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                   Tuesday 29 augusT 2023
            8 U.S. Marines remain in a hospital after a fiery aircraft crash

            By ROD McGUIRK                                                                                                      deaths.
            Associated Press                                                                                                    The latest was in June 2022,
            CANBERRA,  Australia  (AP)                                                                                          when  five  Marines  died  in
            —  Eight  U.S.  Marines  re-                                                                                        a  fiery  crash  in  a  remote
            mained in a hospital in the                                                                                         part  of  California  east  of
            Australian  north  coast  city                                                                                      San  Diego.  A  crash  inves-
            of Darwin on Monday after                                                                                           tigation  report  last  month
            they were injured in a fiery                                                                                        found that the tragedy was
            crash  of  a  tiltrotor  aircraft                                                                                   caused  by  a  mechanical
            that killed three of their col-                                                                                     failure related to a clutch.
            leagues on an island.                                                                                               There  had  been  16  similar
            All  20  survivors  were  flown                                                                                     clutch  problems  with  the
            from Melville Island 80 kilo-                                                                                       Marine  Ospreys  in  flight
            meters  (50  miles)  south  to                                                                                      since  2012,  the  report
            Darwin  within  hours  of  the                                                                                      found.  But  no  problems
            Marine  V-22  Osprey  crash-                                                                                        have arisen since February
            ing  at  9:30  a.m.  Sunday                                                                                         when the Marine Corps be-
            during a multinational train-                                                                                       gan  replacing  a  piece  of
            ing exercise, Northern Terri-                                                                                       equipment on the aircraft,
            tory Chief Minister Natasha                                                                                         the report said.
            Fyles said.                                                                                                         Emergency       responders
            All were taken to the Royal   In this photo released by Australian Department of Defense, United States Marine Corps MV-22B   were  surprised  the  death
            Darwin  Hospital,  and  12   Osprey tiltrotor aircraft are parked at RAAF Base Darwin, Australia, Aug. 11, 2023, during Exercise   toll  from  Sunday’s  crash
            had  been  discharged  by    Alon at the Indo-Pacific Endeavour 2023.                                               was not higher.
            Monday, she said.                                                                                  Associated Press  “For a chopper that crash-
            The  first  five  Marines  to  ar-  hours,” Fyles told reporters.  are currently based in Dar-  yet to be explained and in-  es  and  catches  fire,  to
            rive at the city’s main hos-  The  Osprey  that  crashed  win and up to 2,500 rotate  vestigators would remain at  have  20  Marines  that  are
            pital  were  critically  injured  was  one  of  two  that  flew  through the city every year.  the site for at least 10 days,  surviving,  I  think  that’s  an
            and one underwent emer-      from  Darwin  to  Melville  on  They are part of a realign-  Murphy said.              incredible  outcome,”  Mur-
            gency surgery.               Sunday  as  part  of  Exercise  ment  of  U.S.  forces  in  the  The  Osprey,  a  hybrid  air-  phy  said.  Defense  Minister
              Fyles  said  she  would  not  Predators  Run,  which  in-  Asia-Pacific  that  is  broadly  craft  that  takes  off  and  Richard  Marles  was  also
            detail  the  conditions  of  volves  the  militaries  of  the  meant to face an increas-  lands  like  a  helicopter  but  greateful  that  the  toll  was
            eight who remained in the  United  States,  Australia,  ingly assertive China.         during flight can tilt its pro-  not worse.
            hospital  out  of  respect  for  Indonesia,  the  Philippines  The  bodies  of  the  three  pellers  forward  and  cruise  “It’s  remarkable  that  in
            them and their families.     and East Timor.              Marines  remained  at  the  much  faster  like  an  air-  many ways, so many have
            “It’s ... a credit to everyone  All  23  Marines  aboard  the  crash site, where an exclu-  plane, crashed into tropical  survived,”  Marles  told  Nine
            involved that we were able  lost aircraft were temporar-  sion  zone  would  be  main-  forest and burst into flame.  News  television.  “This  re-
            to get 20 patients from an  ily based in Darwin as part  tained,  Northern  Territory  Before  Sunday,  there  had  mains  a  very  tragic  inci-
            extremely  remote  location  of  the  Marine  Corps’  an-  Police  Commissioner  Mi-   been  five  fatal  crashes  dent and the loss of those
            on an island into our tertiary  nual troop rotation.      chael Murphy said.           of  Marine  Ospreys  since  lives are keenly felt,” Marles
            hospital  within  a  matter  of  Around  150  U.S.  Marines  The cause of the crash had  2012, causing a total of 16  added.q

             Haiti police probe killings of parishioners who were led by a pastor

             into gang territory

            By EVENS SANON               — The director of Haiti’s Na-  those  who  encouraged  He  said  police  were  try-    the  crowd  partly  because
            Associated Press             tional  Police  vowed  Mon-  hundreds  of  parishioners  ing  to  recover  the  bodies  it  had  split  up  into  two
            PORT-AU-PRINCE, Haiti (AP)  day  to  hold  accountable  to  take  up  machetes  and  of  those  killed  in  Canaan,  groups.
                                                                      sticks over the weekend to  a  community  established  “Police  did  everything  to
                                                                      try and rid a community of  north of the capital by sur-  stop  them,”  he  said  at  a
                                                                      gang members, only to be  vivors of the country’s dev-    news  conference,  calling
                                                                      fatally shot by them.        astating  2010  earthquake.  the event a “tragedy.”
                                                                      Police  Chief  Frantz  Elbé  The  community  is  con-     Zidor, the pastor, could not
                                                                      said  the  group’s  religious  trolled by a powerful gang  be  immediately  reached
                                                                      leader,  identified  as  Mar-  whose leader goes only by  for  comment.  An  Associ-
                                                                      corel Zidor, participated in  “Jeff,”  and  who  is  an  ally  ated  Press  team  visited
                                                                      the  protest  Saturday  and  of another gang known as  the  church  on  Monday,
                                                                      was  accompanied  by  un-    “Five Seconds.”              but  its  big  metal  gates
                                                                      identified  people  clad  in  Police  said  in  a  statement  were  closed,  and  no  one
                                                                      olive green carrying assault  that they had tried to con-  responded  to  requests  for
                                                                      rifles as they and the parish-  vince  the  religious  group  entry.
                                                                      ioners marched toward the  to stop their plan “to avoid  Tranquil  Florant,  a  32-year-
                                                                      community of Canaan.         a  carnage  by  criminals  old  homeopathic  doctor
                                                                      Elbé  said  the  group  drew  who  have  an  arsenal  of  who  is  a  member  of  the
            A woman cries as she and other residents flee their homes to   gunfire  from  gang  mem-  war.”  Elbé  noted  that  the  church, told the AP that the
            escape  armed  clashes  between  rival  criminal  groups  in  the   bers,  and  that  “multiple”  group  had  not  notified  pastor  announced  plans
            Carrefour-Feuilles  district  of  Port-au-Prince,  Haiti,  Tuesday,   people were killed and sev-  police  about  the  protest  for the weekend march on
            August 15, 2023.                                          eral kidnapped, though he  as  required,  and  that  of-  Thursday during an all-night
                                                     Associated Press
                                                                      did not provide numbers.     ficers  were  unable  to  halt  prayer.q
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