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                                                                                                       sports Diamars 24 mei 2022

                       Osaka loses in 1st round of French Open, may skip Wimbledon

            AP Tennis Writer             mindset might have changed  cord in Grand Slam matches.   always more to do. You can’t  made the tennis balls heavier
            PARIS  (AP)  —  A  year  since  her  previous  appear-    Krejcikova  said  she  “hit  the  progress  and  then  just  stop.  and  restricted  what  Anisi-
            ago, Naomi Osaka left the  ance  at  the  clay-court  major  wall” early in the second set  You  know  what  I’m  saying?  mova felt she could do to de-
            French  Open  of  her  own  tournament, when she decid-   and never recovered, becom-  There always has to be evolu-  liver shots where she wanted
            volition,  never  beaten  on  ed not to speak to the media  ing  just  the  third  woman  tion,” Osaka said. “But I feel  them, she was good enough
            the court but determining  at all (drawing a $15,000 fine  in  French  Open  history  to  like, as of right now, they are  to  advance  in  straight  sets
            that she needed to pull out  and  threat  of  further  pun-  be  defeated  in  her  opening  trying their best, and I think  against a top-flight opponent.
            before  the  second  round  ishment,  which  prompted  match  a  year  after  winning  it’s really nice to see.”    “A  lot  of  anticipation  over
            to stand up for herself and  her  withdrawal),  saying  that  the title.               While  Osaka’s  best  perfor-  the last couple of days. I was
            protect her mind.            stance  was  because  of  anxi-  There  weren’t  any  other  mances  have  come  on  hard  trying  not  to  think  about  it
                                         ety and depression she hadn’t  such  significant  results  on  courts,   Anisimova’s   best  too  much,  but  going  into
            On Monday, Osaka departed  previously  revealed.  Her  Day  2,  when  the  women’s  showing  at  a  Slam  came  on  the match, I did feel like the
            Roland  Garros  against  her  openness  back  then  helped  winners  included  No.  1  Iga  the red clay of Roland Garros,  stress  and  the  nerves  a  bit,
            will — via a 7-5, 6-4 loss in  spark  a  wider  awareness  of,  Swiatek, the 2020 champion;  where  she  reached  the  2019  because it is a very tough first
            the  first  round  to  20-year-  and  conversation  about,  the  and other past major champs  semifinals at 17. And even if  round,” Anisimova said. “Just
            old  American  Amanda  Ani-  importance of mental health.  Petra  Kvitova,  Victoria  Aza-  the  occasional  rain  that  de-  happy with how I was able to
            simova,  who  is  seeded  27th  “I’m  really  happy  with  my-  renka  and  Bianca  Andrescu.  layed play for hours Monday  manage it and get through it.”
            and also won their contest at  self,”  Osaka  said  Monday,  In  men’s  matches,  13-time
            the Australian Open in Janu-  “because  I  know  the  emo-  champion Rafael Nadal won
            ary — after taking a painkiller  tions that I left France (with)  in three sets and No. 13 seed
            to try to deal with a trouble-  last year.”               Taylor Fritz won in five.
            some  left  Achilles  tendon.  Barbora   Krejcikova   also  Defending champion Novak
            She tried to stretch the ten-  was aware of the wide spec-  Djokovic  was  scheduled  to
            don by tugging on her neon  trum  of  emotions  she  went  play at night.
            yellow  shoes  at  changeovers  through herself at the French  Merely  conducting  news
            or  by  squatting  to  flex  her  Open  from  2021  —  when  conferences, before the tour-
            lower leg between points.    she  was  a  Grand  Slam  sin-  nament  on  Friday  and  after
            Osaka was unable to summon  gles  champion  for  the  first  this loss, were a step forward
            the serving or court coverage  time — to 2022 — when she  for Osaka. She was comfort-
            on which her game is based,  joined Osaka in departing in  able  addressing  all  sorts  of
            in  part  because  her  practice  the first round.        topics, including her difficul-
            time  and  recent  match  play  Krejcikova  was  seeded  No.  ties on clay and grass courts,
            have been limited. The four-  2, but she was coming off an  the  fact  that  she  is  leaning
            time  Grand  Slam  champion  injured right elbow that kept  toward  skipping  Wimble-
            and  former  No.  1-ranked  her off the tour since Febru-  don  because  there  won’t  be
            player,  who  is  now  ranked  ary, and her first match back  ranking  points  offered  there
            No. 38 and was unseeded in  began with a 4-0 lead before  and  the  increased  attention
            Paris, double-faulted twice to  unraveling  into  a  1-6,  6-2,  to  protecting  athletes’  well-
            end games and called the out-  6-3 exit against Diane Parry, a  being  —  even  if  the  strides
            come “disappointing.”        19-year-old from France who  made over the past 12 months
            Yet she also provided a mea-  is  ranked  97th  and  entered  are not necessarily enough.
            sure of the way in which her  the day with a 1-5 career re-  “I  mean,  I  feel  like  there  is

                             David Ortiz says life has changed since Hall of Fame vote

            NEWTON,  Mass.  (AP)  golf tournament.                    bushed by a man who got off  he said the affection that the  “Without  a  doubt,”  he  said.
            —  Newly  elected  Hall  of  “Life  continued.  You  never  a motorcycle and shot him in  fans  have  for  him  is  some-  “I’ve  got  so  much  love  and
            Famer David Ortiz knows  know  what’s  next,”  he  said,  the back at close range. Doc-  thing that he’ll never take for  respect  for  them.  They  give
            he’s got to enjoy life every  walking the grounds toward a  tors  in  the  Dominican  Re-  granted.                 that love back as well. We al-
            day  after  his  shooting  in  golf cart before he headed out  public removed Ortiz’s gall-  “Oh man, it’s something that  ways stay in touch and try to
            the  Dominican  Republic  to take pictures with players.  bladder and part of his intes-  never gets old,” he said in the  take care of them and guide
            nearly three years ago.      “You’ve just got to focus on  tine after the shooting and he  interview  with  the  AP.  “It’s  them.  That’s  important  in
                                         doing  well  and  making  sure  underwent further surgery in  something  that’s  great  —  everyone’s career.”
            “Without  a  doubt,”  he  told  everyone around you is taken  the U.S.                 getting  love  and  giving  love  On  Monday  morning,  he
            The  Associated  Press  Mon-  care of.”                   The longtime Red Sox slug-   back.”                       took  to  the  microphone  to
            day  morning  at  his  charity  In June 2019, Ortiz was am-  ger was elected to the Hall on  But,  he  joked:  “I’m  out  of  get everyone fired up for the
                                                                      his first ballot by the Baseball  shape signing.”         event.
                                                                      Writers’ Association of Amer-  On Monday, he also recalled  “Where’s  the  energy?”  Big
                                                                      ica in January, making 77.9%  how emotional he was near-  Papi  yelled  to  the  golfers,
                                                                      of the ballots — just over the  ly  seven  years  ago  when  his  which included Hall of Fam-
                                                                      75%  threshold  needed  for  longtime  friend  and  team-  er  Jim  Rice,  former  MLB
                                                                      election.                    mate  Pedro  Martinez  went  player  Adam  Jones  and  re-
                                                                      He said it’s changed his life a  into  the  Hall.  On  that  day,  cently retired Bruins goalten-
                                                                      lot.                         Ortiz  hit  two  homers  and  der  Tuukka  Rask.  “Let’s  go!
                                                                      “Well,  I  was  a  busy  man.  drove in seven RBIs in a Red  You don’t get a Hall of Famer
                                                                      Now, I’m extremely busy,” he  Sox victory. He was emotion-  talking every day. Let’s go!”
                                                                      joked after signing about four  al after the game speaking to  The 46-year-old Ortiz is the
                                                                      dozen  baseballs,  a  few  golf  the media.               fourth  Hall  of  Famer  born
                                                                      bags and a bunch of smaller  “Yeah, my man,” he said, his  in  the  Dominican  Republic,
                                                                      “stress ball” baseballs.     voice becoming softer, recall-  joining  Juan  Marichal,  Mar-
                                                                      Wearing a Hall of Fame base-  ing that day.               tinez and Vladimir Guerrero.
                                                                      ball cap with the logo on the  Now,  he’ll  probably  have  Ortiz’s tournament — called
                                                                      front  and  Cooperstown  on  the same impact on younger  the Boston Heart Classic —
                                                                      the back, Ortiz estimated that  Dominican players, when he  raises money for children in
                                                                      he has signed about 3 million  gives  his  induction  speech  need  of  life-saving  medical
                                                                      baseballs  in  his  career.  But  later this summer.      treatment.
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