adventure," which  Although  the  coronavirus  in  droves  to  online  activi-
            Co.'s profit multiplied more  has players exercising while  outbreak  has  swamped  ties.
            than sixfold in April-June as  jogging in place holding a  economies  in  the  worst  Nintendo  acknowledged
            people stuck at home dur-    ring  that  works  as  control-  contraction   since   the  COVID-19  had  caused  a
            ing  the  pandemic  turned  ler,  was  also  a  hit.  It  has  Great  Depression,  some  shortage  in  parts  to  pro-
            to playing video games.      already  sold  4  million  units  businesses  like  Nintendo  duce  the  Switch,  but  such
            The Japanese manufactur-     since going on sale in Oc-   are thriving.                problems were being grad-
            er  of  Pokemon  and  Super  tober.                       Japanese  and  electronic  ually fixed.
            Mario games, as well as the  Nintendo Switch sales, both  and  entertainment  con-     The  company  stuck  to  its
            Switch  console,  reported  of the handheld machines  glomerate        Sony   Corp.,  previous forecast for a 200
            Thursday  a  profit  of  106.4  and software games, were  which also has a game unit  billion yen ($1.9 billion) prof-
            billion yen ($1 billion) in the  zooming  amid  the  pan-  with  its  PlayStation  series,  it for the fiscal year through
            fiscal  first  quarter,  up  from  demic.                 also  reported  positive  re-  March  2021.  That's  slightly
            16.6 billion yen last year.   Nintendo  said  various  on-  sults earlier this week.   lower  than  the  nearly  259
            Quarterly  sales  at  Kyoto-  line games in its lineup, in-  Other  technology  compa-  billion yen Nintendo earned
            based  Nintendo  jumped,  cluding  those  for  mobile  nies,  such  as  Apple  and  the previous fiscal year.q
            doubling to 358 billion yen
            ($3.4 billion) on-year.
            Especially   popular   was
            "Animal  Crossing:  New  Ho-
            rizons,"  of  which  10  million
            were sold during the three
            months,  reaching  cumula-
            tive sales of 20 million. Also
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