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                                                                                                 U.S. NEWS Tuesday 29 augusT 2023

             White House highlights how administration is helping unions

            By FATIMA HUSSEIN                                                                                                   tion  that  claims  it  is  friend-
            Associated Press                                                                                                    lier  to  unions,  membership
            WASHINGTON  (AP)  —  As                                                                                             numbers  are  still  waning
            worker  actions  continue                                                                                           nationally.  A  January  BLS
            from  Hollywood  to  De-                                                                                            report states that 11.3 per-
            troit, and new labor unions                                                                                         cent  of  U.S.  workers  were
            crop  up  at  firms  like  Star-                                                                                    represented  by  a  union
            bucks  and  Amazon,  the                                                                                            in  2022,  down  by  0.3  per-
            White  House  on  Monday                                                                                            cent  from  a  year  ago.
            was highlighting its effort to                                                                                      Globalization,  automation
            bolster  worker  organizing                                                                                         and  the  deterioration  of
            throughout the U.S.                                                                                                 legal  support  to  workers
            President  Joe  Biden  is                                                                                           over decades has brought
            counting  on  critical  labor                                                                                       down  union  participation
            support  as  he  campaigns                                                                                          numbers,    administration
            for a second term in office,                                                                                        officials  said.  Hollywood
            holding  his  first  re-election                                                                                    writers  have  been  striking
            campaign rally at a Penn-                                                                                           since  early  May  and  have
            sylvania union hall in June,                                                                                        not  yet  made  a  deal  with
            declaring: “I’m proud to be                                                                                         the studios. Starbucks work-
            the  most  pro-union  presi-                                                                                        ers have unionized at more
            dent  in  American  history.”                                                                                       than  350  stores  across  the
            The White House and Trea-                                                                                           country  and  a  collection
            sury  on  Monday  issued  a   Striking writers and actors picket outside Paramount studios in Los Angeles on Friday, July 14, 2023.   of  Amazon  workers  have
            joint  analysis  on  what  the                                                                     Associated Press  joined  the  International
            administration  sees  as  the                                                                                       Brotherhood  of  the  Team-
            importance of unions, and  bor  movement,  as  union  port  labor  organizing  and  the pandemic, have been  sters,  in  hopes  of  gaining
            also the White House efforts  election  petitions  in  2022  bargaining,  told  report-  increasingly  willing  to  walk  union recognition.
            to  safeguard  and  bolster  bounced  back  from  the  ers  unions  were  critically  out  on  the  job  as  employ-  Most  recently,  auto  work-
            them.  There  is  “evidence  pandemic  to  their  highest  important.  “When  union  ers face a greater need for  ers  represented  by  the
            that  unions  strengthen  the  level since 2015,” the analy-  workers  bargain  for  higher  workers. The Cornell School  United  Auto  Workers  union
            middle class and grow the  sis says “and public opinion  pay,  it  increases  pressure  of Industrial and Labor Re-  which still has not endorsed
            economy” by raising wag-     of labor unions is at its high-  on  non-union  companies  lations Labor Action Track-  Biden’s  2024  presidential
            es of members and improv-    est level in over 50 years.”  to raise pay as well to stay  er  logged  424  work  stop-  run  voted overwhelmingly
            ing health care, retirement  Vice President Kamala Har-   competitive  in  the  labor  pages  which includes 417  to give leaders the author-
            and  predictable  schedul-   ris,  who  leads  the  White  market,” she said.          strikes  and  seven  lockouts  ity  to  call  strikes  against

            ing  plan  benefits,  accord-  House  Labor  Task  Force,  Workers  calling  for  higher  involving   approximately  Detroit car companies Stel-
            ing to the analysis.         created  to  work  with  fed-  wages, better working con-  224,000 workers in 2022.    lantis,  General  Motors  and
            “There  have  been  recent  eral  agencies  to  use  their  ditions and job security, es-  Despite  the  coverage  of  Ford  if  a  contract  agree-
            signs of a reinvigorated la-  existing  authority  to  sup-  pecially  since  the  end  of  strikes  and  an  administra-  ment isn’t reached. q

            Judge dismisses lawsuit by sorority sisters who sought to block a

            transgender woman from joining

            By MEAD GRUVER               bylaws  don’t  define  who’s  drew  widespread  atten-    places   and    elsewhere,  “The  allegations  against
            Associated Press             a woman.                     tion as transgender people  while others push back.       Ms.  Langford  should  never
            CHEYENNE, Wyo. (AP) — A  The case at Wyoming’s only  fight for more acceptance  A  federal  court  cannot  have  made  it  into  a  legal
            judge has dismissed a law-   four-year  public  university  in  schools,  athletics,  work-  interfere  with  the  sorority  filing.
            suit  contesting  a  transgen-                                                         chapter’s  freedom  of  as-  They  are  nothing  more
            der  woman’s  admission                                                                sociation  by  ruling  against  than cruel rumors that mir-
            into a sorority at the Univer-                                                         its vote to induct the trans-  ror  exactly  the  type  of  ru-
            sity of Wyoming, ruling that                                                           gender  woman  last  year,  mors used to vilify and de-
            he could not override how                                                              Johnson ruled Friday.        humanize  members  of  the
            the private, voluntary orga-                                                           With no definition of a wom-  LGBTQIA+  community  for
            nization  defined  a  woman                                                            an in sorority bylaws, John-  generations.  And  they  are
            and order that she not be-                                                             son ruled that he could not  baseless,”  Berkness  said  in
            long.                                                                                  impose the six sisters’ defini-  an email.
            In the lawsuit, six members                                                            tion of a woman in place of  The sorority sisters who sued
            of the Kappa Kappa Gam-                                                                the  sorority’s  more  expan-  said Langford’s presence in
            ma  sorority  chapter  chal-                                                           sive  definition  provided  in  their  sorority  house  made
            lenged  Artemis  Langford’s                                                            court.                       them  uncomfortable.  But
            admission by casting doubt                                                             “With  its  inquiry  beginning  while the lawsuit portrayed
            on whether sorority rules al-                                                          and ending there, the court  Langford  as  a  “sexual
            lowed a transgender wom-                                                               will  not  define  a  ‘woman’  predator,”  claims  about
            an.                                                                                    today,” Johnson wrote.       her behavior turned out to
            Wyoming U.S. District Court   Two people walk on the University of Wyoming campus, June   Langford’s  attorney,  Ra-  be a “nothing more than a
            Judge Alan Johnson, in his   14, 2016, in Laramie, Wyo.                                chel  Berkness,  welcomed  drunken  rumor,”  Berkness
            ruling,  found  that  sorority                                        Associated Press  the ruling.                 said.q
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