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u.s. news Diahuebs 19 Mei 2022
After Buffalo massacre, N.Y. governor seeks action on guns
By M. VILLENEUVE more kinds of guns subject to
Associated Press the state’s firearm laws. Ho-
ALBANY, N.Y. (AP) — chul, a Buffalo native, said
New York would require the nation has almost become
state police to seek court desensitized to the devasta-
orders to keep guns away tion of mass shootings and
from people who might gun violence, and the spread
pose a threat to them- of extremist ideology online.
selves or others under a “I hope to God this is the
package of executive or- wake up call this country has
ders and gun control bills needed,” Hochul said, speak-
touted Wednesday by Gov. ing to reporters in New York
Kathy Hochul in the after- City. “We believe that togeth-
math of a racist attack on er these steps are necessary to
a Buffalo supermarket. confront the stem of rising
hatred, widespread extrem-
The Democrat’s announce- ism in our state,” Hochul
ment came days after a white later added.
18-year-old wearing military Appearing with the governor,
gear killed 10 Black shoppers the Rev. Al Sharpton said rac-
and workers at the supermar- ism and violence pose an “ex-
ket using a rifle purchased le- nior at Susquehanna Valley York’s red flag law when they people show signs of radical- istential threat to this coun-
gally a few months ago. High School about wanting have probable cause to be- ization through their social try,” and said he hopes Ho-
New York is among states to commit a murder-suicide. lieve someone is a threat to media posts. New York will chul’s executive orders will
that have a so-called “red He was taken to a hospital themselves or others. also train law enforcement, address the spread of white
flag” law, which allows law for a psychiatric evaluation New York will also track and school and mental health supremacy and online radi-
enforcement officials to pe- under a state mental health try to stop violent domestic professionals about the up- calization.
tition a court to take away law, and released a day and a extremism on social media tick in domestic and home- “Because there was a time
someone’s firearms if they half later. State Police did not, through new units in the grown violent extremism and our parents had been run-
are potentially dangerous however, initiate the court state police and the state’s Di- radicalization. ning from the Klan, Ku Klux
because of a mental health process to temporarily take vision of Homeland Security “We’re watching you now,” Klan,” he said. “But the Klan
problem. away Gendron’s access to and Emergency Services. Hochul said. “We know what wore hoods hiding them
That law was in place last guns following the incident. The new units will fund lo- you’re up to. And we’ll be from the world. We’re liv-
spring when state police Hochul said state police must cal threat assessment man- coming after you.” ing in a time where bigots
questioned Gendron over now file for extreme risk pro- agement teams, as well as The governor wants lawmak- livestream and show you
comments he made as a se- tection orders under New track and intervene when ers to pass her bill to make who they are.”
Testimony: Clinton team did not approve lawyer’s FBI meeting
By ERIC TUCKER But under questioning from not representing the interests
Associated Press one of Sussmann’s attorneys, of a particular client during
WASHINGTON (AP) — Marc Elias, the campaign’s the Sept. 19, 2016 meeting.At
Hillary Clinton’s presi- top lawyer, said Sussmann that meeting, Sussmann pre-
dential campaign did did not seek his consent to go sented James Baker, the FBI’s
not authorize a lawyer to the FBI. Elias said neither then-general counsel, with
to meet with the FBI and he nor anyone else from the computer research that he
provide information that campaign he was aware of said showed potential contact
was meant to cast suspi- had authorized Sussmann to between servers of Alfa Bank
cions on rival candidate meet with the FBI. and the Trump Organization.
Donald Trump and pos- In fact, he said he would not If proven, that information
sible connections to Rus- have supported going to the would have been significant
sia, according to trial tes- FBI because he felt the bu- given that the FBI at the time
timony Wednesday. reau had not been sufficiently was investigating whether the
aggressive in stopping ongo- Trump campaign and Russia
Michael Sussmann, a law- ing leaks of Russia-hacked were coordinating to sway
yer for Clinton’s 2016 cam- emails that had been stolen the outcome of the election.
paign, is charged with lying from the Clinton campaign, But when the FBI examined alone and not on behalf of a ed as special counsel during
to the FBI during a meet- and because he viewed then- the data, it found no secret particular client. the Trump administration to
ing at which he presented Director James Comey as backchannel and nothing Defense lawyers have told investigate potential miscon-
the bureau’s top lawyer with having put a “thumb on the suspicious. jurors that Sussmann never duct by government officials
data that purported to show scale” against Clinton dur- Earlier Wednesday, pros- lied, and that it was impos- and others during the early
mysterious contact between ing an earlier investigation ecutors sought to link Suss- sible for prosecutors to prove days of the FBI’s probe into
computer servers of a Rus- into her use of a private email mann’s work to the campaign precisely what he said be- Russian interference in the
sia-based bank and Trump’s server while secretary of state. by noting that as a lawyer in cause only he and Baker at- 2016 U.S. presidential elec-
company, the Trump Orga- “I’m not sure I would have private practice he repeatedly tended the meeting and nei- tion and potential ties to the
nization. thought that the FBI was billed the campaign for meet- ther of them took notes. But Trump campaign.
Prosecutors say Sussmann going to give a fair shake to ings and legal work. in presenting the text mes- Durham has brought three
misled the FBI by saying he anything they thought was When Baker himself testified sage to the jury, prosecutors criminal prosecutions, and
wasn’t participating in the anti-Trump or pro-Clinton,” at the end of the day, prose- are attempting to rebut any the Sussmann case is the the
meeting on behalf of a par- Elias said. cutors entered into evidence efforts by the defense to chip first to reach trial. An ear-
ticular client when he was The defense team’s question- a text that Sussmann had away at Baker’s credibility as lier case against an FBI law-
actually there on behalf of ing was aimed at distancing sent him the night before the a witness or his memory of yer charged with altering an
the Clinton campaign and Sussmann from the Clinton meeting in which he request- what was said. email ended in a plea deal in
another client, a technology campaign, and at trying to ed a sit-down about an un- The case against Sussmann 2020, and another case against
executive who had provided establish that he had not lied specified sensitive matter and was brought by John Dur- an analyst charged with lying
him with the data. to the FBI by saying he was said that he would be coming ham, the prosecutor appoint- to the FBI is pending.