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                      Friday 7 august 2020
            'Rebuilding Paradise' looks at emotional toll of deadly fire

            Associated Press                                                                                                    elsewhere in the area after
            SAN  FRANCISCO  (AP)  —                                                                                             the  fire.  She  worked  with
            Almost  two  years  since  a                                                                                        other school districts to find
            wildfire  swept  through  his                                                                                       space for Paradise students
            mountain  town  and  vir-                                                                                           to  stick  together,  and  by
            tually  wiped  it  out,  Steve                                                                                      the end of the school year
            "Woody"  Culleton  got  to                                                                                          she pulled off a high school
            put the final touches on his                                                                                        graduation      ceremony
            new home.                                                                                                           many  thought  was  impos-
            Two  redwood  trees  were                                                                                           sible six months before.
            planted  in  the  ground,  a                                                                                        "The  kids  lost  everything:
            new lawn and stone patio                                                                                            their  homes,  their  sports
            transformed the once bar-                                                                                           teams,  their  stuffed  ani-
            ren  yard  into  a  green  ref-                                                                                     mals,"  she  recalled.  "Why
            uge.                                                                                                                would  we  take  away  their
            "We're  happy,"  he  said.                                                                                          teachers and their friends?"
            "We're totally home."                                                                                               A few days after the gradu-
            The  landscaping  marked                                                                                            ation, John's husband died
            the final chapter of a long                                                                                         of  a  heart  attack.  She  at-
            ordeal  that  was  captured   This image released by National Geographic shows documentary subject Steve "Woody" Culle-  tributed  his  death  to  the
            in  "Rebuilding  Paradise,"  a   ton rebuilding his home in Paradise, Calif., in a scene from "Rebuilding Paradise."   trauma of the fire.
            new  documentary  direct-                                                                          Associated Press  "There's  no  doubt  in  my
            ed  by  Ron  Howard  about                                                                                          mind  that  the  stress  of  the
            the  aftermath  of  the  most  doubts  when  he  went  to  Can it even rebuild?"       the  crisis  and  school  work-  fire and his overall sadness
            destructive  wildfire  in  Cali-  Paradise  to  witness  the  While  it  touches  upon  the  ers  who  fought  to  keep  about  what  happened
            fornia's history.            devastation.  He  knew  the  failings  of  Pacific  Gas  &  classrooms together.       contributed,"  she  said.  "His
            Filmed  over  the  course  of  town,  having  visited  a  Electric  Corp.,  the  utility  Put through what he called  heart was just broken."
            a  year,  the  documentary  couple  of  times  when  his  whose equipment sparked  a  cruel  test,  Howard  said  Now  retired  and  living  in
            focuses  on  the  colossal  mother-in-law  lived  there,  the  wildfire,  and  chang-  their  struggles  became  a  Reno, Nevada, she said she
            cleanup and rebuilding ef-   and  he  was  overwhelmed  ing     climate   conditions  case  study  for  "what  sur-  still talks frequently with her
            forts after the Nov. 8, 2018,  by what he saw.            that  caused  the  flames  to  vival  looks  like,  and  the  former colleagues to guide
            inferno  that  killed  85  peo-  "I  just  thought,  'Well,  how  spread  at  extreme  rates,  possibilities  for  real  healing  them through the new hur-
            ple  and  destroyed  some  are  they  going  to  come  the  documentary  mainly  and  also  the  inevitability  dle:  how  to  help  students
            19,000  buildings.  It  follows  back  on  this?'  I  mean,  focuses  on  the  emotional  of  deep  wounds  and  real  amid the coronavirus pan-
            several  wildfire  survivors  as  here's  a  region  that  is  just  toll of rebuilding.  pain that can't be avoided  demic.  She  bought a  new
            they piece their lives back  getting  thrown  so  many  Howard's  team  became  in every circumstance."             property  in  Paradise  and
            together  and  offers  signs  body  blows,  death  blows,"  close to displaced families  Michelle  John,  the  schools  plans  to  live  there  at  least
            of the town's resilience de-  he  said.  "How  do  you  re-  going  through  the  trauma  superintendent  in  Para-  part  time.    "It's  difficult  be-
            spite  many  uncertainties  spond  and  recover?  And  of losing their homes, a po-    dise, was under immediate  ing  away  because  I  want
            about its future.            the idea of rebuilding Para-  lice officer whose marriage  pressure to shut the school  to be there to support peo-
            Howard  said  he  had  his  dise became the question.  fell apart under the strain of  district  and  enroll  students  ple," she said.q

            Former President Bush pays tribute to immigrants in new book

            By HILLEL ITALIE             four-color  paintings  of  im-  in  2007,  with  opposition  companion  to  an  up-    lion  copies,  and  his  other
            NEW  YORK  (AP)  —  A  new  migrants  he  has  come  to  coming  from  both  liberals  coming  exhibition  at  the  books  include  "41,"  about
            book  by  former  President  know over the years, along  and conservatives.            George  W.  Bush  Presiden-  his father, former President
            George  W.  Bush  will  high-  with biographical essays he  "While  I  recognize  that  im-  tial Center in Dallas.   George  H.W.  Bush;  and  a
            light  an  issue  which  now  wrote about each of them.  migration can be an emo-      "Both  'Out  of  Many,  One"  collection  of  paintings  of
            sets  him  apart  from  many  Bush,  who  served  as  presi-  tional  issue,  I  reject  the  and  the  exhibition  of  the  military  veterans,  "Portraits
            of his fellow Republicans —  dent  from  2001-2009,  has  premise that it is a partisan  same  name  will  include  of Courage."
            immigration.                 often praised the contribu-  issue. It is perhaps the most  bold,  principle-based  solu-  He will donate a portion of
            Crown  announced  Thurs-     tions  of  immigrants,  a  no-  American  of  issues,  and  it  tions that comprehensively  his "Out Of Many, One" pro-
            day  that  Bush's  "Out  Of  table  contrast to President  should  be  one  that  unites  address the current debate  ceeds to organizations that
            Many,  One:  Portraits  of  Donald  Trump's  rhetoric  us,"  Bush  writes  in  the  new  on immigration," according  help  immigrants  resettle.
            America's  Immigrants"  will  and  policies.  As  president,  book's  introduction,  noting  to  Crown.  "At  the  heart  of  Financial  terms  were  oth-
            be  published  March  2.  Bush  supported  a  biparti-    that  he  did  not  want  it  to  the  recommendations  is  erwise  not  disclosed.  Bush
            The  book  includes  43  por-  san  immigration  reform  bill  come out during the elec-  the  belief  that  every  year  was represented by Robert
            traits by the 43rd president,  that narrowly failed to pass  tion  season.  Bush  has  not  that passes without reform-  Barnett, the Washington at-
                                                                      endorsed Trump or his pre-   ing the nation's broken sys-  torney  whose  other  clients
                                                                      sumptive  Democratic  op-    tem  means  missed  oppor-   have included former Presi-
                                                                      ponent,  former  Vice  Presi-  tunities to ensure the future  dent  Barack  Obama  and
                                                                      dent Joe Biden.              prosperity,  vitality,  and  se-  former President Bill Clinton.
                                                                      "My  hope  is  that  this  book  curity of our country."  The  book  will  be  released
                                                                      will  help  focus  our  col-  Bush  has  become  a  dedi-  as  a  standard  trade  hard-
                                                                      lective  attention  on  the  cated portrait painter and  cover  and  in  an  auto-
                                                                      positive  impacts  that  im-  best-selling  author  since  graphed  deluxe  edition,
                                                                      migrants are making on our  leaving  the  White  House.  listed  for  $250,  that  will  be
                                                                      country."                    His memoir "Decision Points"  clothbound and contained
                                                                      The  book  will  serve  as  a  has  sold  more  than  3  mil-  within a slipcover.q
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