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                                                                                         world news Diamars 24 mei 2022

                           EU to keep budget rules looser for longer amid war fallout

            BRUSSELS  (AP)  —  The  as EU countries face a drop  previous  outlook,  published
            European      Union    has  in  energy  trade  with  Russia,  before  Russia’s  full-scale  at-
            moved  to  prolong  loos-    a surge in inflation and many  tack on Ukraine, foresaw EU
            er  limits  on  spending  by  disruptions to supply chains.  growth  of  4%  this  year  and
            member  countries  for  “Our  economy  is  living  2.8% in 2023.
            an  extra  year  in  a  bid  to  through  a  second  external  Last year, the bloc’s economy
            counter  the  economic  shock  —  the  second  in  two  expanded  5.4%  following  a
            fallout  from  Russia’s  war  years,”  European  Economy  deep  recession  prompted  by
            in Ukraine.                  Commissioner  Paolo  Genti-  the  COVID-19  pandemic.
                                         loni  told  reporters  in  Brus-  EU  gross  domestic  product
            The  European  Commission  sels. “The outlook is subject  shrank 5.9% in 2020.
            recommended  on  Monday  to  downside  risks  and  very  The plan to prolong the loos-
            suspending  the  EU’s  regu-  high uncertainty.”          er EU fiscal framework for an
            lar  rules  on  national  budget  The European Commission’s  extra year comes amid expec-
            discipline through 2023. The  recommendation,     which  tations that inflationary pres-
            27-nation  bloc’s  executive  needs  the  approval  of  EU  sures will prompt the Euro-
            arm  said  member  countries  finance  ministers,  seeks  to  pean Central Bank in coming   policies to unpredictable de-  straint by EU countries.
            need the longer fiscal flexibil-  address short-term spending  months to end years of loose   velopments,” Gentiloni said.  “Should  it  be  agreed,  the
            ity to tackle heightened eco-  needs  by  member  countries  monetary policy — including   “We  are  far  from  economic  ability to spend more doesn’t
            nomic risks since the Russian  to aid their economies with-  record-low  interest  rates  —   normality.”           mean one should,” Dutch Fi-
            invasion on Feb. 24.         out undermining a rulebook  meant to help fuel economic   The  finance  ministers  of  nance  Minister  Sigrid  Kaag
            The  EU  deactivated  its  full  meant  to  prevent  budget  activity in the 19-nation zone   Germany  and  the  Nether-  told  reporters  in  Brussels  at
            controls on national debt lev-  deficits from soaring to levels  that uses the shared euro cur-  lands,  which  are  traditional  a meeting with her euro-area
            els  in  2020  as  a  response  to  that triggered the Greek debt  rency.              defenders  of  budget  auster-  counterparts.  “Debt  sustain-
            the  COVID-19  pandemic.  crisis in 2009.                 “As we navigate the new pe-  ity  across  Europe,  signaled  ability and debt reduction in
            That  laxer  framework  was  A week ago, the commission  riod of turbulence caused by   no intention to try to torpedo  a transparent and clear man-
            due to end at the end of this  slashed  its  forecasts  for  EU  Russia’s invasion of Ukraine,   the  European  Commission  ner should also take place.”q
            year.  The planned  extension  economic  growth  to  2.7%  governments must also have   recommendation.  Nonethe-
            until the start of 2024 comes  this year and 2.3% in 2023. Its  the  flexibility  to  adapt  their   less, they urged spending re-

                           Xinjiang in focus as U.N. rights chief arrives for China visit

            BEIJING  (AP)  —  Alle-                                                                Guangzhou  University,  her  person  Ned  Price  echoed
            gations  of  human  rights                                                             office said.                 that  call  last  Friday,  saying
            abuses  in  northwestern                                                               Rights groups have called for  the  U.S.  and  others  have
            China’s  Xinjiang  region                                                              more  information  and  ac-  been calling for its release for
            will  dominate  a  visit  by                                                           countability from China over  months.
            the  United  Nations’  top                                                             its policies in Tibet and Inner  “The  high  commissioner’s
            rights  official  that  began                                                          Mongolia that restrict minor-  continued silence in the face
            Monday.                                                                                ity  cultural  rights.  A  crack-  of  indisputable  evidence  of
                                                                                                   down on freedoms in Hong  atrocities  in  Xinjiang  and
            Michelle  Bachelet’s  trip  is                                                         Kong  has  also  led  the  U.S.  other  human  rights  viola-
            the first to China by a U.N.                                                           and  others  to  impose  sanc-  tions and abuses throughout
            high  commissioner  for  hu-                                                           tions  on  local  and  Chinese  the P.R.C. … is deeply con-
            man  rights  since  2005,  and                                                         central government officials.  cerning,  particularly  as  she
            rights groups warn it threat-                                                          Amnesty  International  said  is  and  should  be  the  lead-
            ens  to  whitewash  abuses  by                                                         Bachelet   must    “address  ing  U.N.  voice  on  human
            the ruling Communist Party                                                             crimes against humanity and  rights,” Price said, using the
            in Xinjiang.                                                                           gross  human  rights  viola-  acronym for the People’s Re-
            China locked up an estimat-                                                            tions” during her trip.      public of China.
            ed million or more members   spokesperson  Wang  Wenbin  as Ilham Tohti, an economist   “Michelle  Bachelet’s  long-  He  said  the  U.S.  is  “deeply
            of Uyghur, Kazakh and other   confirmed  Bachelet’s  arrival  and  winner  of  the  Sakharov   delayed  visit  to  Xinjiang  is  concerned”  about  Bachelet’s
            Muslim  minorities  in  what   and said she would have “ex-                            a  critical  opportunity  to  ad-  visit and has “no expectation
            critics describe as a campaign   tensive  exchanges  with  all  China has also been accused   dress human rights violations  that the P.R.C. will grant the
            to  obliterate  their  distinct   sectors.”  No  journalists  will  of using forced labor, coercive   in the region, but it will also  necessary  access  required  to
            cultural identities. China says   travel with her in China, but  birth  control  and  separating   be  a  running  battle  against  conduct  a  complete,  unma-
            it  has  nothing  to  hide  and   Bachelet will “brief the media  children from their incarcer-  Chinese  government  efforts  nipulated  assessment  of  the
            welcomes  all  those  without   on  her  visit  in  due  course,”  ated parents. The monitoring   to cover up the truth,” Am-  human  rights  environment
            political bias to visit Xinjiang   Wang said at a daily briefing  group The Dui Hua Founda-  nesty International Secretary  in Xinjiang.”
            and view what it describes as   on Monday.                tion says fasting for Ramadan   General  Agnes  Callamard  The  U.S.  government  has
                                                                      or  selling  Islamic  books  has
            a successful campaign to re-  “I hope that this visit will fur-                        said in a statement.         declared  that  Beijing’s  poli-
            store order and ethnic cohe-  ther promote exchanges and  also been targeted.          “The U.N. must take steps to  cies  against  the  Uyghurs
            sion.                        cooperation between the two  It’s not clear whether Bach-  mitigate against this and resist  amount  to  genocide  and
            Bachelet  began  her  six-day   sides and play an active role  elet will be able to meet with   being used to support blatant  crimes  against  humanity.
                                                                      officials  who  led  the  crack-
            visit  in  the  southern  city  of   in  advancing  the  interna-                      propaganda,” Callamard said.  Legislatures  in  Britain,  Bel-
            Guangzhou and will travel to   tional  human  rights  cause,”  down in Xinjiang, including   Bachelet’s  trip  comes  ahead  gium,  the  Netherlands  and
                                                                      former  regional  party  secre-
            the  Xinjiang  cities  of  Kash-  he said.                                             of the long-awaited release of  Canada have done the same.
            gar,  once  a  stop  on  the  Silk   A  key  question  is  whether  tary Chen Quanguo, now an   a report on the human rights  China  denies  the  allegations
            Road,  and  Urumqi,  the  re-  Bachelet  will  be  allowed  to  official in Beijing.   situation in Xinjiang. Almost  and maintains its policies are
            gion’s  capital.  Details  have   visit  the  former  internment  Bachelet, a former president   200 rights groups have urged  meant  to  deradicalize  those
                                                                      of Chile, plans to speak with
            been tightly held and China’s   camps that China called vo-                            Bachelet  to  release  her  re-  influenced  by  jihadi  propa-
            Communist Party-controlled   cational  training  and  educa-  high-level national and local   port,  which  diplomats  have  ganda following years of vio-
            media  have  not  reported  on   tion  centers  and  meet  with  officials, civil society organi-  said has been ready — or very  lent  outbursts  against  Chi-
            her visit.                   people imprisoned over calls  zations,  business  representa-  close to it — for months.U.S.  nese rule in the region.q
            Chinese  Foreign  Ministry   for greater religious, political  tives and academics, and de-  State  Department  spokes-
                                         and  cultural  freedoms,  such  liver a lecture to students at
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