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world news Diamars 3 augustus 2021
Poland grants visa to Belarus Olympian who fears for safety
(AP) — Poland granted sistance. to come down hard on Tsi- global sporting events is and those supporting her had
a visa Monday to a Be- manouskaya. Presenters on nothing new — though Tsi- sought assistance from vari-
larusian Olympic sprinter “I was put under pressure, state TV channel Belarus 1 manouskaya’s circumstances ous European governments,
who said she feared for her and they are trying to forc- called her decision to seek differ from the typical situ- but Poland was the quickest
safety and that her team’s ibly take me out of the coun- asylum “a cheap stunt” and ation. Requests for asylum to respond.
officials tried to force her try without my consent,” the “a disgusting act,” and de- were especially frequent dur-
to fly home, where the 24-year-old said in the mes- scribed her performance at ing the Cold War but they Marcin Przydacz, one of the
autocratic government sage. the Olympics as a “failure.” have also happened occasion- country’s deputy foreign
was accused of diverting a ally in the decades since. As ministers, said on Twitter
flight to arrest a dissident The rapid-fire series of Tsimanouskaya competed many as 117 athletes defected that in addition to granting
journalist. events brought international for Belarus on the first day at the Munich Olympics in the humanitarian visa, Po-
political intrigue to an Olym- of track events Friday at the 1972, according to reports at land would also help the run-
An activist group that is help- pics that have been more fo- National Stadium in Tokyo. the time. At least four Roma- ner to continue her sports
ing athlete Krystsina Tsima- cused on operational dramas, She placed fourth in her first- nians and a Soviet associated career. “Poland always stands
nouskaya told The Associ- like maintaining safety dur- round heat in the 100 meters, with the Olympics defected for Solidarity,” he said.
ated Press that it bought her a ing a pandemic and navigat- timing 11.47 seconds, and at the Montreal Games in
plane ticket to Warsaw for the ing widespread Japanese op- did not advance. 1976. And Cuban athletes Several hours after she en-
coming days. position to holding the event have frequently done so. tered the Polish embassy,
at all. She was due to compete again Tsimanouskaya was still be-
The current standoff appar- in the Olympic 200-meter Underscoring the serious- lieved to be inside.
ently began after Tsimanous- Belarus’ authoritarian gov- heats on Monday, but she ness of the allegations, sev-
kaya criticized how officials ernment has relentlessly tar- said her team barred her eral groups and countries say Czech Foreign Minister
were managing her team — geted anyone even mildly ex- from participating in a com- they are helping the runner. Jakub Kulhanek also tweeted
setting off a massive back- pressing dissent since a presi- plaint filed with the Court Poland and the Czech Re- that the Czech Republic has
lash in state-run media back dential election a year ago of Arbitration for Sport. She public offered assistance, and offered her asylum.
home, where authorities triggered a wave of unprec- asked the court to overturn Japan’s Foreign Ministry said
relentlessly crack down on edented mass protests. And it that decision, but the body it was working with the In- The Belarus National Olym-
government critics. The run- has also gone to extremes to declined to intervene. ternational Olympic Com- pic Committee has been led
ner said on her Instagram ac- stop its critics, including the mittee and the Tokyo Olym- for more than 25 years by au-
count that she was put in the recent plane diversion that Tsimanouskaya’s next steps pics organizers. thoritarian President Alexan-
4x400 relay even though she European officials called an were not clear. Szymon der Lukashenko and his son,
has never raced in the event. act of air piracy. Szynkowski vel Sek, a Polish The IOC, which has been in Viktor.
deputy foreign minister, said dispute with the Belarus Na-
The runner was then appar- In this context, Tsimanouska- the runner asked for the hu- tional Olympic Committee Both Lukashenkos are
ently hustled to the airport ya feared for her safety once manitarian visa for now and ahead of the Tokyo Games, banned from the Tokyo
but refused to board a flight she saw the campaign against can still seek refugee status said it had intervened. Olympics by the IOC, which
for Istanbul and instead ap- her in state media, according once in Poland. Vadim Kriv- investigated complaints from
proached police for help. to the Belarusian Sport Soli- osheyev, of the activist sports Many critics of Belarus’ gov- athletes that they faced re-
In a filmed message distrib- darity Foundation, the activ- foundation, said she planned ernment have fled to Poland. prisals and intimidation dur-
uted on social media, she ist group that is helping her. to seek asylum. A top Belarusian dissident ing the crackdown following
also asked the International in the country, Pavel La- the wave of anti-government
Olympic Committee for as- State media have continued Athletes seeking asylum at tushka, said Tsimanouskaya protests over the last year.
US expands Afghan refugee program as Taliban violence rises
(AP) — The Biden ad- plicants must leave Afghani- families who “may be at risk To qualify for the Priority 2
ministration on Monday stan to begin the adjudication Nevertheless, the State De- due to their U.S. affiliation” category, Afghans must be
expanded its efforts to process that may take 12-14 partment said the move but aren’t able to get a Special nominated by a U.S. govern-
assist at-risk Afghan citi- months in a third country, means that “many thou- Immigrant Visa because they ment agency or by the most
zens flee Taliban violence and the U.S. does not intend sands” of Afghans and their did not work directly for the senior civilian U.S. citizen
as fighting intensifies to support their departures or immediate families will now U.S. government or didn’t employee of a U.S-based me-
ahead of the U.S. military stays there. have the opportunity to be hold their government jobs dia outlet or nongovernmen-
pullout at the end of the permanently resettled in the long enough. tal organization.
month. Secretary of State Antony U.S. as refugees that they
Blinken acknowledged the did not previous have. The
The State Department said difficulties that applicants department could not offer a
it is widening the scope of would face but said the U.S. more specific number of how
Afghans eligible for refugee remains committed to seek- many might be eligible.
status in United States to in- ing a peaceful and secure Af-
clude current and former em- ghanistan. “The U.S. objective remains
ployees of U.S.-based news a peaceful, secure Afghani-
organizations, U.S.-based aid “This is incredibly hard,” he stan,” the department said in a
and development agencies told reporters. “It is hard on statement. “However, in light
and other relief groups that so many levels, it’s hard to of increased levels of Taliban
receive U.S. funding. Cur- pick up and leave everything violence, the U.S. govern-
rent and former employees of you know (and) it’s hard to ment is working to provide
the U.S. government and the get yourself to a place where certain Afghans, including
NATO military operation you can take advantage of those who worked with the
who don’t meet the criteria what opportunities exist to United States, the opportu-
for a dedicated program for see to apply for refugee sta- nity for refugee resettlement
such workers are also cov- tus. And we recognize that to the United States.”
ered. this is. Alas, this is the case
for millions of people around The creation of a “Priority 2”
However, the move comes the world who find them- category for Afghans within
with a major caveat that may selves in very difficult situa- the U.S. Refugee Admissions
severely limit the number of tions and particularly in Af- Program is intended for Af-
people who can benefit: ap- ghanistan now.” ghans and their immediate