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A30     world news
                        Diamars 7 Juni 2022

                        Lebanon urges U.S. envoy to end maritime dispute with Israel

            BEIRUT  (AP)  —  The                                                                                                have  been  officially  at  war
            Lebanese  government  in-                                                                                           since Israel’s creation in 1948,
            vited  on  Monday  a  U.S.                                                                                          both claim some 860 square
            envoy mediating between                                                                                             kilometers (330 square miles)
            Lebanon  and  Israel  over                                                                                          of  the  Mediterranean  Sea.
            their  disputed  maritime                                                                                           Lebanon  hopes  to  unleash
            border to return to Beirut                                                                                          offshore oil and gas produc-
            as soon as possible to work                                                                                         tion  as  it  grapples  with  an
            out  an  agreement  amid                                                                                            economic crisis.
            rising  tensions  along  the                                                                                        Last  year,  the  Lebanese  del-
            border.                                                                                                             egation  —  a  mix  of  army
                                                                                                                                generals   and   profession-
            The  invitation  for  Amos                                                                                          als  —  offered  a  new  map
            Hochstein,  a  senior  adviser                                                                                      that pushes for an additional
            for  energy  security  at  the                                                                                      1,430 square kilometers (550
            U.S. State Department, came                                                                                         square  miles).  An  official  at
            a day after Israel set up a gas                                                                                     the  office  of  Israel’s  Prime
            rig  at  its  designated  location                                                                                  Minister Naftali Bennett said
            at the Karish field, which Is-                                                                                      “Karish  is  a  natural  gas  res-
            rael says is part of its U.N.-                                                                                      ervoir  within  Israel’s  U.N.-
            recognized  exclusive  eco-                                                                                         recognized  exclusive  eco-
            nomic zone. Lebanon insists                                                                                         nomic  zone.”  The  official,
            it  is  in  a  disputed  area.  The                                                                                 who  spoke  on  condition  of
            U.S.-mediated  indirect  talks                                                                                      anonymity in line with regu-
            between  Lebanon  and  Israel  ish is part of the disputed area  turn to indirect negotiations.  Islands-flagged   Energean  lations, said that the Lebanese
            have been stalled for months  and  that  the  U.N.  Security  “It’s  not  even  (above)  the  Power  floating  production  themselves had recognized it
            amid  disagreement  within  Council  should  prevent  Is-  southern  line  that  Lebanon  storage and offloading vessel  as Israeli waters in the past.
            Lebanon  over  how  big  the  rael from drilling there in or-  submitted to the United Na-  in the Karish field area of the  A  Lebanese  legal  expert  said
            disputed area is.            der “to avoid steps that could  tions. Even according to the  Mediterranean  Sea.  Nearby  if  Israel  begins  exploration
            Lebanon is home to the heav-  form a threat to international  United  Nations,  it’s  not  in  was  the  Bahamas-flagged  work  in  Karish,  the  risk  of
            ily armed militant Hezbollah  peace and security.”        Lebanon,”  she  said.  Elharrar  platform Arendal Spirit. Ship  conflict  between  the  neigh-
            group,  which  is  backed  by  The  Israeli  energy  ministry  added that the Israeli defense  tracking  data  from  the  two  boring  countries  will  in-
            Iran  and  has  fought  several  confirmed  that  the  oil  rig  ministry is taking the neces-  vessels  analyzed  by  the  AP  crease,  adding  that  Hezbol-
            wars  with  Israel.  Hezbollah  arrived  Sunday,  after  a  five-  sary  steps  to  protect  the  rig,  also  confirmed  the  vessels’  lah’s  precision-guided  mis-
            has also warned it would use  week  sail  from  Singapore.  without elaborating further.  presence in the area.     siles can easily hit the oil rig.
            its weapons to protect Leba-  The  ministry  said  that  the  Elharrar also told the 103FM  On  Monday,  the  office  of  “Their  missiles  are  long-
            non’s economic rights.       Karish  field  is  projected  to  radio  station  that  the  Leba-  Lebanon’s  caretaker  Prime  range and they are more pre-
            On Sunday, Lebanon warned  provide  half  of  Israel’s  de-  nese  allegations  were  “very  Minister  Najib  Mikati  said  cise  in  hitting  these  targets
            Israel  not  to  start  drilling  in  mand  for  natural  gas  and  far  from  reality”  and  that  that he has agreed with Aoun  that are not mobile like ships
            the Karish field and President  will  allow  greater  exports  to  “all  the  relevant  forces  are  to invite Hochstein to return  and  fighter  jets,”  said  Paul
            Michel  Aoun  said  maritime  neighboring  Egypt  and  Jor-  involved,  and  I  recommend  to Beirut for talks on the bor-  Morcos, founder and owner
            border negotiations have not  dan.                        not trying to surprise Israel.”  der dispute and “to work on  of  Justicia  Consulting  Law
            ended, adding that any move  Israel’s Energy Minister Kar-  But she said the likelihood of  concluding  them  as  soon  as  firm in Beirut.
            by Israel will be considered “a  ine Elharrar said in an inter-  conflict was small.   possible  in  order  to  prevent  The Israeli military and min-
            provocation and hostile act.”  view on Monday with Army  Satellite  images  on  Sun-   any  escalation  that  will  not  istry  of  defense  declined  to
            Aoun’s  office  said  Lebanon  Radio that the field was “en-  day  from  Planet  Labs  PBC  serve the stability that the re-  comment  on  whether  they
            formally notified the United  tirely in undisputed territory”  analyzed  by  The  Associated  gion is currently witnessing.”  were taking any specific mea-
            Nations in February that Kar-  and called on Lebanon to re-  Press  showed  the  Marshall  Israel  and  Lebanon,  which  sures to protect Karish.

                              South African pastor found guilty of treason, racist plot

            JOHANNESBURG  (AP)  tacks,  and  recruiting  people  rested some of its leaders.       and informal settlements oc-  right-wing  white  supremacy
            —  A  South  African  court  to commit attacks.           Knoesen  was  convicted  on  cupied by Black South Afri-  group  known  as  the  Boer-
            has  convicted  a  pastor  of  Knoesen’s  group  explored  evidence   from   witnesses  cans as targets for attack, she  emag were sentenced to pris-
            plotting to overthrow the  the possibility of using a bio-  including  members  of  his  said.                      on for plotting to kill South
            government  and  to  kill  logical weapon to infect and  group  who  are already  serv-  Knoesen allegedly used social  Africa’s  first  Black  president
            thousands of Black people  kill  Black  people,  including  ing  jail  sentences  after  they  media  platform  Facebook  to  Nelson  Mandela,  overthrow
            in the country.              the poisoning of water reser-  were  convicted  of  similar  incite  violence  against  Black  the  government  and  kill
                                         voirs  supplying  Black  com-  crimes.                    people and to recruit former  thousands of Black people.
            Harry  Johannes  Knoesen,  munities,  according  to  the  The  state  alleged  that  Kno-  members  of  South  Africa’s  They were handed sentences
            61,  a  leader  of  the  National  prosecution.           esen’s plot was motivated by  military  to  join  his  move-  ranging from five to 35 years
            Christian  Resistance  Move-  Knoesen  was  also  found  his “highly racial views” and  ment  and  to  carry  out  the  following  a  10-year  treason
            ment, was on Monday found  guilty  of  unlawful  posses-  that  he  sought  to  justify  his  planned  attacks.  These  were  trial, one of the longest in the
            guilty of high treason, incite-  sion of firearms by the Mid-  beliefs on religious grounds,  foiled  when  he  was  arrested  country’s history.
            ment to carry out violent at-  delburg  High  Court.  Weap-  claiming that he was ordained  in  November  2019  and  the  Knoesen is expected back in
                                         ons  and  ammunition  were  to  “reclaim  South  Africa  for  cells  in  various  parts  of  the  court on June 10 for the be-
                                         found when he was arrested  white people.”                country were dismantled.     ginning  of  sentencing  pro-
                                         in Middelburg, a small town  “To  further  this  end,  he  In his testimony, Knoesen ad-  ceedings.
                                         in  the  eastern  Mpumalanga  planned  to  attack  govern-  mitted to sharing “recipes” to
                                         province.                    ment  institutions  and  more  manufacture explosives with
                                         The  plot  by  the  pastor’s  specifically  police  and  mili-  his  followers  on  Facebook,
                                         group was foiled in 2019 by  tary  institutions,”  Monica  according to the Middelburg
                                         South Africa’s police and in-  Nyuswa, a spokeswoman for  Observer newspaper.
                                         telligence services, who have  the National Prosecuting Au-  This  is  not  the  first  racist,
                                         since dismantled the organi-  thority,  told  The  Associated  treasonous plot to be uncov-
                                         zation’s  cells  across  various  Press.                  ered in South Africa.
                                         parts  of  the  country  and  ar-  He also identified townships  In 2013, 20 members of the
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