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A26    U.S. NEWS
                      Friday 7 august 2020

            Obama's Medicaid expansion keeps gaining ground under Trump

            By    RICARDO     ALONSO-                                                                                           his  administration  has  to
            ZALDIVAR                                                                                                            carry  out  expansions  that
            Associated Press                                                                                                    states approve. Democrat-
            WASHINGTON (AP) — Presi-                                                                                            ic  presidential  candidate
            dent  Donald  Trump  is  still                                                                                      Joe  Biden  would  ask  Con-
            trying  to  overturn  "Obam-                                                                                        gress  to  provide  coverage
            acare,"  but  his  predeces-                                                                                        where states have refused.
            sor's health care law keeps                                                                                         In  Missouri,  support  for
            gaining  ground  in  places                                                                                         Medicaid expansion in cit-
            where  it  was  once  unwel-                                                                                        ies and suburbs overcame
            come.                                                                                                               opposition  in  rural  com-
            Missouri  voters  this  week                                                                                        munities.  Supporters  used
            approved  Medicaid  ex-                                                                                             the  coronavirus  pandemic
            pansion  by  a  53%  to  47%                                                                                        to  highlight  the  need  for
            margin, making the conser-                                                                                          health  care,  especially  in
            vative state the seventh to                                                                                         the wake of joblessness and
            do so under Trump. The Re-                                                                                          loss  of  employer-provided
            publican  president  readily                                                                                        insurance.   The   Missouri
            carried Missouri in 2016, but                                                                                       Chamber  of  Commerce
            the  Medicaid  vote  comes                                                                                          and  Industry,  one  of  the
            as more people have been                                                                                            state's most influential busi-
            losing workplace health in-                                                                                         ness  groups,  also  pushed
            surance  in  a  treacherous   In this May 1, 2020, file photo, campaign workers David Woodruff, left, and Jason White, right,   for  expansion  as  a  way  of
            coronavirus economy.         deliver boxes of initiative petitions signatures to the Missouri secretary of state's office in Jefferson   helping  the  economy  re-
            That  leaves  only  a  dozen   City, Mo.                                                                            cover after COVID-19.
            states opposed to using the                                                                        Associated Press  Cindy  Mann,  who  ran
            federal-state  health  pro-                                                                                         Medicaid  under  Obama,
            gram  for  low-income  peo-  and the insurance compa-     Voters  in  another  conser-  have  approved  Medicaid  argues  that  there's  also  a
            ple as a vehicle for covering  nies  and  hospitals  get  lots  vative  state  —  Oklahoma  expansion  in  the  Trump  strong fairness argument for
            more adults, mainly people  of dollars when a state ex-   —  approved  a  Medicaid  years  are  Idaho,  Maine,  expansion.  About  4.5  mil-
            in  jobs  that  don't  provide  pands Medicaid," he said.  expansion  earlier  this  year,  Missouri,  Nebraska,  Okla-  lion poor adults live in states
            health  care.  Medicaid  ex-  The  federal  government  although  the  margin  was  homa and Utah. In Virginia,  that have resisted expand-
            pansion is a central feature  pays 90% of the cost of cov-  much  closer  than  in  Mis-  the  legislature  passed  a  ing Medicaid. But because
            of  former  President  Barack  ering  people  through  the  souri.  Of  the  seven  states  Medicaid  expansion  after  of  the  way  the  Obama
            Obama's  Affordable  Care  expansion,  a  much  higher  that have expanded Med-        Democrats  made  political  health  law  is  written,  they
            Act, covering about 12 mil-  matching  share  than  for  icaid  in  the  Trump  years,  gains.                      don't  qualify  for  subsidized
            lion people, while nearly 10  low-income  disabled  and  six  have  done  so  by  refer-  "That has been an interest-  private  insurance  through
            million others get subsidized  elderly people traditionally  endum,  said  Rachel  Gar-  ing  feature  of  the  Trump  marketplaces  like  Health-
            private insurance.           covered by Medicaid. Bla-    field, a senior policy expert  administration,  that  mo- and they're stuck
            If  present  trends  continue,  se  argues  that's  an  incen-  with the nonpartisan Kaiser  mentum among the states  in a coverage gap.
            it's  only  a  matter  of  time  tive  to  waste  federal  dol-  Family Foundation.    to  expand  Medicaid  has  "Those  people  have  no
            until all states expand Med-  lars.  Before  the  ACA  most  "This  is  an  indication  that  not  slowed  down,"  said  access  to  coverage,"  said
            icaid, acknowledged Brian  low-income adults couldn't  there  is  large  popular  sup-  Jesse  Cross-Call,  a  policy  Mann, now with the Manatt
            Blase, a former health care  get  Medicaid  unless  they  port  for  providing  health  expert  with  the  Center  on  Health consultancy. "Those
            adviser in the Trump White  were caring for children.     care  coverage  for  low-    Budget and Policy Priorities,  are  a  lot  of  the  so-called
            House,  who  remains  op-    "There's lots of political pres-  income  people,  and  it  is  which  advocates  for  low-  essential workers, if we think
            posed to the expansion.      sure to expand," said Blase.  quite possible that this sup-  income people.            about it through the COVID
            "Medicaid expansion is ter-  "Eventually  all  states  are  port  has  increased  given  Trump is trying to persuade  lens. It's a really inequitable
            rible policy, but it is attrac-  going to expand unless the  what's  going  on  with  the  the  Supreme  Court  to  toss  story and one that increas-
            tive  to  states  because  it's  enhanced (federal) match  pandemic," Garfield said.   out  "Obamacare,"  but  as  ingly can't be tolerated by
            almost all federal spending  rate changes."               The  six  states  where  voters  long  as  it  remains  the  law  the public."q

                                                             Is it safe to reopen schools

                                                             during the pandemic?

                                                             fections are in the community and the safety  10 and up may transmit as easily as adults. But
                                                             measures the school takes. In areas where the  experts say more conclusive proof is needed.
                                                             virus is poorly controlled, public health experts  And even though children appear less likely to
                                                             say in-person education would be too risky.    get infected than adults, and less likely to be-
                                                             In areas where the virus appears to be under  come seriously ill when they do, severe cases
                                                             control, experts say schools still need to make  and deaths have occurred.
             Students  exit  their  school  bus  and  head  to  their   adjustments to minimize risk when reopening. A  Children and teens often have only mild illness
             classrooms at Mooreville High School in Mooreville
             Miss., Thursday, Aug. 6, 2020, as the school begins   sustained decline in cases and a positive case  or  no  symptoms  when  infected.  That  means
             it's new school year.                           rate of less than 2% are among the signs the  they  could  unknowingly  pose  a  risk  to  other
                                            Associated Press   virus is under control, some experts say.    students — who may pass the virus on to their
                                                             But given the many lingering unknowns about  parents  and  grandparents  —  or  to  teachers
             By The Associated Press                         the virus, school districts are approaching the  and other adults who might be vulnerable to
             Is it safe for schools to reopen during the pan-  school year in a variety of ways.            severe illness if infected.  To reduce risk, experts
             demic?                                          Evidence  suggests  young  children  don’t  say schools should make adjustments when re-
             It depends on how widespread COVID-19 in-       spread the disease very easily, while kids aged  suming in-person classes.q
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