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                                                                                                 U.S. NEWS Friday 7 august 2020
            Continued from Front                $2  million  to  settle  allegations  he  since 1991, is accused of spending  million for his girlfriend.
            The  troubles,  which  James  said  used  donations  meant  for  worthy  millions of dollars on private travel  Powell,  the  former  LaPierre  chief
            were long cloaked by loyal lieuten-  causes to further his own business  and  personal  security,  accepting  of  staff,  is  accused  of  getting  his
            ants and a pass-through payment  and  political  interests.  Though  it  is  expensive gifts such as African sa-  father a $90,000 photography gig
            arrangement with a vendor, start-   headquarters  in  Virginia,  the  NRA  faris  and  use  of  a  107-foot  yacht  through an NRA vendor, arranging
            ed  to  come  to  light  as  the  NRA's  was  chartered  as  a  non-profit  in  from  vendors  and  setting  himself  a $5 million contract for a consult-
            deficit  piled  up  and  it  struggled  New York in 1871 and continues to  up with a $17 million contract with  ing firm where his wife worked and
            to find its footing after a spate of  be incorporated in the state.     the NRA, if he were to exit the orga-  pocketing  $100,000  more  in  hous-
            mass shootings eroded support for  The  Washington,  D.C.,  attorney  nization, without board approval.     ing and relocation reimbursements
            its pro-gun agenda. The organiza-   general has been investigating the  The lawsuit said LaPierre, 70, spent  than  the  organization's  rules  al-
            tion went from a nearly $28 million  NRA  Foundation  for  more  than  a  millions  of  the  NRA's  dollars  on  lowed. He was fired after 3½ years
            surplus in 2015 to a $36 million defi-  year. It said its investigation deter-  travel consultants, including luxury  for allegedly misappropriating NRA
            cit in 2018.                        mined  that  low  membership  and  black  car  services,  and  hundreds  funds.
            James,  a  Democrat,  argued  that  lavish  spending  left  the  NRA  with  of thousands of dollars on private  The lawsuit comes at a time when
            the organization's prominence and  financial  problems  and  so  it  ex-  jet flights for himself and his family,  the NRA is trying to remain relevant
            cozy  political  relationships  had  ploited  the  foundation  to  remain  including  more  than  $500,000  on  and a force in the 2020 presiden-
            lulled it into a sense of invincibility  afloat.  It  offered  as  an  example  eight trips to the Bahamas over a  tial election as it seeks to help Presi-
            and enabled a culture where non-    two  $5  million  loans  that  the  NRA  three-year span.               dent Donald Trump secure a sec-
            profit  rules  were  routinely  flouted  Foundation  board  approved  in  Some  of  the  NRA's  excess  spend-  ond term.
            and state and federal laws were vi-  2017  and  2018  despite  the  NRA's  ing  was  kept  secret,  the  lawsuit  There  has  been  an  ongoing  fac-
            olated. Even the NRA's own bylaws  financial  problems,  and  then  re-  said,  under  an  arrangement  with  tional  war  within  organization,
            and employee handbook were ig-      peatedly  granted  requests  to  ex-  the  organization's  former  advertis-  pitting  some  of  its  most  ardent
            nored, she said.                    tend and modify the loan.           ing agency, Ackerman McQueen.       gun-rights  supporters  and  loyal-
            "The  NRA's  influence  has  been  so  "Charitable  organizations  function  The advertising firm would pick up  ists against one another. The NRA
            powerful  that  the  organization  as public trusts — and District law  the  tab  for  various  expenses  for  has traded lawsuits with Ackerman
            went  unchecked  for  decades  requires them to use their funds to  LaPierre and other NRA executives  McQueen, which crafted some of
            while top executives funneled mil-  benefit  the  public,  not  to  support  and then send a lump sum bill to  its  most  prominent  messages  for
            lions into their own pockets," James  political  campaigns,  lobbying,  or  the organization for "out-of-pocket  decades,  eventually  severing  ties
            said  in  a  statement  announcing  private  interests,"  Washington  At-  expenses," the lawsuit said.     with  it  last  year  and  scrapping  its
            the lawsuit. "The NRA is fraught with  torney General Karl Racine said in  Frazer,  the  corporate  secretary  controversial  NRA-TV,  which  aired
            fraud and abuse, which is why, to-  a  news  release.  "With  this  lawsuit,  and  general  counsel,  is  accused  many of its most controversial mes-
            day, we seek to dissolve the NRA,  we aim to recover donated funds  of  aiding  the  alleged  misconduct  sages.
            because no organization is above  that the NRA Foundation wasted."      by  certifying  false  or  misleading  The  internal  battles  reached  a
            the law."                           The New York lawsuit also named  annual  regulatory  filings,  failing  to  fevered  pitch  at  its  2019  annual
            NRA  President  Carolyn  Meadows  LaPierre  and  three  other  current  comply  with  governance  proce-    meeting  where  its  then-president,
            said  the  group  was  counter-suing  and  former  executives  as  defen-  dures, failing to enforce a conflict  Oliver  North,  was  denied  a  tradi-
            the New York attorney general's of-  dants:  corporate  secretary  and  of interest policy, and failing to en-  tional  second  term  amid  a  tussle
            fice, setting the stage for a drawn-  general  counsel  John  Frazer,  re-  sure that board members were re-  with  LaPierre  as  he  sought  to  in-
            out legal battle that could last for  tired  treasurer  and  chief  financial  viewing transactions or that the the  dependently  review  the  NRA's
            years.  "It's  a  transparent  attempt  officer Wilson Phillips, and LaPierre's  organization was following the law.  expenses  and  operations.  He  ac-
            to score political points and attack  former  chief  of  staff  Joshua  Pow-  Phillips is accused of overseeing the  cused  LaPierre  of  exerting  "dicta-
            the leading voice in opposition to  ell.  While  the  lawsuit  accuses  all  pass-through  arrangement.  The  torial" control.
            the leftist agenda,' Meadows said  four men of wrongdoing and seeks  lawsuit  said  he  ignored  or  down-  Chris Cox, the NRA's longtime lob-
            in a statement.                     fines  and  remuneration,  none  of  played  whistleblower  complaints  byist and widely viewed as a likely
            James is taking aim at the NRA af-  them  have  been  charged  with  a  and made a deal to enrich himself  successor to LaPierre, left after be-
            ter her office last year dismantled  crime.                             in retirement -- a bogus $1.8 million  ing accused of working behind the
            President  Donald  Trump's  chari-  LaPierre, who has been in charge  contract to consult for the incom-    scenes  with  North  to  undermine
            table  foundation  and  fined  him  of the NRA's day-to-day operations  ing treasurer and a deal worth $1  LaPierre.q

              U.S. health agency relaxes travel advice for several countries

              By MIKE STOBBE              only  that  certain  people,
              NEW  YORK  (AP)  —  If  Tai-  such  as  older  adults  and
              wan  or  Greenland  is  in  those  with  certain  under-
              your travel plans, U.S. pub-  lying  medical  conditions,
              lic  health  officials  say  you  talk to their doctors before
              can  go  ahead  and  pack  making the trip.
              your bags.                  For  more  than  a  dozen
              The  Centers  for  Disease  other  locations,  CDC  has
              Control and Prevention on  no  precautions.  Taiwan,
              Thursday  revised  its  travel  Greenland,  and  Laos  are
              advisory  information.  Pre-  on that list.
              viously,  the  agency  told  But  the  CDC  continues  to
              U.S.  travelers  to  avoid  all  advise  against  non-essen-
              nonessential  international  tial travel to more than 200
              travel because of the CO-   other  international  loca-
              VID-19  pandemic.  Now,  it  tions.                      Travelers make their ways to the south security checkpoint in the main terminal of Denver Inter-
              says  such  travel  is  fine  —  In  a  statement  Thursday,   national Airport Wednesday, July 22, 2020, in Denver.
              but only to about 20 loca-  CDC  officials  said  the                                                                       Associated Press
              tions.                      changes  were  driven  by
              Seven    places,   includ-  how the virus was spread-
              ing  Thailand,  Fiji  and  New  ing in different places, and  were  functioning  in  deal-  vice from the public health  revision  to  the  State  De-
              Zealand,  are  in  a  low-risk  how well the public health  ing with new cases.      agency  is  expected  to  partment's  global  travel
              group. CDC officials advise  and  health-care  systems  The  change  in  travel  ad-  be  followed  by  a  similar  advisory.q
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