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A28     u.s. news
               Diasabra 17 september 2022

                          Weekend weather concerns Northern California firefighters

            (AP) — A weekend weath-                                                                                             Ridge  between  Oak  Glen,
            er  system  could  hamper                                                                                           home to apple orchards that
            firefighters'   efforts   in                                                                                        are  a  fall  tourist  destination,
            Northern  California  to                                                                                            and Forest Falls, once a sum-
            battle the week-old blaze                                                                                           mer getaway for cabin own-
            that's  become  the  largest                                                                                        ers  that  has  become  a  bed-
            in the state so far this year.                                                                                      room community.

            The  system  is  forecasted  to                                                                                     The mudslide damage in Oak
            bring  colder  temperatures                                                                                         Glen and Forest Falls served
            and  precipitation  —  from                                                                                         as a powerful warning to resi-
            1/4 inch (0.6 centimeters) to                                                                                       dents of the lingering damage
            more than 1 inch (2.5 centi-                                                                                        wildfires  can  cause  months
            meters)  of  rainfall  over  sev-                                                                                   or even years after flames are
            eral days — to the Mosquito                                                                                         extinguished  and  the  smoke
            Fire  about  110  miles  (177                                                                                       clears.
            kilometers) northeast of San
            Francisco.                                                                                                          An  intense  amount  of  rain
                                                                                                                                even  over  a  short  period  of
            But  stronger  winds  are  also                                                                                     time  can  have  catastrophic
            expected to arrive in the area                                                                                      effects on hillsides where fire
            beginning  Saturday,  and  the                                                                                      has  stripped  vegetation  that
            winds  could  throw  burning                                                                                        once held the ground intact.
            embers  and  create  spot  fires
            despite the rain.            Scott McLean.                Evacuation  orders  remained  size  of  the  previous  largest  Also  in  Southern  Califor-
                                                                      for  some  11,000  residents  conflagration in 2022 — the  nia,  firefighters  were  close
            The  forecast  came  as  fire-  Flames  raced  up  a  drainage  because of the unpredictable  McKinney  Fire  —  although  to completely surrounding a
            fighters   again   prevented  ditch  into  a  neighborhood,  nature of the winds, McLean  this season has seen a fraction  deadly  wildfire  that  erupted
            flames from entering a moun-  but  firefighters  saved  all  the  said, which typically blow in  of last year's wildfire activity  Sept.  5  and  initially  spread
            tain town and reported major  homes.                      the  direction  of  several  can-  so far.                very quickly.
            progress  Thursday,  just  two                            yons and could rapidly spread
            days after the fire roared back  Scientists say climate change  flames if gusts pick up.  In Southern California, dogs  The Fairview Fire was burn-
            to life and burned structures  has  made  the  West  warmer                            aided  the  hunt  for  a  person  ing  about  75  miles  (121  ki-
            near Foresthill. Crews on the  and drier over the last three  The Mosquito Fire was 20%  missing in a heavily damaged  lometers)  southeast  of  Los
            ground built up containment  decades and will continue to  contained  after  destroying  area  of  the  San  Bernardino  Angeles. The 44-square-mile
            lines  while  water-dropping  make weather more extreme  at  least  70  homes  and  other  Mountains  where  thunder-  (114-square-kilometer) blaze
            helicopters  knocked  down  and  wildfires  more  frequent  buildings. Total containment  storms unleashed rocks, trees  was  94%  contained  Friday.
            hotspots.                    and  destructive.  In  the  last  of the fire is expected to oc-  and  earth  that  washed  away  Two  people  were  killed  try-
                                         five years, California has ex-  cur around Oct. 15.       cars,  buried  homes  and  af-  ing to flee the fire, which de-
            Conditions  on  the  ground  perienced  the  largest  and                              fected 3,000 residents in two  stroyed at least 35 homes and
            Thursday  were  "looking  a  most  destructive  fires  in  its  The   109-square-mile  remote communities. Nearly  other structures in Riverside
            whole  heck  of  a  lot  better,"  history.               (282-square-kilometer) blaze  2  inches  (5  centimeters)  of  County.
            according  to  fire  spokesman                            on Wednesday surpassed the  rain  fell  Monday  at  Yucaipa

                          Arizona Legislature won’t defend law limiting police filming

            (AP)  —  The  Republican  the  Friday  deadline  set  by  erties Union.                to make an arrest, but Tuchi  being made with the owner's
            leaders  of  the  Arizona  the  federal  judge  when  he                               agreed  with  the  challengers  permission.
            Legislature will not try to  temporarily blocked the new  The groups will now ask that  that  it  runs  afoul  of  prec-
            defend a new law limiting  law  from  taking  effect  last  the law, which was set to take  edents that say the public and  Bystander  cellphone  videos
            up-close filming of police  week  on  First  Amendment  effect  next  week,  be  perma-  press have a right to film po-  are  largely  credited  with  re-
            that  has  been  blocked  by  grounds.                    nently blocked.              lice doing their jobs.       vealing police misconduct —
            a federal judge, a decision                                                                                         such as with the 2020 killing
            that  essentially  ends  the  And  the  bill's  sponsor,  Re-  Kavanagh  said  he  will  re-  Tuchi  noted  that  there  are  of George Floyd at the hands
            fight over the contentious  publican  Rep.  John  Kava-   view  U.S.  District  Judge  already Arizona laws barring  of  Minneapolis  officers  —
            proposal.                    nagh,  said  Friday  that  he  John  J.  Tuchi's  ruling  and  interfering  with  police,  and  and  reshaping  the  conversa-
                                         has  been  unable  to  find  an  see if he can craft a law that  that  singling  out  people  for  tion  around  police  transpar-
            Senate President Karen Fann  outside  group  to  defend  the  passes constitutional muster.  taking  videos  appears  to  be  ency. But Republican Arizona
            and  House  Speaker  Rusty  law,  which  was  challenged  He said the law is needed to  unconstitutional  on  its  face.  lawmakers say the legislation
            Bowers both said they would  by news media organizations  keep people from distracting  And  he  wrote  in  his  ruling  was  needed  to  limit  people
            not  intervene  in the  case  by  and the American Civil Lib-  police  while  they  are  trying  that  barring  someone  from  with  cameras  who  deliber-
                                                                                                   using a phone or news video  ately impede officers.
                                                                                                   camera to record — without
                                                                                                   banning other actions — is a  Mickey H. Osterreicher, the
                                                                                                   content-based restriction that  general counsel for the pho-
                                                                                                   is illegal.                  tographers association, called
                                                                                                                                the  law  "an  unconstitutional
                                                                                                   The  law  makes  it  illegal  to  solution in search of a non-
                                                                                                   knowingly  film  police  of-  existent problem."
                                                                                                   ficers  8  feet  (2.5  meters)  or
                                                                                                   closer  if  the  officer  tells  the  Bowers  said  he  and  fellow
                                                                                                   person  to  stop.  And  on  pri-  Republicans  disregarded  op-
                                                                                                   vate property, an officer who  ponents who said the bill was
                                                                                                   decides  someone  is  interfer-  unconstitutional  and  essen-
                                                                                                   ing or the area is unsafe can  tially  said  "let's  just  try  and
                                                                                                   order the person to stop film-  see what happens."
                                                                                                   ing  even  if  the  recording  is
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