Page 26 - bon-dia-aruba-20210803
P. 26
Diamars 3 augustus 2021
Appeals court upholds
Indiana University's
vaccine mandate
Despues di a gosa profundamente di “Señor ta mi wardador, mi’n tin falta
di nada
bida, a fayece inespera Den cunucu di yerba berde e ta
ponemi sosega.
E ta hibami na awa trankil,
Pa mi bolbe haña forsa”.
Salmo: 23
Nos ta anuncia fayecimento di:
(AP) — A federal appeals court ruled Mon-
day that Indiana University can proceed with
its plan to require students and employees to
get vaccinated for COVID-19, in what is the
highest court decision regarding college im-
Rigoberto Augustin Tromp munization mandates.
*04-01-1941 - †02-08-2021
The Chicago-based appeals court upheld an In-
Acto di entiero lo wordo anuncia diana district court judge's ruling that found that
despues. the university was acting reasonably "in pursuing
public health and safety for its campus communi-
Ruby Lucia van Blarcum ties."
*02-11-1942 - †30-07-2021 Both courts rejected a request by eight IU stu-
dents who sought to block the requirement while
Na nomber di su: they challenge its legality, claiming that it would
Rumannan: violate their constitutional rights by forcing them
Marlene van Blarcum to receive unwanted medical treatment.
†Richard van Blarcum The policy makes vaccination a condition of at-
Villana (Lelia) y Ygmar Wiel-van tending the university, and students who don't
Blarcum want to get vaccinated can also seek "ample ed-
Karen van Blarcum “Señor ta mi wardador, mi’n tin falta di ucational opportunities" elsewhere, according
nada to the appeals court ruling. Still, the vaccination
Sobrinanan: Shaina y Keisha Wiel Den cunucu di yerba berde e ta ponemi policy allows exemptions on religious and medi-
sosega. cal grounds, which the court said provides consti-
Primo, Primanan y demas famia na: E ta hibami na awa trankil, tutional accommodations for those who qualify.
Merca, Corsou, Hulanda, Surinam, Pa mi bolbe haña forsa”. "Once again, the court has affirmed our legitimate
Sto. Domingo. Salmo: 23 public health interest in assuring the safety of our
students, faculty and staff and we are excited to
Coleganan di Botica del Pueblo, Nos ta anuncia fayecimento di: welcome our community back for the fall semes-
Amigo y Amiganan, Grupo di ter," the university said in a statement Monday.
Carnaval Los Laga Bai, Bisiña y
Conocinan. James Bopp, a lawyer for the plaintiffs who takes
on conservative political causes, said he would ask
the U.S. Supreme Court to review the rulings,
Ta invita tur famia, amigo, colega, which legal experts say are the first from federal
bisiña y conocirnan pa bin celebra courts regarding college immunization mandates.
hunto cu nos Ruby su Similar lawsuits against student vaccine require-
bida, diaranson 4 di augustus 2021 ments at the University of Connecticut and the
di 7'or pa 9'or di anochi na Aurora California State University system are awaiting
Funeral Home. action.
Nos ta pidi pa bin bisti cu paña College officials across the country have struggled
colorido y festivo. with whether they have the authority to require
student vaccinations, which some see as key to
Despedida lo tuma lugar diahuebs 5 returning campus to in-person classes and other
di augustus 2021 di 2'or pa 4'or di normal activities.
atardi na Aurora Funeral Home.
Cremacion ta tuma luga den seno Julian D. Tromp Bopp argues that such vaccine requirements vio-
familiar. Mihor conoci como “Donny” late their rights to "bodily autonomy" and that the
*17-02-1936 - †30-07-2021 COVID-19 vaccines differ from other immuni-
zations frequently required for college students,
Enbez di krans of flor lo tin un caha such as for measles and meningitis, because of
disponibel pa haci donacion pa un Acto di entiero lo wordo anuncia despues. their newness and the lower risks that younger
bon causa. adults have of suffering from severe bouts of CO-