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                                                                                         WORLD NEWS Tuesday 29 augusT 2023
            U.S., China agree to discuss export controls as commerce

            secretary visits

            By JOE McDONALD                                                                                                     “The  United  States  is  com-
            AP Business Writer                                                                                                  mitted  to  being  transpar-
            BEIJING (AP) — Commerce                                                                                             ent  about  our  export  con-
            Secretary  Gina  Raimondo                                                                                           trol enforcement strategy,”
            said  she  and  her  Chinese                                                                                        Raimondo  told  reporters
            counterpart  agreed  Mon-                                                                                           at  Ambassador  Nicholas
            day  to  exchange  informa-                                                                                         Burns’s official residence.
            tion on U.S. export controls                                                                                        “We are not compromising
            that  frustrate  Beijing  and                                                                                       or negotiating in matters of
            set  up  a  group  to  discuss                                                                                      national security,” she said.
            other  commercial  issues,                                                                                          “But this is meant to be a di-
            but  neither  side  appeared                                                                                        alogue where we increase
            ready  to  make  conces-                                                                                            transparency.”
            sions on disputes that have                                                                                         Earlier, Wang told Raimon-
            plunged  relations  to  their                                                                                       do  that  Beijing  is  ready  to
            lowest level in decades.                                                                                            work  together  to  “foster  a
            Raimondo  joined  Ameri-                                                                                            more favorable policy envi-
            can officials including Trea-                                                                                       ronment for stronger coop-
            sury Secretary Janet Yellen                                                                                         eration” and “bolster bilat-
            in  July  who  have  visited                                                                                        eral trade and investment.”
            China  in  hopes  of  reviv-                                                                                        Wang  gave  no  details  of
            ing  chilly  relations.  They                                                                                       possible initiatives.
            expressed  optimism  about                                                                                          Beijing  broke  off  dialogues
            improving  communication     U.S. Commerce Secretary Gina Raimondo, right, speaks next to U.S. Ambassador to China Nick   with  Washington  on  mili-
            but no progress on conflicts   Burns, left, during a meeting with China’s Minister of Commerce Wang Wentao, foreground, at the   tary,  climate  and  other  is-
            over  technology,  security,   Ministry of Commerce in Beijing, Monday, Aug. 28, 2023.             Associated Press   sues in August 2022 in retali-
            human rights and a linger-                                                                                          ation for a visit to Taiwan by
            ing tariff war.              Wentao     agreed   during  lutions on trade and invest-  velop  artificial  intelligence  then-Speaker Nancy Pelosi
            For its part, Chinese leader  a  four-hour  meeting  to  ment issues.”                 and  other  industries.  The  of  the  House  of  Represen-
            Xi  Jinping’s  government  launch an “information ex-     A  key  Chinese  complaint  curbs  crippled  the  smart-  tatives.
            wants  to  revive  foreign  in-  change”  on  export  con-  is  limits  on  access  to  pro-  phone  business  of  Huawei  The   Communist   Party
            vestor  interest  in  China  as  trols.                   cessor chips and other U.S.  Technologies  Ltd.,  China’s  claims  the  self-ruled  island
            it tries to reverse a deepen-  She  said  they  also  will  set  technology   on   security  first global tech brand.  democracy  as  part  of  its
            ing economic slump.          up  a  “working  group”  of  grounds  that  threaten  to  Raimondo  said  the  infor-  territory and objects to for-
            Raimondo  said  she  and  officials  and  private  sector  hamper the ruling Commu-    mation exchange will hold  eign  governments  having
            Commerce  Minister  Wang  representatives to “seek so-    nist Party’s ambition to de-  its first meeting Tuesday.  contact with it.q

            EU official proposes 2030 as enlargement deadline for states

            waiting in line

            By DUSAN STOJANOVIC          homework  and  I  have  a  Balkan  ally  Serbia  has  re-  EU  will  decide  on  opening  Bled forum on Monday, Slo-
            Associated Press             suggestion  as  we  prepare  fused  to  join  EU  sanctions  their  full-on  accession  ne-  venian  Prime  Minister  Rob-
            BELGRADE,  Serbia  (AP)  —  next EU strategic agenda,”  against  Moscow,  although  gotiations at an EU summit  ert  Golob  said  that  the  EU
            Faced with the Russian ag-   Michel  said.  “We  must  set  Belgrade  says  it  respects  in December. In his speech  enlargement  was  a  press-
            gression  against  Ukraine  ourselves  a  clear  goal:  I  Ukrainian territorial integrity.  during  the  opening  of  the  ing issue.q
            and  fears  of  Moscow’s  in-  believe we must be ready  The  Balkan  states  are  at
            creasing  influence  in  parts  on  both  sides  by  2030  to  different  stages  of  their  EU
            of  the  Balkans,  the  Euro-  enlarge,” he said, to a big  accession talks. Many have
            pean Union should make a  round of applause. He said  been  stalling  on  imple-
            “bold  move”  and  accept  that the war in Ukraine “has  menting  the  main  EU  pre-
            new members by 2030, the  shown that peace and de-        conditions for membership,
            European  Council  presi-    mocracy cannot be taken  such as the rule of law, free
            dent said Monday.            for granted.”                elections and media.
            Speaking at an internation-  “This  war  is  not  just  devas-  The  EU’s  regular  enlarge-
            al  strategic  forum  at  the  tating Ukraine: this war has  ment update is due in Oc-
            Slovenian  lakeside  resort  a profound impact on the  tober,  when  EU  officials
            of Bled attended by West-    future  of  our  continent.  It  are expected to report on
            ern Balkan leaders, Charles  has a profound impact on  progress  in  negotiations
            Michel said that it was time  global security,” he said.  with the six Western Balkan
            for  those  states  that  have  EU  officials  fear  that  Rus-  states that have been wait-
            been  waiting  in  an  EU  sia  could  try  to  destabilize  ing in line for more than two
            membership  line  for  more  the  Balkans,  which  went  decades  Serbia, Montene-     In this photo provided by the Slovenian Government, European
            than  20  years  to  be  given  through  a  bloody  war  in  gro,  North  Macedonia,  Al-  Council  President  Charles  Michel  speaks  during  the  Bled
            “a clear goal.”              the  1990s,  and  thus  shift  bania, Bosnia and Kosovo.  Strategic Forum 2023 at the Bled Festival Hall in Bled, Slovenia,
            “We  must  talk  about  tim-  world attention from its ag-  For  Ukraine  and  Moldova,   Monday, Aug. 28, 2023.
            ing, we must talk about our  gression in Ukraine. Russia’s  which also want to join, the                                        Associated Press
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