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                                                                                                 u.s. news Diamars 24 mei 2022

                             Pentagon says more high-tech weapons going to Ukraine

            By LOLITA C. BALDOR                                                                    missiles  to  Ukraine  to  help  “The  nature  of  the  fight,  as
            Associated Press                                                                       Ukraine  defend  its  coast.  you’ve  heard  us  describe  a
            WASHINGTON  (AP)  —                                                                    Russia has ships in the Black  number  of  times  is  ...  really
            Nearly 50 defense leaders                                                              Sea  and  has  used  them  to  shaped  by  artillery  in  this
            from  around  the  world                                                               launch  cruise  missiles  into  phase,”  said  Austin.  “And
            met  Monday  and  agreed                                                               Ukraine.  The  Russian  ships  we’ve seen serious exchanges
            to  send  more  advanced                                                               have  also  stopped  all  com-  of artillery fires over the last
            weapons  to  Ukraine,  in-                                                             mercial ship traffic from en-  several weeks.”
            cluding a harpoon launch-                                                              tering Ukraine ports.        Austin  said  that  during  the
            er and missiles to protect                                                             “We’ve  gained  a  sharper,  virtual meeting, Ukraine of-
            its  coast,  Defense  Secre-                                                           shared  sense  of  Ukraine’s  ficials made clear their secu-
            tary Lloyd Austin told re-                                                             priority requirements and the  rity needs. And he said those
            porters.                                                                               situation  on  the  battlefield,”  are consistent with what has
                                                                                                   Austin  told  reporters  at  the  been  identified  in  recent
            And  Gen.  Mark  Milley,                                                               close  of  the  virtual  meet-  weeks  —  long-range  artil-
            chairman of the Joint Chiefs                                                           ing with the defense leaders.  lery  and  rocket  systems,  ar-
            of Staff, said that “low-level”                                                        “Many  countries  are  donat-  mored personnel carriers and
            discussion  is  underway  on                                                           ing critically needed artillery  drones.
            how  the  U.S.  may  need  to                                                          ammunition, coastal defense  Milley  provided  the  great-
            adjust  its  training  of  Ukrai-                                                      systems and tanks and other  est  detail  to  date  on  the  in-
            nian  forces  and  on  whether   whether the U.S. will send a  Speaking to Pentagon report-  armored  vehicles.  Others  creased U.S. presence in Eu-
            some U.S. troops should be   Marine security force back in  ers, Austin declined to say if   came forward with new com-  rope since Russia invaded in
            based in Ukraine.            to  help  protect  the  embassy  the  U.S.  will  send  Ukraine   mitments for training.”  late February. Last fall. there
            The  U.S.  withdrew  its  few   or if other options should be  high-tech   mobile   rocket   The U.S. and other countries  were  roughly  78,000  U.S.
            troops in Ukraine before the   considered.                launchers,  which  it  has  re-  have been training Ukrainian  troops in the region, and that
            war and has no plans to send   Asked  if  U.S.  special  op-  quested. But Austin said that   forces  in  nearby  European  has  gone  up  to  102,000  —
            in  combat  forces.  Milley’s   erations  forces  may  go  into  some  20  nations  announced   countries.          including  24  surface  ships,
            comments left open the pos-  Ukraine, which officials have  Monday  that  they  will  send   Austin added that the Czech  four  submarines,  12  fighter
            sibility  troops  could  return   insisted  they  are  not  doing  new packages of security as-  Republic  recently  donated  jet  squadrons,  two  combat
            for  embassy  security  or  an-  yet, Milley said that “any re-  sistance  to  Ukraine,  as  its   attack   helicopters,   tanks  aviation units, and six Army
            other non-combat role.       introduction  of  U.S.  forces  war  with  Russia  reaches  the   and  rockets,  and  that  Italy,  brigade combat teams, along
            The  U.S.  embassy  in  Kyiv   into  Ukraine  would  require  three-month mark.        Greece, Norway and Poland  with their division and corps
            has partially reopened and is   a  presidential  decision.  So  In  particular,  he  said  that   announced  new  donations  leaderships.q
            staffing  up  again,  and  there   we’re a ways away from any-  Denmark has agreed to send   Monday  of  artillery  systems
            have  been  questions  about   thing like that.”          a  harpoon  launcher  and    and ammunition.

                         For Americans, 2021 delivered healthiest finances in 8 years

            By  CHRISTOPHER  RU-                                                                                                the child tax credit, included
            GABER                                                                                                               in President Joe Biden’s $1.9
            AP Economics Writer                                                                                                 trillion  financial  relief  pack-
            WASHINGTON            (AP)                                                                                          age, was also likely an impor-
            —  Americans’  financial                                                                                            tant factor, Fed officials said.
            health  reached  its  high-                                                                                         Lower-income  parents  re-
            est  level  in  nearly  a  de-                                                                                      ported  the  biggest  increases
            cade  last  year,  the  Fed-                                                                                        in  their  financial  health.
            eral Reserve said Monday,                                                                                           For  those  earning  less  than
            spurred  by  a  strong  job                                                                                         $25,000,  the  proportion  that
            market  and  government                                                                                             said they were doing at least
            support payments                                                                                                    okay  jumped  to  53%  from
            Almost  eight  in  10  adults                                                                                       The expanded child tax credit
            said  last  fall  that  they  were                                                                                  included  monthly  payments
            either  “doing  okay  or  living                                                                                    of  up  to  $300  per  child  to
            comfortably”  when  it  came                                                                                        most  parents.  Higher-in-
            to their finances in 2021, ac-                                                                                      come parents said they most-
            cording to an annual Fed sur-                                                                                       ly saved the money, while for
            vey, the highest proportion to                                                                                      those  with  incomes  of  less
            say so since the survey began                                                                                       than $50,000, three in 10 said
            in 2013.                                                                                                            they spent the largest portion
            The  survey  of  11,000  adults                                                                                     on  housing,  while  15%  said
            was  taken  last  October  and                                                                                      the  biggest  portion  went  to
            November,  when  inflation   curred  in  late  2021,  causing  ported  healthier  finances,  financial  well-being,  with   food.
            had  topped  6%  year-over-  some Americans to pull back  with  Hispanics  showing  the  three-quarters  saying  they   The Federal Reserve, for the
            year,  though  before  Russia’s   on travel and other spending.  sharpest  improvement  and  were doing “at least okay” fi-  first time, asked about cryp-
            invasion  of  Ukraine  pushed   The financial health captured  whites the smallest.    nancially, up eight percentage   tocurrency  in  the  survey.  It
            gas  and  food  prices  sharply   by  the  report  helps  explain  Nearly  seven  in  10  people  points  from  2020  and  four   found that 12% of Americans
            higher. The Fed did not ask   the  resilience  of  consumers  said they could pay an unex-  points above 2019, before the   had  held  crypto  in  the  past
            any  specific  questions  about   in the face of higher prices, as  pected expense of $400 with  pandemic.          12 months, but only 3% had
            how inflation was impacting   consumer spending, adjusted  cash  or  its  equivalent,  the  The  boost  for  parents  likely   used  it  in  financial  transac-
            Americans’  financial  situa-  for  inflation,  has  continued  highest since 2013. Still, 11%  reflected  the  reopening  of   tions. The Fed said 2% used
            tions.                       to  rise  even  as  inflation  is  said they would be unable to  schools, Fed officials said, al-  it to make a payment, and 1%
            The  survey  also  took  place   near a 40-year high.     pay it at all.               lowing more parents to work   used crypto to send money to
            before  the  huge  omicron   The report found that mem-   People  with  children  also  and  reduce  their  child  care   someone, Fed officials said.q
            wave  of  COVID  cases  oc-  bers  of  all  racial  groups  re-  reported  a  sharp  increase  in  expenses.  The  expansion  of
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