Page 7 - aruba-today-20230829
P. 7

                                                                                                           local Tuesday 29 augusT 2023
            Aruban snacks and where to find them

            ORANJESTAD  —  Want  to
            taste  something  different
            for  a  change?  How  about
            some  Aruban  snacks  that
            you can find all around the
            island? Hop in your car, and
            go to these locations to find
            some  of  the  most  popular
            and  tasty  snacks  that  are
            beloved by our locals.

            One  of  the  staples  of  Aru-
            ban  cuisine  and  snacks  is
            the  Pastechi.  Pastechi  is  a
            Caribbean fried pastry that
            is filled with cheese, meat,  on-the-road lunch break.    moving  around  the  island.
            chicken,    veggies    and                                However,  there  are  a  few
            sometimes even fish! Or per-  While you’re at it, why not  spots  where  you  can  al-
            haps you might want to try  accompany  your  snack  most  always  find  a  coco-
            a croquette, locally called  with a refreshing “batido”?  nut/shaved ice vendor:
            a “kroket,” which is a crusty  Batidos  are  fruit  shakes,  1.  Right  next  to  the  Red
            fried snack with typically a  typically made with added       Anchor  in  San  Nicolas,
            meat and dough mix filling.  milk  for  some  creaminess.     on  the  way  to  Baby
            The Aruban kroket is based  However, you can also ask         Beach.
            on  its  Dutch  counterpart,  to hold the milk. Batidos are  2.  Along  the  main  road
            the “bitterbal”.             commonly  found  in  snack       next to the airport field.
                                         shops  too.  You  may  find  3.  At  the  California  Light
            These  two  snacks  are  typi-  some batido shops next the    House.
            cally found in all local snack  flee markets downtown, or  4.  At  the  Alto  Vista  Cha-
            trucks, which can be found  if you’re on your way to San      pel.
            all over the island, including  Nicolas, at Mauchi Smooth-
            on the side of the main road  ies  and  Juice  Bar  in  Sava-  These vendors may also sell
            that  stretches  from  San  neta (located at the side of  other  delights,  like  the  be-
            Nicolas  to  the  Hotel  Area.  the main road).           loved coconut-based des-
            You can also find pastechis                               sert  “cocada”  or  peanuts.
            and  krokets  at  local  bak-  If you are looking for some-  All in all, in Aruba, you can
            eries and snack shops, like  thing a bit more fresh and  always  find  some  place
            Bright Bakery in Piedra Plat,  healthy,  why  not  try  some  to take a break and have
            Huchada  in  Santa  Cruz  or  coconuts,  or  shaved  ice  a  bite  of  something  local,
            Pastechi  House  in  the  city  from  local  vendors?  These  you maybe just might have
            center.  These  places  may  vendors  carry  their  little  to look for them!q
            also  sell  other  snacks  and  shop  at  the  back  of  their
            sandwiches too, perfect for  truck,  so  they  are  ever-  Photo credit:

            Visit the natural bridges of Aruba!

            (Oranjestad)—After  you’ve  The bridge was formed dur-    beach,  as  the  bridge  had
            visited   the   Alto   Vista  ing thousands of years, cut  a  small  opening  through
            Church,  the  Bushiribana  and  crafted  by  the  wild  which the water would flow
            Gold  Mill  Ruins  and  the  waves  that  crash  into  the  into the tiny beach.
            mini natural pool that is lo-  coral  stone  walls  of  the  Unfortunately  in  2005,  the
            cated right next to it, you’re  coast.  Before  its  collapse,  bridge  collapsed,  and  the
            next  up  around  the  north-  this  bridge  measured  30  little  beach  dried  up.  De-
            ern coast line must be the  meters in length and 7 me-    spite this, this site remained
            Natural  Bridge.  Once  the  ters in height, making it the  a  tourist  attraction,  with
            largest natural bridge in the  biggest  natural  bridge  in  many visitors walking along                The Baby Natural Bridge
            Caribbean, this bridge has  the Caribbean at the time.  the coral cliffs of the bridge
            been a tourist attraction for  For many years, this site was  to see the spectacular view
            many years.                  also  a  frequently  visited  of  the  northern  coastline
                                                                      and  the  Caribbean  Sea.
                                                                      Visitors can also still visit the
                                                                      souvenir shop on the left of
                                                                      the bridge entrance.

                                                                      While  the  natural  bridge
                                                                      no  longer  is  functional,
                                                                      there is now a smaller nat-
                                                                      ural  bridge  very  close.  This
                                                                      bridge  is  often  called  the
                                                                      “Baby  Bridge”  or  “Daugh-
                          The Natural Bridge pre-collapse                                                       Current state of the Natural Bridge
                                                                      ter Bridge”. q
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