Page 31 - bon-dia-aruba-20220917
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sports Diasabra 17 september 2022
German minister asks UEFA to remove Chile loses FIFA appeal in World
Belarus from Euro 2024 Cup case with Ecuador
(AP) — Chile has lost its appeal to replace Ecuador
at the World Cup in Qatar, but Friday's verdict by
UEFA also acted days later FIFA will likely lead the case to the Court of Arbi-
against Belarus, which has tration for Sport.
supported the Russian mili-
tary and political leadership. FIFA dismissed Chile's argument that Ecuador player By-
On March 3, UEFA prohib- ron Castillo was actually Colombian and ineligible to play
ited Belarusian teams from in World Cup qualifying games. Castillo played in eight
hosting games on its territory of them for Ecuador.
but stopped short of a com-
petitive ban. FIFA said its appeal judges "deemed that on the basis of
the documents presented, the player was to be considered
Belarus was described on as holding permanent Ecuadorian nationality in accor-
Friday by Russia President dance" with soccer's legal statutes.
Vladimir Putin as an ally
and partner at a conference The verdict, which upholds a FIFA disciplinary ruling
in Uzbekistan also attended from June, keeps Ecuador on track to play Qatar in the
by the authoritarian Belarus opening game of the World Cup in Doha on Nov. 20. The
(AP) — A German govern- ported by Der Spiegel maga- President Alexander Lukash- Netherlands and Senegal are also in Group A.
ment minister has asked zine, and would reply to her. enko.
UEFA to remove Belarus However, Chile's legal challenge can continue.
from trying to qualify for The request comes three Belarus has never qualified
the 2024 European Cham- weeks before Germany hosts for a major soccer tourna- The Chilean soccer federation can now appeal against
pionship which her coun- the Euro 2024 qualifying ment and won just one game FIFA's verdict to CAS in Lausanne, Switzerland. Sport's
try is hosting, citing that groups draw in Frankfurt in each of its qualifying highest court can organize an urgent hearing and ruling
country's support for Rus- which Russia already was groups for the 2022 World in the nine weeks left until the World Cup starts.
sia. banned from by UEFA. Cup and Euro 2020.
Chile claimed to have evidence proving Castillo is Co-
UEFA said on Friday it re- UEFA and FIFA excluded all In its UEFA Nations League lombian and should never have played for Ecuador.
ceived the letter to its presi- Russian teams from interna- group in June, Belarus played
dent Aleksander Ceferin tional soccer competitions in its home games in Novi Sad, Chile prepared its case after the World Cup draw was
from interior minister Nan- February, within days of the Serbia. No fans were allowed made on April 1, and after FIFA and Qatari organizers
cy Faeser, which was first re- military invasion of Ukraine. to attend. sold thousands of tickets and accommodation rooms to
Ecuador fans.
Had Ecuador forfeited all eight games Castillo played,
Larson signs 3-year extension with Chile would have risen to the fourth automatic qualifica-
tion place in the South American qualifying group. Ecua-
Hendrick through 2026 dor would have dropped out of contention.
FIFA's legal statues include a section on national team eli-
(AP) — NASCAR cham- sive traffic spikes whenever it onship level outside of the gibility when a state government has granted citizenship
pion Kyle Larson has was featured on Larson's car. race car. We're proud to con- to players.
signed a three-year con- tinue our relationship and to
tract extension through The 30-year-old Larson was see him represent our team The appeal hearing on Thursday was held remotely from
2026 with Hendrick Mo- suspended for most of 2020 and our brands in such posi- Zurich with only the three judges present. The chief
torsports, the team that for using a racial slur and lost tive ways. The years to come judge overseeing the case was Neil Eggleston, an Ameri-
welcomed him back last his job with Chip Ganassi are very bright." can who is a former White House Counsel in the second
season after a nearly one- Racing. Hendrick took him administration of Barack Obama.
year suspension. when the suspension was also will
lifted, and Larson won 10 continue to support Larson The FIFA appeals committee rarely overturns a ruling by
The extension announced races last season and his first in his non-NASCAR racing. the soccer body's disciplinary committee.
Friday includes sponsor Cup title., which "I can't explain how much Chile has filed complaints against an opponent's player in
will sponsor the No. 5 Chev- "When Kyle joined our team, this opportunity means," back-to-back World Cup qualifying programs.
rolet for 35 races a season. the expectations were sky Larson said. "The chance to
Larson's extension and the high from both inside and compete for the top team In the 2018 World Cup qualifying group, Bolivia forfeit-
sponsorship renewal are con- outside the organization. and best sponsors in racing ed two games in which it fielded an ineligible player as a
current. The original deal for To say he's exceeded them is something every driver late substitute. FIFA got complaints from Chile and Peru to be- would be an understate- dreams about. I'm humbled about Bolivia defender Nelson Cabrera, who was born
come Larson's primary spon- ment," Rick Hendrick said. to have incredible people in in Paraguay and had previously played for Paraguay's na-
sor was announced last July "Not only has Kyle proven my corner and amazing sup- tional team.
when Rick Hendrick's online himself as a champion driver, port from so many fans."
automobile site pulled mas- he's performed at a champi- Bolivia lost an appeal at the Court of Arbitration for Sport,
Hendrick Automotive Group which said FIFA was right to investigate even when pro-
said it has measured a three- tests were filed weeks after the games were played.
to-one return on its market-
ing investment in NASCAR That case ultimately harmed Chile. Three extra points
through awarded to Peru lifted it above Chile and into an inter-
The website's highest-traffic continental playoff that it won to advance to the 2018
days of 2022 have been asso- tournament in Russia.
ciated with NASCAR-related
initiatives, and the company FIFA then wrote stricter rules for the 2022 World Cup
also has utilized Larson as a requiring all players in qualifying games to produce a
spokesperson for its corpo- "valid permanent international passport" for inspection
rate social responsibility pro- by match officials.