Page 30 - bon-dia-aruba-20220917
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A30     world news
               Diasabra 17 september 2022

                            Floods in Italy kill 10; Survivors plucked from roofs, trees

                                                                                                                                up survivors.

                                                                                                                                In  the  town  of  Ostra,  a  fa-
                                                                                                                                ther  and  his  adult  son  were
                                                                                                                                found dead in their building's
                                                                                                                                flooded  garage  where  they
                                                                                                                                had  gone  to  try  to  get  their
                                                                                                                                car  out,  and  another  man
                                                                                                                                who tried to remove his mo-
                                                                                                                                torcycle  from  a  garage  also
                                                                                                                                perished, state TV said. Else-
                                                                                                                                where, a man was found dead
                                                                                                                                in his car.

                                                                                                                                A  bad  weather  watch  had
                                                                                                                                been issued on Thursday, but
            (AP) — Flash floods swept  without     drinking   water.  tated  towns  later  Friday  and  pact.  The  fire  department  not at the highest level.
            through several towns Fri-   A  mother  and  her  young  his  government  announced  tweeted that dozens of people
            day  in  hilly  central  Italy  daughter  were  missing  after  5  million  euros  (dollars)  in  trapped  in  cars  or  who  had  Hundreds  of  people  fled  or
            after  hours  of  exception-  trying  to  escape  the  floods,  aid to the region. "It was an  climbed  up  to  rooftops  or  were  evacuated  from  their
            ally heavy rain, leaving 10  Pasqualini  told  the  Italian  extreme  event,  more  than  trees  to  escape  rising  flood-  homes  until  the  premises
            people  dead  and  at  least  news  agency  ANSA.  Else-  an  exceptional  one,"  clima-  waters had been rescued. Po-  could  be  checked  for  safe-
            four  missing.  Dozens  of  where  in  town,  a  boy  was  tologist Massimiliano Fazzini  lice in the town of Sassofer-  ty  and  mountains  of  mud
            survivors  scrambled  onto  swept away from the arms of  told Italian state TV. He said,  rato,  unable  to  reach  a  man  cleared away.
            rooftops  or  up  into  trees  his mother, who was rescued.  based  on  his  calculations,  trapped in a car, extending a
            to await rescue.                                          the amount of rain that fell,  long tree branch to him and  Some  of  the  worst  flooding
                                         Premier  Mario  Draghi  told  concentrated over four hours  pulled him to safety.      hit  the  town  of  Senigallia,
            Floods  invaded  garages  and  a  news  conference  in  Rome  that  included  an  especially  Helicopter  crews  rescued  where  the  River  Misa  over-
            basements    and   knocked  that  10  people  were  dead  heavy  15-minute  period,  seven people in remote towns  flowed its banks. Hamlets in
            down  doors.  In  one  town,  and four were missing in the  was the most in hundreds of  of the Apennine Mountains.  the hills near the Renaissance
            the  powerful  rush  of  water  flash floods. He thanked res-  years.                                               tourist town of Urbino were
            pushed a car onto a second-  cuers "for their professional-                            Hundreds  of  firefighters  also  inundated  when  fast-
            story  balcony,  while  else-  ism, dedication and courage."  In a space of a few hours, the  struggled  Friday  to  remove  moving rivers of water, mud
            where  parked  vehicles  were  Officials said some 50 people  region was deluged with the  toppled  tree  trunks  and  and  debris  rushed  through
            crumpled on top of each oth-  were  treated  at  hospitals  for  amount  of  rainfall  it  usually  branches amid thick mud as  the streets.
            er in the streets. Some farm  injuries.                   receives  in  six  months,  state  they searched for people who
            fields near the sea were me-                              TV said. A summer of virtu-  could  have  been  buried  by  In the town of Cantiano, peo-
            ters (yards) under water.    Draghi,  who  is  serving  in  a  ally  no  rain  meant  hillsides  debris. They waded through  ple shoveled mud from stores
                                         caretaker role ahead of Italy's  were unusually hard and dry,  waist-high  water  in  flooded  and homes and an excavating
            The  overnight  flooding  left  Sept.  25  national  election,  so the water ran faster down  streets, while others paddled  machine  was  deployed  to
            the  town's  1,300  residents  planned to tour some devas-  the slopes, increasing its im-  in  rubber  dinghies  to  scoop  clear the town square.

                         Ukrainian president: Mass grave found near recaptured city

            (AP) — Ukrainian author-     Oleg  Kotenko,  an  official  broadcaster  Sky  News  that
            ities  found  a  mass  burial  with the Ukrainian ministry  a  pit  containing  more  than
            site  near  a  recaptured  tasked with reintegrating oc-  440  bodies  was  discovered
            northeastern  city  previ-   cupied territories, said videos  near Izium after Kyiv's forces
            ously occupied by Russian  that  Russian  soldiers  posted  swept  in.  He  described  the
            forces,  President  Volody-  on  social  media  indicated  grave  as  "one  of  the  largest
            myr Zelenskyy announced  there  were  likely  more  than  burial sites in any one liber-
            Thursday night.              17 bodies in the grave.      ated city."

            The  grave  was  discovered  Izium resident Sergei Goro-  Some  of  the  people  buried
            close to Izium in the Kharkiv  dko said that among the hun-  in the pit were shot. Others
            region.  "The  necessary  pro-  dreds  buried  in  individual  died from artillery fire, mines
            cedures  have  already  begun  graves were dozens of adults  or  airstrikes.  Many  of  the
            there.  More  information  and children killed in a Rus-  bodies have not been identi-
            —  clear,  verifiable  informa-  sian airstrike on an apartment  fied yet, Bolvinov said.
            tion  —  should  be  available  building.
            tomorrow," Zelenskyy said in                              Russian forces left Izium and
            his nightly televised address.  He  said  he  pulled  some  of  other parts of the Kharkiv re-
                                         them out of the rubble "with  gion  last  week  amid  a  stun-
            Associated  Press  journalists  my own hands."            ning  Ukrainian  counter-
            saw  the  site  Thursday  in  a                           offensive.  On  Wednesday,
            forest  outside  Izium.  Amid  Zelenskyy   invoked   the  Zelenskyy  made  a  rare  trip
            the  trees  were  hundreds  of  names  of  other  Ukrainian  outside  the  capital  to  watch
            graves  with  simple  wooden  cities  where  authorities  said  the national flag being raised
            crosses, most of them marked  retreating Russian troops left  over Izium's city hall.
            only with numbers. A larger  behind  mass  graves  of  civil-
            grave  bore  a  marker  saying  ians and evidence of possible  Earlier  Thursday,  Zelen-
            it contained the bodies of 17  war crimes.                skyy said that during the five
            Ukrainian soldiers.                                       months  the  Russians  occu-
                                         Sergei Bolvinov, a senior in-  pied  the  region,  they  "only
            Investigators  with  metal  de-  vestigator  for  Ukrainian  po-  destroyed,  only  deprived,
            tectors were scanning the site  lice  in  the  eastern  Kharkiv  only took away."
            for any hidden explosives.   region,  told  British  TV
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