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A28   u.s. news
                  Diamars 3 augustus 2021

                           US employers ratchet up the pressure on the unvaccinated

                                                                      week that all federal employ-  a fierce surge that is driving
                                                                      ees and contractors must get  hospital  caseloads  in  some  Matthew  Putman,  CEO  of
                                                                      vaccinated  or  put  up  with  places to their highest levels  New  York-based  high-tech
                                                                      weekly testing and lose privi-  since  the  outbreak  began.  manufacturing  hub  Nano-
                                                                      leges such as official travel.  The  president  had  hoped  to  tronics,  said  he  agonized
                                                                                                   reach his target by the Fourth  over  his  decision  to  impose
                                                                      The federal government has  of July.                      a  vaccine  mandate  on  his
                                                                      said it will cover the costs of                           more  than  100  employees.
                                                                      the weekly tests. As for other  The  Union  Square  Hos-  As  it  turned  out,  nearly  all
                                                                      employers,  insurance  may  pitality  Group,  a  group  of  of  them  were  already  vacci-
                                                                      pay for such testing at some  New  York  City  restaurants  nated, though he dreads the
                                                                      workplaces but not others.   and  bars  founded by Danny  prospect of having to fire any
                                                                                                   Meyer, is now requiring em-  holdouts.
                                                                      Biden’s  decision  could  em-  ployees and customers to be
                                                                      bolden  other  employers  by  vaccinated by Sept. 7.      “I hate the thought. But if it
                                                                      signaling  they  would  be  on                            has to happen it has to hap-
            (AP)  —  Employers  are  In  contrast,  major  compa-     solid  legal  ground  to  im-  The San Francisco Bar Own-  pen,”  Putman  said.  “I  lost  a
            losing  patience  with  un-  nies that rely on low-income  pose similar rules, said Brian  er Alliance, a group of about  ton of sleep over this but not
            vaccinated workers.          blue-collar  workers  —  food  Kropp,  chief  of  research  at  300 bars, made a similar de-  as much sleep as I’ve lost over
                                         manufacturers,  warehouses,  consulting  firm  Gartner’s  cision  following  a  meeting  the fear of infection.”
            For months, most employers  supermarkets and other store  human resources practice.    where  “the  thing  that  stood
            relied  on  information  cam-  chains  —  are  shying  away                            out  was  anger  and  frustra-  Other  mandates  could  pro-
            paigns,  bonuses  and  other  from  mandates  for  fear  of  But  Kropp  said  some  com-  tion”  toward  vaccine  hold-  vide a clearer test of the po-
            incentives to encourage their  driving  away  employees  and  panies face complicated con-  outs, said founder Ben Blei-  tential for employee backlash.
            workforces to get the COV-   worsening the labor shortag-  siderations  that  go  beyond  man.
            ID-19 shot. Now, a growing  es such businesses are facing.  legalities, including deep re-                          Hospitals and nursing home
            number  are  imposing  rules                              sistance to vaccines in many  While  some  companies  fear  chains,  for  instance,  are  in-
            to make it more onerous for  Tyson  Foods,  for  instance,  states where they operate.  vaccine  mandates  will  drive  creasingly requiring the vac-
            employees  to  refuse,  from  said  about  half  of  its  U.S.                         workers  away,  the  pandemic  cine.  So  far,  such  mandates
            outright mandates to requir-  workforce  —  56,000  em-   Retailers like Walmart might  itself is also causing absentee-  have survived legal challeng-
            ing  the  unvaccinated  to  un-  ployees — has received shots  have  a  hard  time  justifying  ism. Bleiman said he recent-  es. More than 150 employees
            dergo regular testing.       after  the  meat  and  poultry  vaccine  requirements  for  ly  had  to  close  his  bar  for  a  at a Houston hospital system
                                         processor  hosted  more  than  their workers while allowing  night after his bartender, who  who refused to get the CO-
            Among  employers  getting  100  vaccination  events  since  shoppers to remain unvacci-  was  fully  vaccinated,  tested  VID-19 shot were fired or re-
            tougher  are  the  federal  gov-  February.  But  the  company  nated,  Kropp  added.  Stores  positive  and  a  replacement  signed after a judge dismissed
            ernment,  the  state  govern-  said it has no plans to impose  have mostly avoided vaccine  couldn’t be found.      an employee lawsuit over the
            ments of California and New  a mandate to reach the other  requirements  for  customers                             requirement.
            York, tech giants Google and  half.                       for  fear  of  alienating  them  Some  employers  are  con-
            Facebook,  the  Walt  Disney                              and because of the difficulty  cluding  that  requiring  vac-  Atria  Senior  Living,  which
            Co.  and  the  NFL.  Some  Walmart  and  Amazon,  the  in trying to verify their status.  cines is simpler than trying to  operates more than 200 senior
            hospitals,  universities,  res-  country’s two largest private                         come up with different rules  living  communities  across
            taurants,  bars  and  other  en-  employers, have also declined  In surveys by Gartner, fewer  on masks and social distanc-  the  country,  was  among  the
            tertainment venues have also  to require its hourly workers  than 10% of employers have  ing for the small number of  first to mandate vaccines for
            started requiring vaccines.  to  get  vaccinated,  continu-  said they intend to require all  unvaccinated employees.  its staff in January.
                                         ing to rely on strategies such  employees to be vaccinated.
            But  the  new  measures  are  as bonuses and onsite access                             BlackRock, the global invest-  It  worked.  Nearly  99%  of
            unlikely  to  affect  many  of  to shots. But in a potentially  But  a  shift  is  building  amid  ment  manager,  is  allowing  Atria’s 10,000 employees are
            the millions of unvaccinated  powerful signal, Walmart said  frustration  over  plateauing  only vaccinated workers into  vaccinated,  and  only  a  tiny
            Americans.                   employees at its headquarters  vaccination  rates  and  alarm  its U.S. offices for now and  fraction  quit  over  the  re-
                                         will be required to get vacci-  over the spread of the more  said  people  will  be  free  to  quirement,  said  CEO  and
            Many of the companies that  nated by Oct. 4.              contagious delta variant.    go  maskless,  as  local  health  Chairman John Moore.
            are  requiring  shots  have                                                            guidelines allow, and sit next
            mostly  office  workers  who  The  biggest  precedent  so  On Monday, the U.S. finally  to each other and congregate  “Our residents deserve to live
            are  already  largely  vaccinat-  far  has  come  from  the  fed-  reached  Biden’s  goal  of  dis-  without  restrictions.  The  in a vaccinated environment.
            ed and are reluctant to work  eral government, the nation’s  pensing  at  least  one  shot  to  firm said 85% of its U.S. em-  Our staff deserves to work in
            alongside those who aren’t.  largest  employer.  President  70%  of  American  adults  —  ployees  are  vaccinated  or  in  a  vaccinated  environment,”
                                         Joe  Biden  announced  last  but  a  month  late  and  amid  the process of getting shots.  Moore said.

                            With evictions resuming, tenants scramble for assistance

            (AP) — The eviction sys-     tenants,  while  families  from  rium to expire over the week-  billion  had  been  distributed
            tem, which saw a dramat-     Ohio  to  Virginia  turned  up  end and Congress was unable  through  June  by  states  and  In Rhode Island on Monday,
            ic  drop  in  cases  before  a  before  judges  hoping  for  a  to  extend  it.  House  Speaker  localities.  A  second  amount  Gabe  Imondi,  a  74-year-old
            federal  moratorium  ex-     last-minute reprieve. In De-  Nancy  Pelosi  called  for  an  of $21.5 billion will go to the  landlord,  was  in  court  hop-
            pired  over  the  weekend,  troit, at least 600 tenants with  immediate  extension,  call-  states.                 ing to get an eviction execu-
            rumbled  back  into  ac-     court  orders  against  them  ing  it  a  “moral  imperative”                          tion — the final step to push
            tion  Monday,  with  activ-  were at immediate risk.      to  prevent  Americans  from  More than 15 million people  a  tenant  out  of  one  of  four
            ists girding for the first of                             being put out of their homes  live in households that owe as  housing  units  he  owns  in
            what could be millions of  “It’s very scary with the mor-  during a COVID-19 surge.    much as $20 billion to their  nearby Pawtucket.
            tenants  to  be  tossed  onto  atorium being over,” said Ted  The   Biden   administra-  landlords,  according  to  the
            the  streets  as  the  delta  Phillips,  a  lawyer  who  leads  tion  had  hoped  that  historic  Aspen Institute. As of July 5,  Imondi said he and his ten-
            variant of the coronavirus  the    United   Community  amounts  of  rental  assistance  roughly 3.6 million people in  ant  both  filed  forms  for  the
            surges.                      Housing  Coalition  in  De-  allocated by Congress would  the U.S. said they faced evic-  billions in federal aid meant
                                         troit.                       help  avert  a  crisis.  But  the  tion in the next two months,  to help keep tenants in their
            Landlords tired of waiting for                            distribution  has  been  pain-  according to the U.S. Census  homes  but  so  far,  he  said,
            federal rental assistance were  The  Biden  administration  fully slow: Only about $3 bil-  Bureau’s  Household  Pulse  he  hasn’t  seen  a  cent  of  the
            in court hoping to evict their  allowed  the  federal  morato-  lion of the first tranche of $25  Survey.           state’s $200 million share.
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