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A32    sports
                        Diamars 7 Juni 2022

                          Analysis: Whatever Nadal's future holds, his legacy's secure

            By     HOWARD        FEN-                                                                                           Because of all of the way he
            DRICH                                                                                                               has  lorded  over  the  French
            AP Tennis Writer                                                                                                    Open and red clay, yes. And,
            PARIS  (AP)  —  Rafael                                                                                              sure,  because  of  the  career
            Nadal's  status  for  Wimble-                                                                                       Grand Slam he owns and, for
            don is in doubt because of a                                                                                        now at least, the lead in the
            chronic problem with his left                                                                                       men's  major  trophy  count.
            foot — as is his future in ten-                                                                                     Don't  forget  the  Olympic
            nis.  What's  secure,  no  mat-                                                                                     medals and the time spent at
            ter what happens now, is his                                                                                        No. 1 in the rankings, either.
            legacy.                                                                                                             But  it's  not  just  all  of  the
            Nadal  got  through  the                                                                                            numbers.  There's  also  this:
            French  Open,  he  explained                                                                                        Nadal never seems to take a
            after  a  dominating  6-3,  6-3,                                                                                    point off, never seems to let
            6-0 victory over Casper Ruud                                                                                        an  on-court  situation  daunt
            in  Sunday's  final  earned  a                                                                                      him,  never  gives  in  or  gives
            14th championship at Roland                                                                                         up.
            Garros and 22nd Grand Slam                                                                                          "He  stepped  up,  and  he
            title  overall,  thanks  to  the                                                                                    showed  that  when  he  needs
            help  of  a  series  of  numbing                                                                                    to, he plays great," said Ruud,
            injections in his foot.                                                                                             who appeared to be every bit
            That, he says, was a one-time                                                                                       as overwhelmed by the situa-
            deal.                                                                                                               tion and setting as by his op-
            "I  don't  want  to  put  myself                                                                                    ponent.
            in that position again," Nadal                                                                                      "He's a player I have watched
            said after becoming, at age 36,                                                                                     on TV for the last 16, 17 years.
            the  oldest  champion  in  the                                                                                      So to be there myself and face
            history  of  a  clay-court  tour-                                                                                   him, it's a bit of a challenge,
            nament that was first held in                                                                                       as well, but a very enjoyable
            1925. "Can happen once. But                                                                                         one," Ruud said after his de-
            no,  it's  not  a  philosophy  of                                                                                   but in a Grand Slam final at
            life that I want to follow."                                                                                        age  23.  "Yeah,  of  course,  I
            And  he  allowed  a  little  in-                                                                                    wish I could make the match
            sight  into  what  does  make                                                                                       closer  and  all  these  things,
            him tick.                                                                                                           but  at  the  end  of  the  day,  I
            It's  not,  he  said,  as  he's  said  nis. And I like the competi-  won twice begins three weeks  of my life, but never has been  can hopefully one day tell my
            before, an all-consuming de-  tion," Nadal said.          from  Monday,  he'll  only  do  a priority over my happiness  grandkids that I played Rafa
            sire to finish with more ma-  "What drives me to keep go-  so if his body permits.     (in) life. So things are going  on Chatrier in the final, and
            jor  trophies  than  the  other  ing  is  the  passion  for  the  Nadal, who brought a doctor  to  keep  going  that  way,"  he  they will probably say, 'Wow,
            members of the so-called Big  game,  to  live  moments  that  with him to Paris, is going to  said. "If I am still able to be  did you?'"
            Three of men's tennis, Roger  stay  inside  me  forever,"  he  spend  the  next  week  trying  happy playing tennis with the  Whatever  might  come  next
            Federer and Novak Djokov-    added,  "and  play  in  front  of  new  treatments,  hoping  to  things that I have, I'm going  for Nadal, he needs to figure
            ic.  (Nadal  currently  stands  the best crowds in the world  find a way to ease the pain in  to  keep  going.  If  I  am  not  out  what's  best  for  him,  his
            two ahead of his rivals, who  and the best stadiums."     his foot.                    able,  I'm  going  to  do  other  foot, his happiness.
            both are at 20.)             So while he wants to be able  If that doesn't work, he will  stuff."                   If he decides there's no fix for
            "It's not about being the best  to keep going, and would ap-  need  to  contemplate  having  Either  way,  Nadal's  place  in  the pain that wouldn't come
            of  the  history.  It's  not  about  preciate the chance to play at  surgery.          the history of tennis — and,  at too great a cost, he'll move
            the records. It's about: I like  the All England Club, where  "Of course, my tennis career  indeed, the history of sports  on. His imprint on the sport
            what I do. I like to play ten-  the  grass-court  Slam  he  has  has been a priority during all  — is solidified.   will remain.

                             Jack Nicklaus to become honorary citizen of St. Andrews

                                                                      By DOUG FERGUSON             munity Council, which is the  I  could  turn  that  down,  not
                                                                      AP Golf Writer               equivalent  of  the  "Freedom  with Bobby Jones and Benja-
                                                                      DUBLIN,  Ohio  (AP)  —  of  the  City"  honor  given  to  min Franklin the only other
                                                                      Jack  Nicklaus  is  returning  Jones.                     two  Americans  who  have
                                                                      to St. Andrews to become an  Nicklaus  retired  from  com-  done it. So, I'm going back."
                                                                      honorary citizen.            petitive  golf  with  that  final  The  ceremony  will  be  on
                                                                      Nicklaus  won  two  of  his  appearance  at  St.  Andrews,  Tuesday,  July  12.  Nicklaus
                                                                      three  British  Open  titles  at  his  164th  major.  He  won  a  said  he  would  not  be  tak-
                                                                      St.  Andrews,  and  he  chose  record 18 of them, including  ing  part  in  the  "Champions
                                                                      the  Old  Course  in  2005  to  three  at  golf's  oldest  cham-  Challenge"  on  Monday  of
                                                                      play his final major champi-  pionship. He missed the cut  Open  week,  which  brings
                                                                      onship.                      but finished with a birdie as  together  past  champions  for
                                                                      He  already  has  received  an  thousands crammed into bal-  a four-hole exhibition on the
                                                                      honorary  doctorate  degree  conies  and  peered  through  first,  second,  17th  and  18th
                                                                      from the University of St An-  windows  from  hotels  over-  holes of the Old Course.
                                                                      drews, and now he joins truly  looking the Old Course.    "I'm  not  going  to  play  any
                                                                      exclusive company. The only  Nicklaus  said  he  left  with  golf," Nicklaus said. "I'm not
                                                                      other Americans to be award-  great  memories in 2005  and  even going to take my clubs."
                                                                      ed honorary citizenship in St.  had no plans to return.   St  Andrews  also  will  confer
                                                                      Andrews are Bobby Jones in  "And  then  they  wrote  and  honorary  doctorate  degrees
                                                                      1958 and Benjamin Franklin  asked  me  if  I  would  accept  to  golf  greats  Lee  Trevino,
                                                                      in 1759.                     being  an  honorary  citizen,"  Sandy Lyle, Jose Maria Olaz-
                                                                      The  honor  for  Nicklaus  Nicklaus said at the Memori-   abal, Bob Charles and Catri-
                                                                      was  conferred  by  the  Royal  al. "I couldn't turn that down.  ona Matthew.
                                                                      Burgh of St. Andrews Com-    There's no way in the world
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