Page 25 - bon-dia-aruba-20220607
P. 25
OBITUARIO/WORld neWs Diamars 7 Juni 2022
Beijing reopens restaurants as new COVID-19 cases drop
(AP) — Diners returned
to restaurants in most of
Beijing for the first time
in more than a month
Monday as authorities
further eased pandemic-
related restrictions after
largely eradicating a small
COVID-19 outbreak in
the capital under China's
strict "zero-COVID" ap-
Zhang Suyan said she called
her friends and said "let's
make a reservation" as soon
as she heard that restaurants
were opening again. remains wedded to a "zero- ments or neighborhoods for All ferries in Shanghai, which
"We don't have such an atmo- The return to near-normal COVID" strategy that exacts two months. The city re- is bisected by the Huangpu
sphere or feeling at home," applied everywhere in Bei- an economic cost and incon- opened last week, but restau- river, resumed normal opera-
she said as she and two jing except for one district veniences millions of people, rants remain closed except tion on Monday. But orga-
friends polished off bowls of and part of another, where the even as many other countries for delivery and takeout. One nizers postponed the Shang-
spicy fried crayfish, a popular outbreak lingered. Schools, adopt a more relaxed ap- neighborhood conducted hai International Film Fes-
summertime meal. which partially reopened ear- proach as vaccination rates more mass testing on Mon- tival, which was scheduled
lier, will fully do so on June rise and treatments become day after finding new cases to be held this month, until
Museums, cinemas and gyms 13, followed by kindergar- more widely available. in a residential compound, next year.
were allowed to operate at up tens on June 20. which is now locked down
to 75% of capacity and deliv- Chen Feng, the manager of for 14 days. Elsewhere, the government
ery drivers could once again Authorities had conducted the crayfish restaurant, said responded to outbreaks in
bring packages to a custom- multiple rounds of mass test- sales dropped 70% when Bei- In both Beijing and Shang- China's Inner Mongolia re-
er's door, rather than leave ing and locked down build- jing eateries were restricted hai, anyone entering the sub- gion, where 39 new cases
them to be picked up at the ings and complexes whenev- to takeout and delivery. Cus- way or an office building, were recorded on Sunday,
entrances to apartment com- er infections were discovered tomers started lining up late shopping mall or other pub- and in the northeast city of
pounds. to stamp out an outbreak that Sunday night, and he and his lic place must show a nega- Dandong, which has had
infected about 1,800 people colleagues served 350 people tive test result within the past about 130 cases in the past
over six weeks in a city of 22 between midnight and 2 a.m. 72 hours. People lined up two weeks. Dandong is on
million. The number of new In Shanghai, a population of at testing stations that have the border with North Ko-
cases dropped to six on Sun- 25 million people endured a been set up around the cities rea, which acknowledged an
day. citywide lockdown that kept to meet the requirement. outbreak for the first time last
The ruling Communist Party most confined to their apart- month.
“Señor ta mi wardador, mi’n tin falta di nada “Señor ta mi wardador, mi’n tin falta di nada
Den cunucu di yerba berde e ta ponemi Den cunucu di yerba berde e ta ponemi
sosega. sosega.
E ta hibami na awa trankil, E ta hibami na awa trankil,
Pa mi bolbe haña forsa”. Pa mi bolbe haña forsa”.
Salmo: 23 Salmo: 23
Cu profundo dolor na nos curason nos ta Nos ta anuncia fayecimento di:
anuncia fayecimento di:
Maria Magdalena Zievinger
Mihor conoci como: “ Tanta Jachi”
*22-07-1940 - †21-03-2022 Francisca Werleman
Acto di entiero lo wordo anuncia despues. Acto di entiero lo wordo anuncia despues.