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Tuesday 29 augusT 2023
Lockdown ended after apparent shooting at University of North
Carolina’s flagship campus
By HANNAH SCHOENBAUM he and others sat against
Associated Press a wall, trying to stay as far
CHAPEL HILL, N.C. (AP) away as possible from the
— An apparent shooting doors and windows. He
at the University of North sheltered in place for a
Carolina’s flagship cam- couple of hours as rumors
pus Monday led students spread across campus
and faculty to barricade about what was happen-
themselves in dorm rooms, ing. “No one really felt safe
offices and classrooms for enough to leave. I didn’t,”
hours until the lockdown Lanier said.
was lifted. Other friends of his were
About three hours after barricaded in classrooms
warning students to seek or went into the basement
shelter indoors and avoid of the building they were
windows Monday, the in, Lanier said. Oliver Katz,
school posted on X, for- an exchange student from
merly known as Twitter, “All Copenhagen Business
clear. All clear. Resume School in Denmark, was
normal activities.” Law enforcement and first responders gather on South Street near the Bell Tower on the University working out at the campus
Although school officials of North Carolina at Chapel Hill campus in Chapel Hill, N.C., Monday, Aug. 28, 2023, after a report gym with friends when he
and local authorities didn’t of an “armed and dangerous person” on campus. got the alert on his phone.
provide details about the Associated Press Some students crowded
alleged shooting, Gov. Roy 1:50 p.m., officials posted exit the student center, yell- state’s flagship public uni- into the locker rooms to get
Cooper posted on X that on X that the shelter-in- ing “Inside, now!” About 10 versity. The university has away from windows while
he had spoken to the Or- place order remained in minutes later, law enforce- approximately 20,000 un- others crouched in the cor-
ange County sheriff and effect and that it was “an ment escorted a group of dergraduate students and ners and sat on the floor, he
the state’s public safety ongoing situation.” About students out of one of the 12,000 graduate students. said.
secretary and “pledged all 40 minutes later, the school science buildings, with ev- During the lockdown, a stu- They stayed there for about
state resources needed to added a post saying: “Re- eryone walking in an order- dent told TV station WTVD three hours before they
capture the shooter and main sheltered in place. ly line with their hands up. that she had barricaded were evacuated by police.
protect the UNC campus.” This is an ongoing situation. Shortly before 4 p.m., stu- her dormitory door with her “This never happens where
Cooper’s office declined Suspect at large.” dents and faculty started furniture. Another student, I’m from,” Katz said, adding
to provide further informa- About two hours after the emerging from campus speaking softly, described that before he decided to
tion, saying it didn’t want first alert went out, officers buildings, with the lock- hiding in fear with others in study at UNC, it crossed his
to get ahead of what lo- were still arriving in droves, down over. a dark bathroom. mind that school shootings
cal authorities were saying. with about 50 police vehi- The report of the shooting Adrian Lanier, a sopho- were much more common
School officials said as soon cles at the scene and multi- and subsequent lockdown more computer science in the United States. “It was
as they had verified infor- ple helicopters circling over paralyzed campus and major, told The Associated intense. But I was a little sur-
mation, they would share it. the school. parts of the surrounding Press that he was in a cam- prised that other people
The school’s first alert was One officer admonished town of Chapel Hill a week pus gym when the first safe- weren’t panicking that
sent out just after 1 p.m. At two people who tried to after classes began at the ty alert was issued. He said much.”q
Biden will observe 9/11 in Alaska instead of the traditional NYC,
Virginia or Pennsylvania events
By DARLENE SUPERVILLE Press review of media cov- lay a wreath at the 9/11
Associated Press erage of these events. memorial at the Pentagon.
WASHINGTON (AP) — Presi- Biden will stop in Alaska for Terrorists hijacked com-
dent Joe Biden will observe the 9/11 observance at mercial airplanes on Sept.
next month’s 22nd anni- Joint Base Elmendorf-Rich- 11, 2001, and flew them
versary of the worst terror- ardson in Anchorage on his into the Twin Towers in New
ist attack on U.S. soil at an way back to Washington York’s financial district and
Alaska military base with after he attends a summit in the Pentagon in Arlington,
service members and their New Delhi with other world Virginia. A fourth plane
families, the White House leaders and visits Vietnam crashed in a field in Shanks-
announced. on Sept. 10. ville, Pennsylvania, after
It will be the first time that a Vice President Kamala Har- passengers fought back.
president has not attended ris and her husband, Doug Nearly 3,000 people were
any of the observances Emhoff, will participate in killed in the attacks. Biden
that have been held annu- the annual commemora- was a U.S. senator at the
President Joe Biden speaks on the anniversary of the Inflation ally in New York City, Penn- tion at the National Sep- time. The White House did
Reduction Act during an event in the East Room of the White sylvania and Virginia, just tember 11 Memorial and not announce which official
House, Wednesday, Aug. 16, 2023, in Washington. outside Washington, ac- Museum in lower Manhat- will participate in the Penn-
Associated Press cording to an Associated tan. First lady Jill Biden will sylvania observance.q