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Tuesday 29 augusT 2023
Biden is ‘old,’ Trump is ‘corrupt’: AP-NORC poll has ominous signs
for both in possible 2024 rematch
Continued from Front Biden, just things that come
out of (Biden’s) mouth,”
For Biden, the largest share Doerr said.
of U.S. adults — including “I just don’t think he’s fit to
both Democrats and Re- be president for four more
publicans — mentioned years,” she added. “He
his age. At 80, Biden is just may have been when he
three years older than first ran, but not now.”
Trump, but many Ameri- The poll also illustrated fa-
cans expressed real con- miliar ideological divides. It
cerns about his ability to found that Republicans are
continue as president. more likely than Democrats
Trump, meanwhile, has to use words like “slow” and
been indicted in four “confused” to describe Bi-
cases featuring 91 total den, 25% to 7%, as well as
criminal counts and elic- words like “corrupt” and
its words such as “corrupt” “crooked” (14% to 0%) and
and “crooked” (named “weak” or “unqualified”
by 15%), along with “bad” (9% to 2%).
and other generally nega- For Trump, meanwhile, the
tive comments (11%). Not top comments among Re-
far behind are words like publicans include the gen-
“liar” and “dishonest” (8%). erally positive (15%) along
Another 8% offered gener- People watch from their vehicle as President Donald Trump, on left of video screen, and Democratic with things like “strong”
ally positive comments like presidential candidate former Vice President Joe Biden speak during a Presidential Debate Watch (11%) and mentions of
“good,” though. Party at Fort Mason Center in San Francisco, Thursday, Oct. 22, 2020. Associated Press America or patriotism (8%),
A deeper look doesn’t im- along with mentions of the
prove things much for Bi- presidency or leadership
den or Trump. And while those like “strong” and “ca- sentiment. The poll shows rogant.” He said he doesn’t (6%).
many of the criticisms re- pable” — the top positive that only 24% of Americans plan on voting for either Even some Republicans use
flect a familiar partisan di- comments made about Bi- overall want to see Biden next year. negative words to describe
vide, the poll shows neither den. run again, while 30% say Haith blamed Biden’s eco- Trump, though, including
man is immune to criticism Biden’s age was refer- the same about Trump — nomic policies for his cash labels such as “loudmouth”
from within his own party. enced frequently even and majorities say they are net worth declining at least or “angry” (7%). Others
“He looks like he needs among Democrats, 28% of reluctant to support them if about $150,000 and said mentioned arrogance or
to be someone’s kindly whom mention it — a sig- they are nominated again. the president “just needs to pompousness (6%), narcis-
grandpa on the arm, not nificantly higher percent- Also, 62% of Americans say retire and get on with it.” sism (5%) or other generally
someone at the wheel of age than those who point they have an unfavorable Though he had some kind negative comments (6%).
power,” Justin Campbell, to the presidency or lead- opinion of Trump; 52% say words for Trump, Haith was Democrats are more likely
a 27-year-old Democrat ership (11%) or strength and the same about Biden. also critical of the former than Republicans to cite
and security guard in the capability (11%). Biden’s reelection cam- president. corruption (25% to 4%) and
Brookhaven area of Missis- Trump’s negative com- paign said the president’s “I really like what he did, dishonesty (12% to 4%) to
sippi, said of Biden. He was ments center not on age age is not a top motiva- and I like the decisions describe Trump. Seven per-
even more negative about but on his moral standing tor for voters, especially that he made,” said Haith, cent of Democrats mention
Trump, though, saying that and conduct, along with compared to the admin- who added that, at first, “I racism, bigotry, homopho-
the former president “acts things like “loudmouth” istration’s policy accom- really liked that gruffness bia or misogyny among
like a kindergartner when and “angry” (6%), “crazy” plishments or key issues about him.” But those feel- their top words to describe
people tell him ‘no.’” and “dangerous” (6%) and like abortion. It also noted ings have cooled, he said, the former president. Those
Campbell suggested that “narcissist” (6%). Some 5% that perceptions of the in part because Trump has words were hardly invoked
Trump reads so little about use words like “strong” and president and Democrats what Haith described as “a by any Republicans in the
policy and national security “capable.” were not strong before last typical New York, arrogant poll.
that he might be “function- Rami Marsha, a 58-year-old year’s midterms — only to attitude.” Susan Grant, a 66-year-
ally illiterate.” He said he CEO of a manufacturing have the party defy expec- “I’m not going to support old retired office manager
plans to vote for Biden next company in Agoura Hills, tations. him anymore,” he said. for a nonprofit physician
year and, “I eagerly await California, is a registered A Trump campaign spokes- “I’m done with him.” membership association
Donald Trump being in jail.” Democrat who voted for man did not answer mes- Annie Doerr, a 60-year- from Westfield, Indiana,
Such sentiments were com- Trump in 2016 and for Biden sages seeking comment, old retiree from suburban said Trump “does not need
mon. Fully 26% of respond- in 2020 — but says he’d but the former president Atlanta who described to run again for any office.
ents use words like “old” likely leave the presidential has previously used his in- herself as a moderate Re- He’s not fit.”
or “outdated” to describe race portion of his ballot dictments to go on the po- publican, said of Trump, “I But she added that, “While
Biden, and another 15% blank if those two square litical offensive, telling sup- thought some of his policies I respect Biden, I think he’s
mention things like “slow” off again in 2024. porters at rallies, “I’m being were good for Americans, too old.”
and “confused.” “I think he might be having indicted for you.” but he’s just too much of a “I do feel like he’s at the
Another 10% give gener- some dementia, and I don’t Larry Haith, a 73-year-old distraction.” age where he probably
ally negative comments think he has the power to Idahoan and retired presi- Doerr had problems with needs to not run,” said
about the president, and run the country,” Marsha dent and general manag- the president, too, com- Grant, a Republican. “I’m
6% use words like “corrupt” said of Biden. But he was er of an auto parts firm, is a paring him to what she had not saying he’s not able.
and “crooked.” Just 6% of- equally blunt about Trump: Republican who described seen while caring for her But, overall, I would like to
fer words like “president” “I’ve had enough of him.” Biden for the poll as an “id- 95-year-old father. see younger people run-
and “leader,” and 5% use That’s a fairly common iot” and called Trump “ar- “He reminded me a lot of ning for president.”q