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                                                                                         WORLD NEWS Friday 7 august 2020
            U.K. says 50 million face masks it bought might not be safe

            By JILL LAWLESS              (about $197 million), though
            LONDON (AP) — The British  the  government  has  not
            government  says  it  won't  confirmed the amount and
            be  using  50  million  face  it is unclear whether the full
            masks  it  bought  during  a  252  million  pounds  (about
            scramble to secure protec-   $332  million)  agreed  to  in
            tive  equipment  for  medics  the deal was ever paid.
            during the coronavirus out-  As  the  coronavirus  out-
            break because of concerns  break  accelerated  across
            they might not be safe.      the  U.K.  in  March,  it  be-
            The admission sparked calls  came clear that the coun-
            from  opposition  parties  for  try  lacked  enough  masks,
            an  urgent  inquiry  into  the  gloves,  gowns  and  other
            way contracts for essential  protective  gear  for  health
            supplies were handed out.    care  workers  and  nursing
            The  masks  were  part  of  a  home staff. That sparked a
            252-million-pound     ($332  race to buy billions of piec-
            million)  contract  the  gov-  es of equipment from sup-
            ernment signed with invest-  pliers around the world.
            ment  firm  Ayanda  Capital  Jolyon  Maugham,  direc-
            in  April.  Papers  filed  in  a  tor  of  the  Good  Law  Proj-
            court case reveal that the  ect,  said  the  government
            masks won't be distributed  had signed three contracts
            because  they  have  ear  worth more than 100 million     In this file photo dated Thursday, May 21, 2020, personal protection equipment being used in a
            loops  rather  than  head  pounds each "with respec-      coronavirus ward at Addenbrooke's hospital in Cambridge, England.
            loops and may not fit tightly  tively  a  pest  control  com-                                                                   Associated Press
            enough.                      pany,  a  confectioner  and
            The    papers,   published  a family hedge fund."         Ayanda  Capital  chief  ex-  It  said  in  a  statement  that  ment  and  stockpile  it  in
            Thursday, are part of a law-  "Each  of  those  contracts  ecutive  Tim  Horlick  said  "there is a robust process in  case of a second wave of
            suit  against  the  Conserva-  has revealed real cause for  the  masks  met  govern-   place to ensure orders are  coronavirus  in  the  fall  and
            tive  government  by  cam-   alarm," he said.             ment  standards  and  were  of  high  quality  and  meet  winter.
            paigning groups the Good  The  government  said  in  its  not  "unusable  or  unsafe."  strict   safety   standards,  Keir  Starmer,  leader  of  the
            Law Project and EveryDoc-    response to the lawsuit that  He  said  National  Health  with  the  necessary  due  main  opposition  Labour
            tor. They want the courts to  the  offer  to  supply  the  50  Service  requirements  may  diligence undertaken on all  Party, called for an urgent
            review contracts signed by  million  masks  came  from  have changed in the fast-      government contracts."       investigation  into  the  way
            the government for person-   Andrew  Mills,  a  business-  moving  circumstances  of  Prime Minister Boris Johnson  personal  protective  equip-
            al  protective  equipment,  man who is both an adviser  the pandemic.                  said  he  was  "very  disap-  ment was acquired.
            which  they  say  were  not  to the government's Board  The British government said  pointed" that the shipment  "It's  just  not  good  enough
            properly scrutinized.        of  Trade  and  to  Ayanda  another  150  million  masks  was  unusable.  But  he  said  to  people  who  need  that
            The groups estimate the 50  Capital.  Mills  has  denied  of a different type supplied  Britain  had  "achieved  a  protective  equipment  that
            million rejected masks cost  there  was  any  conflict  of  by  Ayanda  are  still  being  colossal race against time"  we find ourselves in this po-
            about  150  million  pounds  interest.                    tested.                      to obtain supplies of equip-  sition," he said.q

             U.S. senators take aim at German port over Russia pipeline

            By FRANK JORDANS             Stream 2 pipeline that's in-                                                           exercise  contractual  op-
            Associated Press             tended to bring natural gas                                                            tions that it has available to
            BERLIN  (AP)  —  Three  Re-  from Russia to Germany.                                                                cease these activities," the
            publican  senators  have  is-  Last  December,  Switzer-                                                            senators add in their letter.
            sued a dire warning to op-   land-based  Allseas,  which                                                            It describes the nearly com-
            erators  of  a  small  German  operates  ships  laying  sec-                                                        plete  pipeline  as  a  "grave
            port, threatening them with  tions of the undersea pipe-                                                            threat to European energy
            "crushing"  sanctions  for  al-  line,  suspended  its  work                                                        security and American na-
            legedly  providing  supplies  after  U.S.  President  Don-                                                          tional security."
            to  Russian  vessels  involved  ald  Trump  signed  legisla-                                                        Officials   at   Faehrhafen
            in  a  pipeline  project  the  tion  threatening  sanctions                                                         Sassnitz, which is owned by
            United  States  vehemently  against  companies  linked                                                              the town of Sassnitz and the
            opposes.                     to the project.                                                                        state of Mecklenburg West-
            The letter sent late Wednes-  The United States and some                                                            ern  Pomerania,  declined
            day by Sen. Ted Cruz, Sen.  Eastern European countries                                                              Thursday  to  comment  on
            Tom  Cotton  and  Sen.  Ron  argue that the pipeline will   In this May 8, 2017 file photo steel pipes for the North Stream 2   the  letter.  Merkel's  office
            Johnson    targets   Faeh-   increase  Europe's  depen-   pipeline are stacked in Mukran harbour in Sassnitz, Germany.   didn't immediately respond
            rhafen    Sassnitz   GmbH,  dence  on  Russia,  a  claim                                           Associated Press  to a request for comment.
            which  operates  Mukran  both  Berlin  and  Moscow                                                                  Last  month,  the  German
            Port  located  in  German  reject.                        ees risk "crushing legal and  sections  and  provisions  for  chancellor  told  lawmak-
            Chancellor Angela Merkel's  The three senators say their  economic sanctions" unless  the  Russian-flagged  ves-    ers  that  the  U.S.  sanc-
            constituency  on  the  Baltic  letter  "serves  as  formal  le-  they stop providing goods,  sels Fortuna and Akademik  tions  against  companies
            Sea island of Ruegen.        gal  notice"  that  the  port  services and support for the  Cherskiy.                 involved  in  Nord  Stream
            The  port  is  a  key  staging  operator,  its  board  mem-  Nord Stream 2 project. This  "The   only   responsible  2  "don't  correspond  with
            post for ships involved in the  bers,  corporate  officers,  includes  providing  storage  course of action is for Faeh-  our  understanding  of  the
            construction  of  the  Nord  shareholders, and employ-    areas for the pipeline's steel  rhafen  Sassnitz  GmbH  to  law."q
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