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                                                                                         world news Diasabra 17 september 2022

                             Germany takes control of 3 Russian-owned oil refineries

            (AP) — Germany is taking  Schwedt,  MiRo  and  Bayer-     clear  it  had  no  intention  to
            control  of  three  Russian-  noil,  located  in  the  east  and  stop  imports  of  oil  via  the
            owned  refineries  in  the  south of Germany.             Druzhba  pipeline,  which
            country  to  ensure  energy                               runs  from  Russia  through
            security  before  an  em-    The  facility  provides  petro-  Ukraine to refineries in cen-
            bargo  on  oil  from  Russia  leum  products  to  much  of  tral Europe, despite a loom-
            takes  effect  next  year,  of-  northeastern  Germany,  in-  ing EU embargo coming into
            ficials said Friday.         cluding Berlin.              force on Jan 1, 2023.
            Two  subsidiaries  of  Russian  Rosneft  accounts  for  about
            oil giant Rosneft — Rosneft  12% of Germany's oil refin-  Scholz  said  a  1-billion-euro
            Deutschland  GmbH  and  ing  capacity,  importing  oil  (dollar)  aid  package  would
            RN  Refining  &  Marketing  worth  several  hundred  mil-  secure  jobs  for  about  1,200
            GmbH  —  will  be  put  un-  lion  euros  (dollars)  every  people  currently  working  at
            der  the  administration  of  month, the ministry said.   the PCK refinery in Schwedt
            Germany's  Federal  Network                               and  help  with  its  long-term
            Agency, the Economy Minis-   It said the move would help  transformation as part of the
            try said in a statement.     ensure  continued  energy  transition  toward  a  green
                                         supplies and was initially due  economy.                  would  in  the  future  receive  which had refused to provide
            As  a  result,  the  agency  will  to last for six months.                             oil  through  a  pipeline  from  supplies as long as there was a
            also  control  the  companies'                            Economy  Minister  Rob-      the port city of Rostock and  risk that Rosneft might profit
            shares in the refineries PCK  Rosneft had previously made  ert  Habeck  said  the  refinery  via   neighboring   Poland,  from them.

                                                                             Oktoberfest is back but inflation hits

                                                                                            brewers, cost of beer

                                                                      For one thing, the 1-liter (2-  touches such as beer caps and  German  brewing  industry
                                                                      pint)  mug  of  beer  will  cost  packing material.       has  never  seen  before,"  said
                                                                      between 12.60 and 13.80 eu-                               Ulrich Biene, spokesman for
                                                                      ros  ($12.84  and  $14.07)  this  Brewing  equipment  is  often  the  historic  family-owned
                                                                      year, which is an increase of  fueled  by  natural  gas,  and  Veltins  Brewery  in  Greven-
                                                                      about  15%  compared  with  prices  for  barley  malt  —  or  stein, which is not one of the
                                                                      2019, according to the official  grain  that  has  been  allowed  brands sold at Oktoberfest.
                                                                      Oktoberfest homepage.        to germinate by moistening it
                                                                                                   — have more than doubled,  Inflation is "running red hot
                                                                      The event opens at noon Sat-  to over 600 euros a ton. Glass  in  Germany"  and  could  ap-
                                                                      urday when Munich's mayor  bottles have risen by 80%, as  proach  10%  by  year's  end,
                                                                      taps  the  first  keg  and  an-  glassmakers pay more for en-  said  Carsten  Brzeski,  chief
                                                                      nounces  "O'zapft  is,"  or  "It's  ergy. Bottle caps are up 60%,  eurozone economist at ING
            (AP)  —  Oktoberfest  is                                  tapped" in Bavarian dialect.  and even glue for labels is in  bank.  The  rate  should  fall
            back  in  Germany  after  But while brewers are more                                   short supply.                next  year  as  consumer  de-
            two  years  of  pandemic  than glad to see the return of  For  Germany's  brewers,  ris-                            mand weakens — but that is
            cancellations — the same  the  Bavarian  capital's  sudsy  ing  costs  go  much  deeper  The  costs  of  everything  —  small consolation today.
            bicep-challenging     beer  tourist centerpiece, both they  than  simply  the  price  of  a  cardboard,  stainless  steel  for
            mugs,  fat-dripping  pork  and  visitors  are  under  pres-  round  at  the  festival's  long  barrels,  wood  pallets,  clean-  In any case, Oktoberfest is a
            knuckles, pretzels the size  sure from inflation in a way  wooden  benches.  They  are  ing  supplies  to  keep  the  much-needed boost for Mu-
            of  dinner  plates,  men  in  that could scarcely be imag-  facing higher prices all along  brewing  tanks  spotless  —  nich's hotels and food service
            leather shorts and women  ined the last time it was held  their  chain  of  production,  have gone up.              industry.
            in  cleavage-baring  tradi-  in 2019.                     from  raw  ingredients  like
            tional dresses.                                           barley and hops to  finishing  "These  are  prices  that  the  Some  487  beer  breweries,

                 Suspended sculpture transforms Cape

                                Town museum’s atrium

            (AP)  —  Moody,  brooding  building's  massive  concrete  "To  hold,  to  speak,  to  listen
            and  floating,  Malagasy  curving walls.                  and to love — sentiments and
            artist Joel Andrianomear-                                 values that echo our mission
            isoa's  "The  Five  Conti-   The    structure   originally  are brought center stage with
            nents of  All  Our  Desires"  served as grain silos at Cape  this incredible work."
            is  transforming  the  tow-  Town's  port,  and  the  mu-
            ering atrium of the Zeitz  seum  was  created  by  scoop-  The  site-specific  installation
            Museum  of  Contempo-        ing out several of the interior  the  museum  commissioned
            rary  African  Art  in  Cape  walls and this installation was  from  Andrianomearisoa  in-
            Town.                        made specifically for the atri-  cludes  a  sound  element  and
                                         um.                          the artist's drawings.
            Malagasy's   sculptures   in
            black silk paper are suspend-  "It is a revelation and honor  Andrianomearisoa,  born  in  Museum  of  African  Art  and  Yavarhoussen  in  Antanana-
            ed  in  the  museum's  multi-  to  host  an  artwork  of  this  1977,  works  in  Madagas-  at the Pompidou museum in  rivo, Madagascar.
            story  central  atrium.  The  scale  and  ambition,  Koyo  car  and  France.  In  2019,  he  Paris (2005).
            constructions  form  a  mas-  Kouoh. the Zeitz Museum's  represented  Madagascar  at                                "The Five Continents of All
            sive,  slowly  moving  mobile  executive  director  and  chief  the  Venice  Biennale  and  his  His work is also in The Stu-  Our Desires" will be on show
            that  suggests  geographical  curator  said  in  a  statement  work  has  been  exhibited  in  dio  Museum  in  Harlem,  in Cape Town until June 25,
            archipelagos and play off the  about "The Five Continents."  the  Smithsonian  National  New York and the Collection  2023.
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