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A28     u.s. news
                        Diamars 7 Juni 2022

                         Proud Boys charged with seditious conspiracy in Capitol riot

            The former top  leader  of                                                                                          it  difficult  for  outsiders  to
            the  far-right  Proud  Boys                                                                                         eavesdrop.
            extremist group and other                                                                                           Shortly  before  the  riot,  au-
            members  were  charged                                                                                              thorities say Tarrio posted on
            Monday  with  seditious                                                                                             social  media  that  the  group
            conspiracy  for  what  fed-                                                                                         planned  to  turn  out  in  “re-
            eral  prosecutors  say  was                                                                                         cord numbers” on Jan. 6, but
            a  coordinated  attack  on                                                                                          would be “incognito” instead
            the  U.S.  Capitol  to  stop                                                                                        of  donning  their  traditional
            Congress  from  certifying                                                                                          clothing  colors  of  black  and
            President Joe Biden’s 2020                                                                                          yellow.
            electoral victory.                                                                                                  Around  the  same  time,  an
                                                                                                                                unnamed person sent Tarrio a
            The latest indictment against                                                                                       document that laid out plans
            Henry “Enrique” Tarrio, the                                                                                         for occupying a few “crucial
            former  Proud  Boys  chair-                                                                                         buildings”  in  Washington
            man, and four others linked                                                                                         on  Jan.  6,  including  House
            to  the  group  comes  as  the                                                                                      and  Senate  office  buildings
            U.S.  House  committee  in-                                                                                         around  the  Capitol,  the  in-
            vestigating the Jan. 6 riot pre-                                                                                    dictment says. The nine-page
            pares  to  begin  public  hear-                                                                                     document was entitled “1776
            ings  this  week  to  lay  out  its                                                                                 Returns” and called for hav-
            findings.                                                                                                           ing as “many people as possi-
            The  indictment  alleges  that                                                                                      ble” to “show our politicians
            the  Proud  Boys  conspired  already pleaded guilty to the  An  attorney  for  Tarrio  said  tifascist  activists  at  rallies  We the People are in charge,”
            to  forcibly  oppose  the  law-  rarely  used  Civil  War-era  his client “is going to have his  and  protests.  Vice  Media  according to the indictment.
            ful  transfer  of  presidential  charge that calls for up to 20  day in court.”        co-founder  Gavin  McInnes,  Nordean,  of  Auburn,  Wash-
            power. Tarrio and the others  years  in  prison.  The  indict-  “And we intend to vigorously  who founded the Proud Boys  ington,  was  a  Proud  Boys
            —  Ethan  Nordean,  Joseph  ment  alleges  that  the  Oath  represent  him  through  that  in  2016,  sued  the  Southern  chapter president and a mem-
            Biggs,  Zachary  Rehl  and  Keepers  and  their  associates  process,” said Nayib Hassan.  Poverty  Law  Center  for  la-  ber  of  the  group’s  national
            Dominic  Pezzola  —  were  prepared in the weeks leading  Defense  attorney  Carmen  beling it as a hate group.     “Elders  Council.”  Biggs,  of
            previously charged with dif-  up to Jan. 6 as if they were go-  Hernendez,  who  represents  The  indictment  alleges  that  Ormond  Beach,  Florida,  is
            ferent conspiracy counts.    ing to war, discussing things  Rehl, said her client is “as in-  the  Proud  Boys  held  meet-  a  self-described  Proud  Boys
            They are scheduled to stand  like weapons and training.   nocent of these charges as the  ings and communicated over  organizer. Rehl was president
            trial  in  August  in  Washing-  Tarrio, the group’s top leader,  ones  that  had  already  been  encrypted  messages  to  plan  of  the  Proud  Boys  chapter
            ton, D.C.’s federal court.   wasn’t in Washington, D.C.,  pending against him.”        for  the  attack  in  the  days  in  Philadelphia.  Pezzola  is
            The  seditious  conspiracy  when the riot erupted on Jan.  “Seditious  conspiracy  re-  leading up to Jan. 6. On the  a  Proud  Boy  member  from
            charges are among the most  6, 2021, but authorities say he  quires  the  use  of  force,  and  day of the riot, authorities say  Rochester, New York.
            serious filed so far, but aren’t  helped  put  into  motion  the  he never used any force nor  Proud Boys dismantled metal  A  New  York  man  pleaded
            the first of their kind. Eleven  violence that day.       thought  about  using  any  barricades  set  up  to  protect  guilty in December to storm-
            members or associates of the  Police  arrested  Tarrio  in  force,” Hernandez said.    the  Capitol  and  mobilized,  ing the U.S. Capitol with fel-
            anti-government Oath Keep-   Washington  two  days  be-   More than three dozen peo-   directed and led members of  low  Proud  Boys  members.
            ers  militia  group,  including  fore  the  riot  and  charged  ple  charged  in  the  Capitol  the crowd into the building.  Matthew  Greene  was  the
            its founder and leader Stew-  him with vandalizing a Black  siege have been identified by  Prosecutors  have  said  the  first Proud Boys member to
            art Rhodes, were indicted in  Lives Matter banner at a his-  federal authorities as leaders,  Proud  Boys  arranged  for  publicly plead guilty to con-
            January on seditious conspir-  toric  Black  church  during  a  members or associates of the  members  to  communicate  spiring  with  other  members
            acy charges in a serious esca-  protest  in  December  2020.  Proud Boys, whose members  using  specific  frequencies  to  stop  Congress  from  cer-
            lation  in  the  largest  investi-  Tarrio was released from jail  describe it as a politically in-  on Baofeng radios. The Chi-  tifying  the  Electoral  College
            gation in the Justice Depart-  on  Jan.  14  after  serving  his  correct men’s club for “West-  nese-made  devices  can  be  vote. Greene agreed to coop-
            ment’s history.              five-month sentence for that  ern chauvinists.”           programmed for use on hun-   erate with authorities investi-
            Three  Oath  Keepers  have  case.                         They have brawled with an-   dreds of frequencies, making  gating the attack.

                          High court won’t hear appeal over McCloskeys’ law licenses

            The  U.S.  Supreme  Court  injustice  protesters  out-    gust  primary,  said  he  wasn’t  end the probation.      Patricia  McCloskey  waved
            on  Monday  declined  to  side  their  St.  Louis  man-   surprised by the high court’s  Last  month,  the  state’s  high  a  semi-automatic  pistol.  No
            hear an appeal from Mark  sion in 2020.                   decision since it takes up rel-  court  denied  the  McClosk-  shots were fired.
            and  Patricia  McCloskey,                                 atively few cases.           eys’  request  to  provide  free  The pair received national at-
            the  husband-and-wife  at-   Mark  McCloskey,  who  is  “I  was  a  little  disappointed  legal  service  to  the  conser-  tention, including from then-
            torneys whose law licenses  seeking the Republican nom-   because  I  thought  that  the  vative  activist  group  Project  President  Donald  Trump,
            were placed on probation  ination for one of Missouri’s  concept  of  a  lawyer  be-   Veritas to meet the pro bono  and  spoke  via  video  at  the
            for pointing guns at racial  U.S. Senate seats in the Au-  ing  sanctioned  for  doing  no  requirement.  The  organi-  2020  Republican  National
                                                                      more  than  just  defending  zation  is  known  for  hidden  Convention.
                                                                      himself  and  exercising  his  camera  stings  that  have  em-  They  pleaded  guilty  to  mis-
                                                                      Second  Amendment  rights  barrassed news outlets, labor  demeanors for the gun-wav-
                                                                      would  be  an  issue  that  the  organizations and Democrat-  ing incident and were fined.
                                                                      Supreme  Court  might  find  ic politicians.              Republican  Gov.  Mike  Par-
                                                                      significant,” McCloskey said.  Mark McCloskey has said he  sons  pardoned  them  in  Au-
                                                                      The    Missouri   Supreme  and  his  wife  felt  threatened  gust.
                                                                      Court in February placed the  in  June  2020  when  demon-
                                                                      couple’s  licenses  on  proba-  strators  walked  onto  their
                                                                      tion  for  one  year,  allowing  private  street  during  global
                                                                      them to continue to practice  protests  that  followed  the
                                                                      law. They must also provide  death  of  George  Floyd  in
                                                                      100  hours  of  free  legal  ser-  Minneapolis. Mark McClos-
                                                                      vice. The appeal to the U.S.  key emerged from his home
                                                                      Supreme  Court  sought  to  with an AR-15-style rifle, and
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