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SPORTS Diamars 7 Juni 2022
Mickelson the last to sign up for Saudi-funded golf league
Phil Mickelson, a chief re- ers who defect are likely to
cruiter for a Saudi-funded face suspensions for violating
rival league to the PGA tour regulations by playing
Tour, is ending his four- overseas without a release.
month hiatus by adding Mickelson has 45 career
his name to the 48-man PGA Tour victories and has
field for the LIV Golf Invi- amassed nearly $100 mil-
tational that starts Friday lion in career earnings on
outside London. the PGA Tour and PGA Tour
Champions. He won his first
Mickelson will be join- tour event in 1991 when he
ing Dustin Johnson, Sergio was an amateur at Arizona
Garcia and three other for- State and his most recent title
mer major champions in a last year at the PGA.
54-hole tournament at Cen- The LIV Golf Invitational is
turion Golf Club with $25 the first of eight such tour-
million in prize money and naments, with five of them
$4 million going to the indi- scheduled for the United
vidual winner. States, two of them on cours-
“I am ready to come back to es owned by former Presi-
play the game I love but af- dent Donald Trump.
ter 32 years this new path is At least six players in the
a fresh start, one that is ex- field already have resigned
citing for me at this stage of their PGA Tour member-
my career,” Mickelson said in ships. Kevin Na announced
a statement posted on social ing when he accused the PGA tioning the PGA Tour. where we’re proud to launch his decision on social me-
media. Tour of “obnoxious greed” in But then he was out of view a new era for golf.” dia. The manager for Garcia,
Mickelson also said he would an interview with Golf Di- for four months, skipping the The PGA Tour did not grant Oosthuizen, Schwartzel and
be playing the last two ma- gest. Masters and the PGA Cham- releases for any of its 14 Branden Grace said they have
jors, starting June 16 in the Two weeks later, Alan Ship- pionship, which he had won members who have signed resigned, too.
U.S. Open at The Country nuck published excerpts the year before at age 50 to up for the rival series, a list As much as he was promot-
Club outside Boston. from his unauthorized biog- become the oldest major that also includes Louis ing a new concept, Mickel-
He said the “transforma- raphy on Mickelson in which champion in history. Oosthuizen, Martin Kaymer son appeared to be the one
tive” new league would allow the six-time major champion Mickelson apologized again and Charl Schwartzel. who caused the Saudi league
him to focus on a healthier acknowledged Saudi Ara- in Monday’s statement, add- Five other players from the to lose momentum with his
approach to life on and off bia’s human rights atroci- ing that he “empathizes” with Asian Tour were added as ex- interviews in February that
the course. Mickelson did ties, including the killing of those who disagree with his emptions. disparaged the Saudis (“scary
not mention the signing fee, Washington Post columnist decision to leave the PGA Even as Mickelson was the mother-(expletives)”) and
which is likely to be every bit Jamal Khashoggi, but said it Tour for a league funded pri- leader in trying to get play- the PGA Tour (“A dictator-
of the $125 million or more was worth getting involved marily by the Public Invest- ers to join, his name was left ship. They divide and con-
reportedly paid to Johnson. if it meant gaining leverage ment Fund in Saudi Arabia. off the original field list that quer.”)
It will be Mickelson’s first to make changes on the PGA “His contributions to the was released on Tuesday. All the top players — in-
time playing since Feb. 6 Tour. sport and connection to fans The Daily Telegraph report- cluding Johnson — initially
at the Saudi International, Mickelson also said he and around the globe cannot be ed Johnson, at No. 15 the pledged their support for
where he first began to draw three other top players paid overstated and we are grate- highest-ranked player in the the PGA Tour. Johnson later
attention to how he was lean- attorneys to write the oper- ful to have him,” said Greg world, received upward of changed his mind.
ating agreement of the new Norman, the CEO and com- $125 million to join.
league. He later apologized missioner of LIV Golf In- The decision likely means the
for what he said were reckless vestments. “He strengthens end of Mickelson’s career on
comments, without men- an exciting field for London the PGA Tour because play-
Romeo Crennel retires after almost 40 years as NFL coach
HOUSTON (AP) — Ro- lege coach before beginning the Giants and three with the
meo Crennel announced his NFL career as an assistant Patriots.
his retirement Monday, with the New York Giants in “His incredible resume and
ending a 39-year NFL 1981. contributions to the game of
coaching career high- “Football has been my en- football will be difficult to
lighted by five Super Bowl tire life and it’s been a dream duplicate,” Texans owner Cal
titles. come true to coach for 50 McNair said.
years,” Crennel said in a state- “Romeo poured everything
Crennel, spent the past eight ment. “I’ll miss everything he had into his players and
seasons with the Houston about coaching and teach- led his teams with hard work,
Texans. He was the team’s ing, but the thing I’ll miss diligence and integrity. He
defensive coordinator from the most is being around the has impacted and influenced
2014-16 and assistant head guys every day. so many players, coaches and
coach from 2017-19. In 2020 My goal was to put every staff members over the last
he was the associate head player and coach in the best five decades and we’re hon-
coach before becoming the position to succeed and I ored he spent the last eight
interim head coach following consider every guy I coached seasons with us. Our orga-
coach Bill O’Brien firing af- or worked with a part of my nization is better because of
ter just four games. family.” Romeo Crennel in so many ers of America NFL Assistant ing job came with the Cleve-
Crennel, who will turn 75 Crennel reached the playoffs ways.” Coach of the Year after the land Browns and he was with
on June 18, worked as Hous- 17 times in his career, win- Crennel was the defensive 2003 season when he head- them from 2005-08. His best
ton’s senior adviser for foot- ning 13 division titles, six coordinator for the Patriots ed a defense that allowed an season as a head coach came
ball performance last season. conference crowns and win- from 2001-04. He was select- NFL-low 14.9 points a game. with the Browns in 2007
He spent 11 years as a col- ning two Super Bowls with ed as the Pro Football Writ- Crennel’s first head coach- when they went 10-6.