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                                                                                                 u.s. news Diasabra 17 september 2022

                          Treasury recommends exploring creation of a digital dollar

            (AP)  —  The  Biden  ad-     Treasury Secretary Janet Yel-  senting  more  than  95%  of
            ministration  is  moving  len said one Treasury recom-    global  gross  domestic  prod-
            one  step  closer  to  devel-  mendation  is  that  the  U.S.  uct  already  are  exploring  or
            oping a central bank digi-   "advance  policy  and  techni-  have  created  a  central  bank
            tal currency, known as the  cal work on a potential cen-  digital  currency.  The  coun-
            digital  dollar,  saying  it  tral bank digital currency, or  cil  found  that  the  U.S.  and
            would  help  reinforce  the  CBDC,  so  that  the  United  the  U.K.  are  far  behind  in
            U.S. role as a leader in the  States  is  prepared  if  CBDC  creating a digital dollar or its
            world financial system.      is determined to be in the na-  equivalent.
                                         tional interest."
            The  White  House  said  on                               Treasury, the Justice Depart-
            Friday  that  after  President  Central  bank  digital  cur-  ment, the Consumer Finance
            Joe Biden issued an executive  rencies  differ  from  exist-  Protection  Bureau,  the  Se-
            order  in  March  calling  on  a  ing  digital  money  available  curities and Exchange Com-
            variety of agencies to look at  to  the  general  public,  such  mission  and  other  agencies
            ways to regulate digital assets,  as  the  balance  in  a  bank  ac-  were  tasked  with  contribut-  ers  have  submitted  various  substantial turmoil in crypto-
            the  agencies  came  up  with  count, because they would be  ing to reports that would ad-  pieces of legislation to regu-  currency  markets  and  these
            nine  reports,  covering  cryp-  a direct liability of the Federal  dress various concerns about  late cryptocurrency and other  events  really  highlight  how,
            tocurrency impacts on finan-  Reserve,  not  a  commercial  the  risks,  development  and  digital assets.          without  proper  oversight,
            cial  markets,  the  environ-  bank.                      usage of digital assets. Several                          cryptocurrencies  risk  harm-
            ment,  innovation  and  other                             reports will come out in the  The director of the National  ing  everyday  Americans'  fi-
            elements  of  the  economic  According  to  the  Atlantic  next weeks and months.      Economic  Council,  Brian  nancial  stability  and  our  na-
            system.                      Council  nonpartisan  think                               Deese,  told  reporters  that  tional security."
                                         tank,  105  countries  repre-  On  Capitol  Hill,  lawmak-  "we've seen in recent months

                              BP reaches $2.75M deal over Indiana refinery pollution

            (AP) — Oil titan BP reached a $2.75 million  ery on the southwestern Lake Michigan shoreline  sion ceilings under the federal Clean Air Act. State
            settlement Thursday over air pollution from  between Hammond, Indiana, and Chicago. Both  records show violations dating as far back as 2015,
            its  largest  refinery  after  environmentalists  cases involved releases of sooty “particulate mat-  said Schaeffer, who was a former enforcement di-
            complained of repeated emissions violations  ter,” which is linked to asthma and other respira-  rector  with  the  U.S.  Environmental  Protection
            at the Whiting facility in Indiana.             tory  and  cardiovascular  illnesses.  Christina  Aud-  Agency.  U.S.  District  Judge  Philip  Simon  ruled
                                                            isho, spokeswoman for BP America Inc., said the  in April 2021 that three boilers exceeded particle
            The agreement is the second in the past year be-  company welcomed the agreement.               emissions limits and ordered a trial on two others.
            tween advocacy groups and BP involving the refin-                                               The settlement Thursday would resolve all the en-
                                                            The  133-year-old  refinery  —  the  sixth  largest  in  vironmentalists’ claims if it receives court approval.
                                                            the  U.S.  —  processes  around  440,000  barrels  of
                                                            crude oil daily, producing a variety of liquid fuels  Under the agreement, BP would pay $1.75 million
                                                            and 7% of U.S.-made asphalt.                    in civil penalties to a federal fund used for clean air
                                                                                                            monitoring and enforcement.
                                                            BP  agreed  in  December  2019  to  pay  a  $512,450  The company also would pay $1 million for proj-
                                                            penalty and reduce soot from two large “catalytic  ects intended to boost health and quality of life in
                                                            crackers”  that  convert  heavy  oils  into  lighter  oils  the area. They would include $500,000 to the non-
                                                            and gases, said Eric Schaeffer, executive director of  profit  Student  Conservation  Association  for  tree
                                                            the  Environmental  Integrity  Project,  which  sued  planting  around  the  Whiting  refinery  and  along
                                                            on behalf of the Sierra Club.                   nearby roads.

                                                            The deal this week involved industrial boilers that  An additional $500,000 would go to local school
                                                            provide  steam  to  production  units.  As  with  the  districts  for  indoor  air  filtration  devices  in  class-
                                                            catalytic crackers, the boilers are subject to emis-  rooms and other areas.

                           Michigan man gets 5 years in prison for role in Capitol riot

            (AP)  —  A  Michigan  man  In June, a jury convicted Wil-                                                           tol through the Senate Wing
            was sentenced on Friday to  liams  of  a  felony  count  of                                                         doors and joined other riot-
            five  years  in  federal  pris-  obstructing the Jan. 6, 2021,                                                      ers  in  overwhelming  police
            on for his role in the U.S.  joint session of Congress for                                                          officers in the Crypt area.
            Capitol  attack  by  a  mob  certifying  the  Electoral  Col-
            that  disrupted  Congress  lege vote. Jurors also convict-                                                          Williams' attorneys requested
            from  certifying  President  ed him of four related misde-                                                          a  sentence  of  15  months  of
            Joe  Biden's  2020  electoral  meanor offenses.                                                                     incarceration.
                                         Prosecutors   had   recom-                                                             More  than  870  people  have
            Chief  Judge  Beryl  Howell  mended a prison sentence of                                                            been  charged  with  federal
            also sentenced Anthony Rob-  five  years  and  four  months                                                         crimes  for  the  conduct  on
            ert  Williams,  47,  of  South-  for Williams, who was arrest-                                                      Jan.  6.  More  260  of  them
            gate, Michigan, to three years  ed in Detroit in March 2021.                                                        have  been  sentenced,  with
            of supervised release after his                           He added that it "felt like the  Outside  the  Capitol,  Wil-  roughly half of them receiv-
            prison term and ordered him  In  a  Facebook  post  three  founding  fathers  were  smil-  liams stole water bottles that  ing  a  term  of  imprisonment
            to  pay  $2,000  in  restitution  days  after  the  riot,  Williams  ing down on us in that room,  police  intended  to  use  for  ranging  from  seven  days  to
            and a $5,000 fine, according  called  himself  an  "Opera-  and I guarantee my dad and  decontaminating  themselves  10  years.  Only  five  other
            to a U.S. Justice Department  tion  Swamp  Storm  veteran"  gramps, both vets, would be  from chemical spray, accord-  Capitol riot defendants have
            news release.                and referred to Jan. 6 as the  proud."                    ing to prosecutors. They said  been  sentenced  to  a  longer
                                         "proudest  day  of  my  life."                            Williams  entered  the  Capi-  prison term than Williams.
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