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                                                                                                 u.s. news Diamars 3 augustus 2021

                              $1 trillion infrastructure debate finally opens in Senate

            (AP)  —  Senate  Majority  Mitch  McConnell  of  Ken-     the U.S. better compete with  internet  and  electric  vehicle
            Leader  Chuck  Schumer  tucky, will play a key role in  China  and  would  make  the  charging stations.
            sought  to  speed  up  con-  the  bill’s  final  outcome.  So  “economy  more  efficient,
            sideration  of  a  nearly  $1  far,  he  has  sided  with  those  more productive” after years  The  spending  is  broadly
            trillion  bipartisan  infra-  voting to allow debate to pro-  of  struggle  getting  a  public  popular  among  lawmakers,
            structure  package  Mon-     ceed, but he has not signaled  works bill off the ground.  bringing long-delayed capital
            day, promising that Dem-     how he will ultimately vote.                              for big-ticket items that cities
            ocrats  would  work  with  He  described  the  bill  Mon-  “People  have  talked  about  and states can rarely afford on
            Republicans  to  put  to-    day as a “good and important  infrastructure in this city for-  their own.
            gether amendments. GOP  jumping off point” for a ro-      ever,” Portman said.
            senators  cautioned  that  bust,  bipartisan  amendment                                Paying  for  the  package  has
            they needed time to digest  process.  He  also  warned  Over  the  long  weekend  of  been  a  challenge  after  sena-
            the massive bill.            Democrats  against  setting  starts and stops, Schumer re-  tors  rejected  ideas  to  raise  to nudge the process along in
                                         “any artificial timetable.”  peatedly warned that he was  revenue  from  a  new  gas  tax  the  50-50  Senate,  where  60
            Formally  the  Infrastructure                             prepared  to  keep  lawmakers  or other streams. Instead, it is  votes are needed to overcome
            Investment and Jobs Act, the  “Infrastructure is exactly the  in  Washington  for  as  long  being financed from funding  a filibuster and advance leg-
            proposal  clocked  in  at  some  kind of subject that Congress  as  it  took  to  complete  votes  sources  that  might  not  pass  islation.
            2,700  pages  late  Sunday  af-  should  be  able  to  address  on both the bipartisan infra-  muster  with  deficit  hawks,
            ter a hurry-up-and-wait rare  across the aisle,” McConnell  structure  plan  and  a  budget  including  repurposing  some  Whether the number of Re-
            weekend  session.  The  final  said.                      blueprint  that  would  allow  $205  billion  in  untapped  publican  senators  willing  to
            product  was  not  intended                               the Senate to begin work lat-  COVID-19 relief aid, as well  pass the bill grows or shrinks
            to stray from the broad out-  Senators  and  staff  labored  er this year on a massive, $3.5  as  unemployment  assistance  in the days ahead will deter-
            line  a  bipartisan  group  of  behind the scenes for days to  trillion social, health and en-  that was turned back by some  mine if the president’s signa-
            senators  had  negotiated  for  write the massive bill. It was  vironmental bill.      states and relying on project-  ture issue can make it across
            weeks with the White House.  supposed to be ready Friday,                              ed future economic growth.   the finish line.
            Schumer has said a final vote  but  by  Sunday,  even  more  Republicans  counter  that
            could be held “in a matter of  glitches  were  caught  and  they just had a chance to be-  Some  Republicans  are  wary  The bipartisan bill still faces
            days.”                       changes made.                gin  fully  reviewing  the  bill  of another large spending bill  a  rough  road  in  the  House,
                                                                      late Sunday.                 after a series of COVID relief  where progressive lawmakers
            “Let’s start voting on amend-  Late Sunday, most of the 10                             measures  have  boosted  the  want a more robust package
            ments,” Schumer said as the  senators  involved  in  the  bi-  “We  shouldn’t  sacrifice  ad-  national debt.       but may have to settle for this
            Senate  opened  for  business  partisan  effort  rose  on  the  equate  time  on  this  bill                        one  to  keep  Biden’s  infra-
            on  Monday.  “The  longer  it  Senate floor to mark the un-  merely  because  the  Demo-  “I’ve  got  real  concerns  with  structure plans on track.
            takes  to  finish  the  bill,  the  veiling of the text.  cratic  leader  would  like  to  this bill,” said Sen. Mike Lee,
            longer we will be here.”                                  spend  next  week  jamming  a  R-Utah.                    The  outcome  with  the  bi-
                                         “We know that this has been a  100%  partisan  piece  of  leg-                         partisan  effort  will  set  the
            A  key  part  of  President  Joe  long and sometimes difficult  islation  through  the  United  Bipartisan support from Re-  stage for the next debate over
            Biden’s  agenda,  the  biparti-  process,  but  we  are  proud  States Senate,” said Sen. John  publican  and  Democratic  Biden’s  much  more  ambi-
            san  bill  is  the  first  phase  of  this evening to announce this  Thune of South Dakota.  senators  pushed  the  process  tious  $3.5  trillion  package,
            the president’s infrastructure  legislation,” said Sen. Kyrsten                        along,  and  Schumer  wanted  a  strictly  partisan  pursuit  of
            plan. It calls for $550 billion  Sinema,  D-Ariz.,  a  lead  ne-  Among the major new invest-  the voting to be wrapped up  far-reaching  programs  and
            in  new  spending  over  five  gotiator. The bill showed “we  ments, the bipartisan package  before senators left for their  services including child care,
            years  above  projected  fed-  can put aside our own politi-  is  expected  to  provide  $110  August recess.       tax  breaks  and  health  care
            eral levels — one of the most  cal differences for the good of  billion for roads and bridges,                      that touch almost every cor-
            substantial  expenditures  on  the country,” she said.    $39  billion  for  public  tran-  Last week, 17 GOP senators  ner of American life. Repub-
            the  nation’s  roads,  bridges,                           sit  and  $66  billion  for  rail.  joined all Democrats in vot-  licans  strongly  oppose  that
            waterworks,  broadband  and  Sen.  Rob  Portman  of  Ohio,  There’s also to be $55 billion  ing to start work on the bill.  bill,  which  would  require  a
            the electric grid in years.  a   Republican   negotiator,  for water and wastewater in-  That  support  largely  held,  simple  majority  for  passage.
                                         framed  the  legislation  as  frastructure as well as billions  with  McConnell  voting  yes  Final  votes  on  that  measure
            The Republican leader, Sen.  something  that  would  help  for airports, ports, broadband  in  another  procedural  vote  are not expected until fall.

                       Hearing begins for lawmaker who shared rape accuser's name

            (AP)  —  An  Idaho  lawmaker  ac-   social  media  posts  —  and  then  islative body.”                     said the ethics investigation was little
            cused of violating ethics rules by  allegedly  misleading  lawmakers                                        more than an unfair attack by politi-
            publicizing  the  name  of  an  al-  about  her  actions  —  said  in  an  The lawmaker accused of raping the  cal opponents and said she was exer-
            leged rape victim in disparaging  ethics  hearing  Monday  that  she  intern,  Republican  Aaron  von  Eh-  cising  her  constitutionally  protected
                                                did  nothing  wrong  and  claimed  linger, resigned earlier this year after  right  to  free  speech  by  sharing  the
                                                the  allegations  against  her  were  the  ethics  committee  recommended  link that revealed the intern’s identity.
                                                politically motivated.              he be removed from the Statehouse.
                                                                                    Von  Ehlinger  has  denied all  wrong-  Giddings  also  said  she  believed  the
                                                Republican  Rep.  Priscilla  Giddings  doing.  The  rape  allegation  is  under  outcome of the hearing had been pre-
                                                became  the  subject  of  two  ethics  investigation by police.         determined and left the hearing room
                                                complaints by about two dozen law-                                      after making her statement while the
                                                makers after she publicized the rape  When  Giddings  entered  the  eth-  panel continued its work, saying she
                                                accuser’s  name,  photo  and  personal  ics hearing on Monday, she was met  would return only if required by the
                                                details about her life in April by shar-  with applause, shouts of support and  ethics panel.
                                                ing links to an far-right news article  a standing ovation by some support-
                                                on social media and in a newsletter to  ers in the audience — which includ-  Rep. Brooke Green, a Democrat and
                                                constituents.                       ed some militia members and others  one  of  the  bipartisan  group  of  law-
                                                                                    with far-right political activist groups.  makers  that  signed  onto  an  ethics
                                                The  Legislature’s  ethics  committee  Some  wore  shirts  with  messages  of  compliant,  said  that  the  other  two
                                                scheduled  the  public  hearing  after  support, including “victims for Pris-  dozen lawmakers who also signed the
                                                finding probable cause that Giddings  cilla,” and “Stand with Priscilla, fight-  complaint were approached individu-
                                                engaged  in  “conduct  unbecoming  a  ing for our freedom.”             ally and not told who else was signing
                                                representative,  which  is  detrimental                                 to  ensure  that  political  motivations
                                                to the integrity of the House as a leg-  In  her  opening  statement,  Giddings  didn’t play a part.
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