Page 26 - bon-dia-aruba-20220524
P. 26

a26     obituario/world news
                        Diamars 24 mei 2022

                                                                       Russian sentenced to life in Ukraine’s

                                                                                         1st war crimes trial

                                                                                                             Before Shishimarin’s sentencing, Kremlin spokes-
                                                                                                             man Dmitry Peskov said that Moscow was unable
              Lagrima y flornan por seca, su recuerdonan y                                                   to defend the soldier but will consider trying to do
              tur loke el a haci y significa pa nos, cu lo keda                                              so “through other channels.”
              graba pa semper den nos mente y curason.
              “Cerca Dios mi alma ta na paz, ta di DJ’E mi                                                   Mary Ellen O’Connell, an expert on international
              salbacion ta bin”                                                                              law at the University of Notre Dame, said that put-
                                               Salmo 62:1                                                    ting Shishimarin on trial could prove “extremely
                                                                                                             detrimental to Ukrainian soldiers in the hands of
              Cu dolor na nos curason, nos ta participa                                                      Russia.” She said Russia may decide to hold “show
              fayecimento di nos ser stima:                                                                  trials” of Ukrainians to boost the morale of its own
                                                                                                             soldiers and spread disinformation.

                                                              (AP)  —  A  captured  Russian  soldier  who  “Maybe  it  would  have  happened  without  the
                                                              pleaded guilty to killing a civilian was sen-  Ukrainians  beginning  trials,”  O’Connell  said.
                                                              tenced by a Ukrainian court Monday to life  “But  the  timing  suggests  that  the  Ukrainians
                                                              in prison — the maximum — amid signs the  should  have  held  back  and  perhaps  still  should,
                                                              Kremlin may, in turn, put on trial some of the  so that the Russians can’t say, ‘We’re just doing to
                                                              fighters who surrendered at Mariupol’s steel-  their soldiers what they did to ours.’”
                                                                                                             Russian authorities have threatened to hold trials
                                                              Meanwhile, in a rare public expression of opposi-  of  captured  Ukrainians  —  namely,  fighters  who
                                                              tion to the war from the ranks of the Russian elite,  held out at Mariupol’s shattered steel plant, the last
                                                              a  veteran  Kremlin  diplomat  resigned  and  sent  stronghold of resistance in the strategic southern
                                                              a  scathing  letter  to  foreign  colleagues  in  which  port city. They surrendered and were taken pris-
                                                              he  said  of  the  invasion,  “Never  have  I  been  so  oner last week, at which point Moscow claimed
                                                                                                             the capture of Mariupol was complete.
                                                              ashamed of my country as on Feb. 24.”
                Sr. Ramon Rodriguez
                          Rodriguez                           Also, Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy  Russia’s main investigative body said it intends to
                                                              called for “maximum” sanctions against Russia in  interrogate  the  Mariupol  defenders  to  “identify
                Cariñosamente yama “More of Papa More”        a video address to world leaders and executives at  the nationalists” and determine whether they were
                       *03-08-1943 - †20-05-2022              the  World  Economic  Forum  in  Davos,  Switzer-  involved in crimes against civilians.
                                                              land. He also revealed one of the deadliest single
                 Acto di entiero lo wordo anuncia despues     strikes of the war, a missile attack on a village near  Russian authorities have seized upon the far-right
                                                              Kyiv that killed almost 90 people.             origins of one of the regiments there, calling the
                                                                                                             Azov  Regiment’s  fighters  “Nazis”  and  accusing
                                                              And on the battlefield, heavy fighting raged in the  their commander without evidence of “numerous
                                                              Donbas in the east, where Moscow’s forces have  atrocities.” Russia’s top prosecutor has asked the
                                                              stepped up their bombardment. Cities not under  country’s Supreme Court to designate the Azov
                                                              Russian control were constantly shelled, and one  Regiment a terrorist organization.
                                                              Ukrainian official said Russian forces targeted ci-
                                                              vilians trying to flee.                        Family members of the fighters have pleaded for
                                                                                                             their eventual return to Ukraine as part of a pris-
                                                              In the first of what could be a multitude of war  oner swap.
                                                              crimes trials held by Ukraine, Russian Sgt. Vadim
                                                              Shishimarin, 21, was sentenced for the killing of  Elsewhere, Boris Bondarev, a veteran Russian dip-
                “Señor ta mi wardador, mi’n tin falta di nada   a 62-year-old man who was shot in the head in  lomat at the U.N. office at Geneva, quit and sent a
              Den cunucu di yerba berde e ta ponemi sosega.   a village in the northeastern Sumy region in the  letter denouncing the “aggressive war unleashed”
                        E ta hibami na awa trankil,           opening days of the war.                       by  Russian  President  Vladimir  Putin.  Bondarev
                         Pa mi bolbe haña forsa”.                                                            told The Associated Press: “It is intolerable what
                               Salmo: 23                      Shishimarin, a member of a tank unit, had claimed  my government is doing now.”
                                                              he was following orders, and he apologized to the
                                                              man’s widow in court.                          In his letter, Bondarev said those who conceived
                      Nos ta anuncia fayecimento di:                                                         the war “want only one thing — to remain in pow-
                                                              His  Ukraine-appointed  defense  attorney,  Victor  er forever, live in pompous tasteless palaces, sail on
                                                              Ovsyanikov,  argued  his  client  had  been  unpre-  yachts comparable in tonnage and cost to the en-
                                                              pared for the “violent military confrontation” and  tire Russian Navy, enjoying unlimited power and
                                                              mass  casualties  that  Russian  troops  encountered  complete impunity.”
                                                              when they invaded. He said he would appeal.
                                                                                                             He also said Russia’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs is
                                                              Ukrainian  civil  liberties  advocate  Volodymyr  all about “warmongering, lies and hatred.”
                                                              Yavorskyy said it was “an extremely harsh sentence
                                                              for one murder during the war.” But Aarif Abra-  At  the  Davos  forum,  Zelenskyy  said  sanctions
                                                              ham, a British-based human rights lawyer, said the  against the Kremlin must go further. He urged an
                                                              trial was conducted “with what appears to be full  embargo on Russian oil, a complete cutoff of trade
                                                              and fair due process,” including access to an at-  and a withdrawal of foreign companies from the
                                                              torney.                                        country.

                                                              Ukrainian prosecutors are investigating thousands  “This is what sanctions should be: They should
                                                              of potential war crimes. Russian forces in Mari-  be maximum, so that Russia and every other po-
                     Cristalia Francisca Huntington           upol bombed a theater where civilians were shel-  tential aggressor that wants to wage a brutal war
                      *21-07-1953 - †22-05-2022               tering and struck a maternity hospital. In the wake  against its neighbor would clearly know the im-
                                                              of Moscow’s withdrawal from around Kyiv weeks  mediate consequences of their actions,” said Zel-

                                                              ago, mass graves were discovered and streets were  enskyy, who received a standing ovation.
               Acto di entiero lo wordo anuncia despues.      strewn with bodies in towns such as Bucha.
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