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A30    world news
                  Diamars 3 augustus 2021

                            Turkey battles wildfires for 6th day; 10,000 are evacuated

                                                                      provinces  since  Wednesday  Tourism  Minister  Mehmet  edge  of  the  village  of  Hisa-
                                                                      have been extinguished.      Nuri Ersoy said Monday that  ronu,  burning  a  number  of
                                                                                                   some tourists were able to re-  homes and descending down
                                                                      “We  are  going  through  days  turn to their hotels after the  a mountainside toward a road
                                                                      when  the  heat  is  above  40  threat dissipated.        as  police  evacuated  ambu-
                                                                      Celsius  (104  Fahrenheit),                               lance crews and journalists.
                                                                      where  the  winds  are  strong  The EU said it helped mobi-
                                                                      and  humidity  is  extremely  lize  firefighting  planes  from  “Our lungs have been burn-
                                                                      low,”  Pakdemirli  said.  “We  Croatia  and  Spain  to  help  ing  for  the  past  five  days,”
                                                                      are  struggling  under  such  Turkey. Planes from Ukraine,  Oktay told Haberturk televi-
                                                                      difficult conditions.”       Russia,  Azerbaijan  and  Iran  sion.
                                                                                                   have  also  been  fighting  the
                                                                      In Bozalan, Esra Sanli sobbed  blazes. Spain said it was send-  The health minister, Fahret-
                                                                      as she pointed at a fire raging  ing  two  water-dumping  air-  tin Koca, said at least 27 peo-
                                                                      near the village.            craft and one transport plane  ple affected by the fires were
                                                                                                   as well as 27 soldiers to help.  still being treated in hospitals
            (AP)  —  Selcuk  Sanli  set  have been evacuated in Mug-  “There’s no plane, there’s no                             while hundreds of others had
            his two cows loose, put his  la  province  alone,  Interior  helicopter,  there’s  no  roads.  The EU announcement fol-  been treated and released.
            family’s  most  treasured  Minister  Suleyman  Soylu  How is  this  going to be ex-    lowed  allegations  that  the
            belongings  in  a  car  and  said Monday.                 tinguished? How?” she said.  Turkish  government  was  Soylu,  the  interior  minister,
            fled  his  home  as  a  wild-                                                          compromising    firefighting  said authorities were investi-
            fire approached his village  Sanli  returned  to  check  on  Firetrucks,  with  their  sirens  efforts by refusing help from  gating the cause of the fires,
            near Turkey’s beach resort  his  house  Monday  in  Boza-  on,  drove  toward  Bozalan,  Western  nations.  Pakdemirli  including  human  “careless-
            of  Bodrum,  one  of  thou-  lan only to find that the fire  while  villagers  were  seen  refuted  that,  saying  that  the  ness”  and  possible  sabotage
            sands  fleeing  flames  that  had flared.                 herding cows away from the  government had only refused  by  outlawed  Kurdish  mili-
            have coated the skies with                                area.                        offers  for  planes  whose  wa-  tants. He said one person was
            a thick yellow haze.         “Property is an important part                            ter-dumping  capacities  were  detained over allegations that
                                         of  life  but  life  itself  comes  On  Sunday,  residents  were  less than five tons. A total of  he may have been paid by the
            For  the  sixth  straight  day,  first,” he said as he prepared  forced  to  evacuate  the  near-  16 planes, 51 helicopters and  group to start a fire.
            Turkish  firefighters  battled  to leave once again.      by  village  of  Cokertme  as  more  than  5,000  personnel
            Monday to control the blaz-                               flames  neared.  Some  got  on  were  tackling  the  fires,  he  Experts,  however,  mostly
            es  that  are  tearing  through  Agriculture  and  Forestry  small boats and others left by  said.                  point  to  climate  change  as
            forests  near  Turkey’s  beach  Minister  Bekir  Pakdemirli  cars as the fire got closer and                        being behind the fires, along
            destinations.  Fed  by  strong  said  on  Twitter  that  crews  closer  —  scenes  that  Ahmet  Turkish  President  Recep  with  accidents  caused  by
            winds  and  scorching  tem-  were  still  tackling  nine  fires  Aras, the mayor of the nearby  Tayyip  Erdogan’s  govern-  people. Erdogan has said one
            peratures, the fires that began  in  the  coastal  provinces  of  resort of Bodrum, described  ment  has  also  been  widely  of  the  fires  was  started  by
            Wednesday  have  left  eight  Antalya  and  Mugla  that  are  as  “hell.”  Precautions  were  criticized  for  failing  to  pur-  children.
            people  dead.  Residents  and  popular  tourist  areas.  Other  taken  to  protect  two  nearby  chase  state-of-the-art  fire-
            tourists have fled vacation re-  active fires were in the prov-  thermal power plants.  fighting planes.            A heat wave across southern
            sorts in flotillas of small boats  inces  of  Isparta,  Denizli,                                                    Europe, fed by hot air from
            or convoys of cars and trucks.  Izmir and Adana.          An evacuation order was also  In Marmaris, Mayor Mehm-    North Africa, has led to wild-
            Many villagers have lost their                            issued  for  the  town  of  Tu-  et Oktay said fires were still  fires  across  the  Mediterra-
            homes and farm animals and  Another  fire  in  Tunceli,  in  runc, near the seaside resort  burning in two locations and  nean,  including  in  Italy  and
            have  had  trouble  breathing  southeast  Turkey,  was  con-  of Marmaris in Mugla prov-  estimated  that  11,000  hect-  Greece, where people had to
            amid the heavy smoke.        tained on Monday, the min-   ince. People carrying suitcas-  ares  (28,000  acres)  of  forest  be evacuated by sea to escape
                                         ister  said  earlier.  In  all,  137  es fled on small boats.  had  been  incinerated.  On  the flames.
            Overall, some 10,000 people  fires that broke out in over 30                           Monday,  a  fire  reached  the

                           Death toll triples to more than 300 in recent China flooding

            (AP)  —  More  than  300  teen people died in the sub-    zhou was hit by 20 centime-  yuan ($14 billion). About 1.5  team  to  evaluate  the  disas-
            people  died  in  recent  way flooding.                   ters (8 inches) of rain in one  million  people  were  evacu-  ter response, summarize the
            flooding in central China,                                hour  starting  at  4  p.m.  on  ated because of the rains and  lessons from it and hold ac-
            authorities  said  Monday,  The previous death toll, an-  July  20,  overwhelming  the  flooding.                   countable  anyone  guilty  of
            three times the previously  nounced Friday, was 99.       already  drenched  city.  Chil-                           dereliction  of  duty,  Chinese
            announced toll.                                           dren were trapped in schools,  The   central   government  media said.
                                         Authorities  said  189  people  and stranded people stayed in  has  set  up  an  investigation
            The  Henan  provincial  gov-  were  killed  by  floods  and  their workplaces overnight.
            ernment  said  302  people  mudslides,  54  in  house  col-
            died and 50 remain missing.  lapses and 39 in underground  The rains headed north in the
            The vast majority of the vic-  areas such as basements and  following  days,  hitting  the
            tims were in Zhengzhou, the  garages  and  including  those  Henan cities of Hebi, Anyang
            provincial capital, where 292  on subway Line 5. The death  and  Xinxiang.  Seven  people
            died and 47 are missing. Ten  toll remained at six in an ex-  died and three are missing in
            others  died  in  three  other  pressway tunnel from which  Xinxiang, where record rains
            cities, officials said at a news  247 vehicles were removed as  dropped more than 25 centi-
            conference in Zhengzhou.     it was drained.              meters  (10  inches)  of  water
                                                                      in  a  19-hour  period.  Henan
            Record  rainfall  inundated  Wang  Kai,  the  governor  of  is  an  inland  county  about
            the  city  on  July  20,  turning  Henan  province,  expressed  620  kilometers  (380  miles)
            streets  into  rushing  rivers  deep  condolences  to  the  southwest of Beijing.
            and  flooding  at  least  part  of  victims  and  sympathies  to
            a  subway  line.  Video  posted  the families on behalf of the  Authorities  said  that  about
            online  showed  vehicles  be-  Henan  Communist  Party  250,000  hectares  (625,000
            ing washed away and desper-  committee.                   acres)  of  crops  were  de-
            ate people trapped in subway                              stroyed  and  have  estimated
            cars as the waters rose. Four-  The worst came after Zheng-  losses at more than 90 billion
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