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u.s. news Diamars 7 Juni 2022
Jill Biden helps unveil postage stamp honoring Nancy Reagan
WASHINGTON (AP) and sought to reassure them
— Jill Biden on Monday that “my administration sees
praised Nancy Reagan as a you for who you are, deserv-
first lady who “made such ing of dignity, respect and
a difference,” as the cur- support.”
rent first lady hosted the In her remarks, Jill Biden
unveiling of a new U.S. spoke of needing everyone’s
postage stamp honoring help to “bring our communi-
a woman who held the ties together.”
role 40 years before Biden “We have to learn from those
stepped into it. we don’t understand, to reach
across the divide and find
The issuance by the U.S. common ground, because
Postal Service of a forever that’s where the foundation
first-class stamp bearing of our future must be laid,”
Nancy Reagan’s image is part she said.
of a yearlong commemora- Also participating in the un-
tion of the former first lady’s veiling were U.S. Postmas-
centennial by the Ronald ter General Louis DeJoy
Reagan Presidential Founda- and Anne Peterson, Nancy
tion and Institute. Reagan’s niece. Ryan also
At a White House ceremony, is chairman of the board of
Biden talked about the “in- trustees of the Ronald Rea-
credible platform” first ladies gan Presidential Foundation
gain to serve the people af- and Institute.
ter “we’re just sort of thrust “And with this stamp we are mastectomy after her breast Other commentators ex- Nancy Reagan is the sixth
into the national spotlight in affirming that she made such cancer diagnosis during the pressed indignation that the first lady to appear on a U.S.
a way that I know none of us a difference.” Reagan presidency and a White House under a Demo- postage stamp after Martha
could have anticipated.” Nancy Reagan was born on fierce devotion to her hus- cratic president hosted the Washington, Dolley Madi-
“First lady Nancy Reagan July 6, 1921. band. event at all, let alone during son, Abigail Adams, Eleanor
served the American people Fred Ryan, a White House But the White House an- Pride Month, which cele- Roosevelt and Lady Bird
with grace,” Biden said. “She aide to President Ronald Rea- nouncement last week of brates LGBTQ people. Johnson, DeJoy said.
understood that the role of gan, said the former first lady Monday’s event sparked an- Jill Biden’s office did not re- The stamp is set to officially
first lady came with inher- advocated for foster grand- gry commentary on social spond to an emailed request be issued on July 6 during
ent pitfalls and scrutiny, yet parents, championed the arts, media by people who noted for comment. Last week, a dedication at the Ronald
she found the humanity in and restored and remodeled the Reagans’ indifference to- President Joe Biden issued a Reagan Presidential Library
it all. She knew the potential parts of the White House. ward gays and lesbians and to Pride Month proclamation and Museum in Simi Valley,
of this role.” “Next month She is also remembered for the AIDS crisis that exploded in which he said the rights California, he said.
would have been her 101st her “Just Say No” anti-drug during their time as president of LGBTQI people currently Nancy Reagan died in March
birthday,” Biden continued. campaign, for undergoing a and first lady. are under “relentless attack” 2016 at the age of 94.
N.Y. governor signs law raising age to own semiautomatic rifle
ALBANY, N.Y. (AP) — passed the bills last week, under age 21 had already
New Yorkers under age pushing the changes through been banned from owning
21 will be prohibited from after a pair of mass shootings handguns. People age 18 and
buying semiautomatic involving 18-year-old gun- over will still be allowed to
rifles under a new law men using semiautomatic own other types of long guns,
signed Monday by Gov. rifles. Ten Black people died including shotguns and bolt-
Kathy Hochul, making the in a racist attack on a Buffalo action rifles.
state among the first to supermarket May 14. A Texas
enact a major gun control school shooting took the lives Part of New York’s new law
initiative following a wave of 19 children and two teach- will also require all purchas-
of deadly mass shootings. ers 10 days later. ers of semiautomatic rifles to
The quick action in New get a license, something now
Hochul, a Democrat, signed York further illustrated the required only for handguns.
10 public safety-related bills, sharp divide between Repub- Proposed federal legislation
including one that will re- lican and Democratic leaders that would require buyers of
quire microstamping in new on how to respond to gun semiautomatic weapons to be
firearms, which could help violence. 21 is advancing in the U.S.
law enforcement solve gun- Texas Gov. Greg Abbott said House, but is seen as facing
related crimes. after the massacre of chil- long odds in the Senate.
Another revised the state’s dren in Uvalde that govern- A handful of states require
“red flag” law, which allows ment should increase secu- people to be 21 to purchase
courts to temporarily take rity in schools and resources any firearms, including Flor- vention of gun-related crimes have been lost, for the par-
away guns from people who for mental health, but the ida, which raised the age for by partnering with local ents who will no longer see
might be a threat to them- Republican says stricter gun legally purchasing a rifle after communities and continuing their children stepping off
selves or others. laws are ineffective. Fellow a 19-year-old gunman killed to strengthen laws by putting the school bus.”
“In New York, we are tak- Republican Gov. Tennessee 17 people at a high school. pressure on Congress.
ing bold, strong action. We’re Gov. Bill Lee echoed similar Hochul also signed a bill
tightening red flag laws to sentiments Monday, a day af- Monday that will restrict “Today is the start, and it’s
keep guns away from dan- ter gunfire near a Chattanoo- sales of bullet-resistant vests not the end,” said Hochul.
gerous people,” Hochul said ga nightclub left three people and armor only to people in “Thoughts and prayers won’t
at a press conference in the dead and multiple people certain professions. fix this, but taking strong ac-
Bronx. wounded. The governor said New York tion will. We will do that in
New York’s Legislature In New York, most people will continue to invest in pre- the name of the lives that