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A26 u.s. news
Diasabra 17 september 2022
Veteran judge named special master in Trump documents search
(AP) — A federal judge claims that ordinarily permit
on Thursday appointed a the president to withhold
veteran New York jurist to certain information from the
serve as an independent public and Congress.
arbiter in the criminal in-
vestigation into the pres- Cannon disagreed and di-
ence of classified docu- rected both sides to name po-
ments at former President tential candidates for the role.
Donald Trump’s Florida
home, and refused to per- The Trump team recom-
mit the Justice Depart- mended either Dearie or a
ment to resume its use Florida lawyer for the job.
of the highly sensitive The Justice Department said
records seized in an FBI Monday that, in addition to
search last month. the two retired judges whose
work. The department said it ship interests in the docu- documents taken during the names it submitted, it would
U.S. District Judge Aileen would ask the Atlanta-based ments, and said she was re- search of Mar-a-Lago — the also be satisfied with a Dearie
Cannon empowered the 11th U.S. Circuit Court of ceptive to the possibility that FBI says it recovered about appointment.
newly named special mas- Appeals to intervene if she the former president could 11,000 documents from the
ter, Raymond Dearie, to re- did not do so by then. raise valid claims of privilege home during its search, in- Dearie served as the top fed-
view the entire tranche of over at least some of the re- cluding roughly 100 with eral prosecutor for the East-
records taken in the Aug. 8 The Justice Department did cords. She noted ongoing classification markings — ern District of New York
search of Mar-a-Lago and not immediately comment disagreements between the and segregating out any that from 1982 to 1986, at which
set a November deadline for on Thursday’s ruling. two sides about the “proper may be covered by claims point he was appointed to the
his work. In the meantime, designation of the seized ma- of executive privilege or at- federal bench by then-Presi-
she continued to block the Cannon, who last week terials” and the “legal impli- torney-client privilege. He dent Ronald Reagan. He has
department from using for granted the Trump team’s cations flowing from those is also tasked with identify- also served on the Foreign
its investigation roughly 100 request for a special master designations.” ing any personal materials of Intelligence Surveillance
documents marked as classi- over the objections of the Trump’s that should possibly Court, which authorizes Jus-
fied that were seized. Justice Department, made The selection of Dearie, a for- be returned to him. tice Department wiretap ap-
clear in her Thursday order mer federal prosecutor who plications in investigations
The sharply worded order that she was not prepared to for years served as the chief Trump’s lawyers had asked involving suspected agents of
from Cannon, a Trump ap- blindly accept the govern- judge of the federal court last month for a judge to a foreign power.
pointee, will almost certainly ment’s characterizations of based in Brooklyn, came after name a special master to do
slow the pace of the investi- the documents, saying “even- both the Justice Department an independent review of the Dearie was chief judge of the
gation and set the stage for a handed procedure does not and Trump’s lawyers made records and filter out any that district from 2007 to 2011,
challenge to a federal appeals demand unquestioning trust clear they would be satisfied may be covered by claims of when he took senior status.
court. The department had in the determinations of the with his appointment as a so- privilege. The Justice De- But the Justice Department
given Cannon until Thurs- Department of Justice.” called special master. partment argued the appoint- has said he remains active
day to put on hold her order ment was unnecessary, saying and had indicated to officials
pausing investigators’ review She turned aside the depart- As special master, Dearie will it had already done its own re- that he was available for the
of classified records while the ment’s position that Trump be responsible for review- view and Trump had no right position and could work ex-
special master completes his could not have any owner- ing the entire inventory of to raise executive privilege peditiously if appointed to it.
West Virginia Gov. Jim Justice signs abortion ban into law
(AP) — Republican Gov. Minors can report to the at a hospital — a provision the procedure since 1976 and Shortly after lawmak-
Jim Justice on Friday police or a doctor, who then that at least two Republican was the state’s sole abortion ers passed the bill Tuesday,
signed into law a ban on must tell police. lawmakers have said was in- clinic. Providers who per- Women’s Health Center of
abortions at all stages of tended to shut down abor- form illegal abortions can West Virginia Executive Di-
pregnancy, making West The bill requires abortions to tions at the Women’s Health face up to 10 years in prison. rector Katie Quiñonez said
Virginia the second state be performed by a physician Center, which has provided the clinic’s lawyer advised
to enact a law prohibit- them to suspend abortions
ing the procedure since immediately. Dozens of West
the U.S. Supreme Court’s Virginia women have already
June ruling overturning had to rebook canceled ap-
its constitutional protec- pointments at out-of-state
tion. clinics in places like Pennsyl-
vania and Virginia, she said.
The bill will go into effect
immediately, except for the The Women’s Health Cen-
criminal penalties, which will ter has been providing them
go into effect in 90 days, he with resources to book ap-
said. Justice described the pointments out-of-state and
legislation on Twitter as “a funding to help cover travel
bill that protects life.” and the procedure, Quiño-
nez said.
The ban has exemptions for
medical emergencies and for After Justice announced
rape and incest victims until he had signed the ban, the
eight weeks of pregnancy for ACLU of West Virginia re-
adults and 14 weeks for those leased a statement on Twit-
under the age of 18. ter calling the ban a “forced-
birth bill” and saying the gov-
Victims must report their as- ernor has “snubbed the vast
sault to law enforcement 48 majority of West Virginians
hours before the procedure. and sided with extremists.”