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A28    u.s. news
                        Diamars 24 mei 2022

                          Cooler weather helps firefighters battling New Mexico blaze

            MORA,  N.M.  (AP)  —                                                                                                this year.
            Firefighters  in  New  Mex-                                                                                         Wildfires  have  broken  out
            ico  who  are  battling  the                                                                                        this spring in multiple states
            nation’s   largest   active                                                                                         in  the  western  U.S.,  where
            wildfire said Monday that                                                                                           climate  change  and  an  en-
            cooler  weather  helped                                                                                             during  drought  are  fanning
            them  prevent  the  blaze                                                                                           the  frequency  and  intensity
            from  growing  as  nearly                                                                                           of forest and grassland fires.
            3,000  firefighters  worked                                                                                         The number of square miles
            to strengthen and increase                                                                                          burned so far this year is far
            their firebreaks.                                                                                                   above  the  10-year  national
            Authorities  also  took  stock                                                                                      Fire crews continued to make
            of  the  ecological  impact  of                                                                                     progress  toward  cordoning
            the blaze in a survey of burn                                                                                       off a wildfire on the outskirts
            severity  and  soil  damage  in                                                                                     of a U.S. national security re-
            areas  that  may  be  prone  to                                                                                     search station at Los Alamos,
            extreme erosion and lengthy                                                                                         New Mexico. That fire in the
            deforestation.                                                                                                      wooded  Jemez  Mountains
            The  blaze  that  started  near-                                                                                    was  85%  encircled  by  clear-
            ly  seven  weeks  ago  in  the                                                                                      ings and barriers that can stop
            Rocky  Mountains  foothills                                                                                         a  wildfire  from  spreading
            remained just 40% contained                                                                                         further, U.S. authorities said.
            Monday.  Fire  crews  were                                                                                          In  southwestern  New  Mex-
            helped over the weekend by   kilometers) of timber, grass-  that burned in recent weeks,  The fire is among five active   ico,  a  fire  that  is  burning
            water-dropping  helicopters   land  and  brush  and  evacu-  including  public  and  private  large  fires  in  the  state  and   through portions of the Gila
            and  aircraft  and  cooler  tem-  ations  have  been  place  for  land.                among 14 nationally, accord-  National  Forest  triggered
            peratures, but warmer weath-  weeks.                      About  one-firth  of  the  area  ing  to  the  National  Inter-  new  evacuations  on  Sun-
            er was expected Monday.      On  Monday,  the  U.S.  For-  experienced   high-severity  agency Fire Center.         day  in  rural  areas,  as  emer-
            The blaze started as two fires   est Service released a survey  burning that can lead to heavy  The  New  Mexico  fire  ac-  gency  crews  labored  to  pro-
            and  burned  into  one  large   of  vegetation  and  soil  dam-  and even dangerous erosion.  counts  for  nearly  60%  of   tect homes and outbuildings
            conflagration.  Flames  have   age across 118 square miles (  Trees in those areas will take  the  536  square  miles  (1,388   from advancing flames.q
            consumed  more  than  484    465 square kilometer) of the  many years to recover with-  square kilometers) consumed
                                                                                                   by wildfires in the U.S. so far
            square  miles  (1,253  square   Sangre de Cristo Mountains  out planting.

                          Appeals court: Florida law on social media unconstitutional

                                                                      lar decision by a Florida fed-  potential  run  for  the  2024  and  Unfair  Trade  Practices
                                                                      eral district judge on the law,  GOP  presidential  nomina-  Act. It would also allow indi-
                                                                      which was signed by DeSan-   tion. He was the first gover-  vidual Floridians to sue social
                                                                      tis in 2021. It was part of an  nor to sign a bill like this into  media  companies  for  up  to
                                                                      overall conservative effort to  law,  although  similar  ones  $100,000 if they feel they’ve
                                                                      portray  social  media  com-  have been proposed in other  been treated unfairly.
                                                                      panies as generally liberal in  states.                   The  bill  targeted  social  me-
                                                                      outlook  and  hostile  to  ideas  One  of  those,  in  Texas,  was  dia platforms that have more
                                                                      outside  of  that  viewpoint,  allowed  to  go  into  effect  by  than 100 million monthly us-
                                                                      especially  from  the  political  the 5th U.S. Circuit Court of  ers, which include online gi-
                                                                      right.                       Appeals, and the tech compa-  ants as Twitter and Facebook.
                                                                      “Some of these massive, mas-  nies involved there are asking  But lawmakers carved out an
                                                                      sive companies in Silicon Val-  for emergency U.S. Supreme  exception for the Walt Disney
                                                                      ley are exerting a power over  Court review on whether to  Co. and their apps by includ-
                                                                      our population that really has  block it. No decision on that  ing  that  theme  park  owners
                                                                      no  precedent  in  American  was immediately released.    wouldn’t  be  subject  to  the
                                                                      history,”  DeSantis  said  dur-  The  Computer  &  Com-   law.
            By CURT ANDERSON             overreach  for  DeSantis  and  ing  a  May  2021  bill-signing  munications  Industry  As-  The law would require large
            Associated Press             the  Republican-led  Florida  ceremony. “One of their ma-  sociation,  a  nonprofit  group  social  media  companies  to
            ST.  PETERSBURG,  Fla.  Legislature  to  tell  the  social  jor missions seems to be sup-  representing  tech  and  com-  publish  standards  on  how  it
            (AP)  —  A  Florida  law  media  companies  how  to  pressing ideas.”                  munications companies, said  decides  to  “censor,  deplat-
            intended  to  punish  so-    conduct their work under the  However,  the  appeals  panel  the ruling represents victory  form, and shadow ban.”
            cial  media  platforms  like  Constitution’s  free  speech  ruled  that  the  tech  compa-  for  Internet  users  and  free  But the appeals court rejected
            Facebook  and  Twitter  is  guarantee.                    nies’ actions were protected,  speech in general — especial-  nearly  all  of  the  law’s  man-
            an unconstitutional viola-   “Put simply, with minor ex-  with Judge Newsom writing  ly  as  it  relates  to  potentially  dates,  save  for  a  few  lesser
            tion  of  the  First  Amend-  ceptions,  the  government  that  Facebook,  Twitter,  Tik-  offensive content.       provisions in the law.
            ment,  a  federal  appeals  can’t tell a private person or  Tok and others are “engaged  “When a digital service takes  “Social media platforms exer-
            court ruled Monday, deal-    entity what to say or how to  in  constitutionally  protected  action  against  problematic  cise editorial judgment that is
            ing  a  major  victory  to  say  it,”  said  Circuit  Judge  expressive activity when they  content  on  its  own  site  —  inherently  expressive.  When
            companies  who  had  been  Kevin  Newsom,  an  appoin-    moderate and curate the con-  whether  extremism,  Rus-   platforms  choose  to  remove
            accused by GOP Gov. Ron  tee of former President Don-     tent that they disseminate on  sian  propaganda,  or  racism  users  or  posts,  deprioritize
            DeSantis  of  discriminat-   ald  Trump,  in  the  opinion.  their platforms.”         and abuse — it is exercising  content  in  viewers’  feeds  or
            ing  against  conservative  “We  hold  that  it  is  substan-  There was no immediate re-  its own right to free expres-  search  results,  or  sanction
            thought.                     tially likely that social media  sponse to emails Monday af-  sion,”  said  CCIA  President  breaches  of  their  commu-
                                         companies  —  even  the  big-  ternoon from DeSantis’ press  Matt Schruers in a statement.  nity standards, they engage in
            A  three-judge  panel  of  the  gest  ones  —  are  private  ac-  secretary or communications  As  enacted,  the  law  would  First-Amendment-protected
            Atlanta-based 11th U.S. Cir-  tors  whose  rights  the  First  director  on  the  ruling.  De-  give Florida’s attorney gener-  activity,” Newsom wrote for
            cuit Court of Appeals unani-  Amendment protects.”        Santis is running for reelec-  al authority to sue companies  the court.q
            mously concluded that it was  The  ruling  upholds  a  simi-  tion  this  year  and  eyeing  a  under  the  state’s  Deceptive
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