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                                                                                         world news Diamars 7 Juni 2022

                          Poland, with near-total abortion ban, to record pregnancies

            WARSAW,  Poland  (AP)                                                                                               lems or even death by avoid-
            — The government of Po-                                                                                             ing  prenatal  care,  Lempart
            land,  where  a  near-total                                                                                         fears.
            abortion  ban  is  in  place,                                                                                       Lempart also worries that in-
            faced accusations Monday                                                                                            formation  gained  by  police
            of  creating  a  "pregnancy                                                                                         could  be  shared  with  state
            register"  as  the  country                                                                                         media to harm people's repu-
            expands  the  amount  of                                                                                            tations.
            medical  data  being  digi-                                                                                         She already knows how that
            tally saved on patients.                                                                                            can  happen.  In  2020,  Lem-
                                                                                                                                part  tested  positive  for  CO-
            Women's  rights  advocates                                                                                          VID-19, and the information
            and  opposition  politicians                                                                                        was reported by state televi-
            fear  women  face  unprece-                                                                                         sion even before she got her
            dented surveillance given the                                                                                       results.
            conservative views of a ruling                                                                                      Poland  —  a  predominantly
            party  that  has  already  tight-                                                                                   Catholic  country  —  bans
            ened  what  was  one  of  Eu-                                                                                       abortion  in  almost  all  cases,
            rope's  most  restrictive  abor-                                                                                    with exceptions only when a
            tion laws.                                                                                                          woman's life or health is en-
            They fear the new data could                                                                                        dangered or if the pregnancy
            be used by police and prose-                                                                                        results from rape or incest.
            cutors against women whose                                                                                          For  years,  abortion  was  al-
            pregnancies  end,  even  in                                                                                         lowed  in  the  case  of  fetuses
            cases  of  miscarriage,  or  that                                                                                   with congenital defects. That
            women  could  be  tracked  by                                                                                       exception  was  struck  down
            the  state  if  they  order  abor-                                                                                  by the constitutional court in
            tion pills or travel abroad for                                                                                     2020.
            an abortion.                 man,  Wojciech  Andrusie-    X-rays or certain medicines.  "Being  pregnant  means  that  In  practice,  Polish  women
            "A  pregnancy  registry  in  a  wicz,  sought  to  allay  con-  "Nobody  is  creating  a  preg-  police  can  come  to  you  any  seeking  to  terminate  their
            country with an almost com-  cerns,  saying  only  medical  nancy register in Poland," he  time  and  prosecutors  can  pregnancies  order  abortions
            plete ban on abortion is ter-  professionals  will  have  ac-  told the TVN24 all-news sta-  come to you to ask you ques-  pills or travel to Germany, the
            rifying," said Agnieszka Dzi-  cess to the data, and that the  tion.                   tions about your pregnancy,"  Czech  Republic  and  other
            emianowicz-Bk,  a  left-wing  changes  are  being  made  at  But Marta Lempart, the lead-  Lempart said.            countries  where  the  proce-
            lawmaker.                    the  recommendation  of  the  er of a women's rights group,  The new system means many  dure  is  allowed.  While  self-
            The  matter  gained  attention  European Union.           Women's Strike, said she does  Polish women will now avoid  administering  abortion  pills
            Monday after Health Minis-   The effort, he said, is meant  not  trust  the  government  to  the state medical system dur-  is legal, helping someone else
            ter Adam Niedzielski signed  to improve the medical treat-  keep  information  on  wom-  ing  their  pregnancies,  with  is not.
            an ordinance Friday expand-  ment  of  patients,  including  en's pregnancies from the po-  wealthier  women  seeking  Activist  Justyna  Wydrzyska
            ing  the  amount  of  informa-  if  they  seek  treatment  else-  lice and prosecutors. She told  private  treatment  or  travel-  is facing up to three years in
            tion to be saved in a central  where  in  the  27-member  The  Associated  Press  that  ing abroad, even for prenatal  prison  for  helping  a  victim
            database on patients, includ-  EU. In the case of pregnant  police  in  Poland  are  already  care.                 of  domestic  violence  access
            ing information on allergies,  women, he said this will help  questioning women on how  Meanwhile,  poorer  women  abortion  pills.  Amnesty  In-
            blood type and pregnancies.  doctors  immediately  know  their pregnancies end, tipped  in  Poland  will  face  an  in-  ternational says it is the first
            The health ministry spokes-  which women should not get  off by disgruntled partners.  creased risk of medical prob-  such case in Europe.

                          Cyprus to UN: Turkey seeks full control of breakaway north

            NICOSIA, Cyprus (AP) —  to  eventually  annex  break-     and Turkish speaking sectors  ways  been  dependent  on  constitute  a  direct  threat  to
            Cyprus will lodge a com-     away northern Cyprus.        have  led  nowhere.  Turk-   Turkish  economic  aid,  the  the will, identity, culture, way
            plaint  with  the  United  "I will proceed with the com-  ish  Cypriots  fault  a  Greek  peace  group  United  Cyprus  of life and heritage of Turkish
            Nations over Turkey's new  plaint again with the United  Cypriot  denial  to  equitably  Now  says  this  deal  compels  Cypriots," the group said.
            financial  assistance  deal  Nations relative to the airport  share  power  in  a  federated  Turkish  Cypriots  to  intro-  The leader of the leftist op-
            with  breakaway  Turk-       which ... in essence is being  Cyprus. Greek Cypriots fear  duce measures curbing free-  position  Republican  Turkish
            ish  Cypriots  that  demon-  integrated  and  considered  a  a  Turkish  Cypriot  insistence  dom  of  speech,  making  it  Party Tufan Erhurman called
            strates Ankara's "complete  Turkish airport," Anastasiades  for  Turkish  military  inter-  easier for Turkish citizens to  the  deal  a  "protocol  for  the
            control"  over  them,  the  said.  "Secondly,  (financial)  vention  rights,  a  permanent  buy  up  property  and  cedes  abandonment of the will" of
            president of the ethnically  protocol clearly demonstrates  Turkish  troop  presence  and  more power to religious au-  Turkish  Cypriots  to  govern
            divided island nation said  Ankara's complete control of  veto power for the minority  thorities.  "These  measures  themselves.
            Monday.                      the Turkish Cypriots."       Turkish Cypriots.
                                         Turkish  officials  reportedly  Citing the failed peace talks,
            President  Nicos  Anastasia-  said  the  designation  aims  Ankara and hardline Turkish
            des,  a  Greek  Cypriot,  told  to  make  flights  to  and  from  Cypriot  leader  Ersin  Tatar
            state  broadcaster  CyBC  that  northern Cyprus cheaper.  say the only feasible way now
            he would also include in the  Turkish Cypriots declared in-  to  break  the  deadlock  is  an
            protest  letter  Turkey's  move  dependence in the island na-  accord  based  on  two  sover-
            to designate the Turkish Cy-  tion's northern third nearly a  eign states — something that
            priots'  unrecognized,  main  decade  after  Turkey  invaded  Greek Cypriots reject as for-
            airport  as  a  domestic  flight  in 1974 following a coup by  malizing permanent partition
            route,  effectively  turning  it  supporters  of  union  with  of the Mediterranean island.
            into a Turkish one.          Greece.  Only  Turkey  recog-  Many  Turkish  Cypriots  are
            Many liberal Turkish Cypri-  nizes  the  Turkish  Cypriots'  up in arms over the financial
            ots fear that both the financial  independence.   Numerous  agreement,  about  240  mil-
            deal and the airport designa-  rounds  of  U.N.-facilitated  lion  euros  worth  of  grants
            tion  are  the  clearest  signals  talks over nearly a half centu-  and loans this year, or about a
            yet  that  Turkey's  President  ry to reunify Cyprus as a fed-  third of annual revenues.
            Recep Tayyip Erdogan wants  eration  composed  of  Greek  Although  the  north  has  al-
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