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                                                                                         world news Diahuebs 19 Mei 2022

                             NATO talks with Finland, Sweden falter but will continue

            By LORNE COOK                about that, but it is up to Tur-                                                       treaty  that  pledges  that  any
            Associated Press             key to comment,” he said.                                                              attack on one member would
            BRUSSELS        (AP)     —  NATO  officials  also  refused                                                          be  considered  an  attack  of
            NATO  envoys  failed  to  to provide details. They un-                                                              them  all  —  once  the  mem-
            reach  a  consensus  on  derlined       remarks   earlier                                                           bership ratification process is
            Wednesday about whether  Wednesday  by  Secretary-                                                                  concluded, probably in a few
            to start membership talks  General  Jens  Stoltenberg,                                                              months.
            with Finland and Sweden,  that  “we  are  determined  to                                                            British  Prime  Minister  Bo-
            diplomats  said,  as  Turkey  work  through  all  issues  and                                                       ris  Johnson  welcomed  their
            renewed  its  objections  to  reach  a  rapid  conclusion.”                                                         applications  in  a  tweet  and
            the  two  Nordic  countries  Meetings  and  diplomatic                                                              said  that  “Putin’s  appalling
            joining.                     outreach  aimed  at  resolving                                                         ambitions  have  transformed
                                         the problem will continue.                                                             the  geopolitical  contours  of
            The  envoys  met  at  NATO  But Turkey is the only ally to                                                          our  continent.”  Germany,
            headquarters in Brussels after  have clearly voiced its opposi-  The day had started off on an  historic  moment  which  we  Italy, the Baltic states and the
            Finland  and  Sweden’s  am-  tion. President Recep Tayyip  upbeat note. Stoltenberg had  must seize.”               Czech Republic all spoke fa-
            bassadors  submitted  written  Erdogan  insists  that  Finland  said that the military alliance  “This is a good day at a criti-  vorably about the candidates.
            applications to join the mili-  and Sweden must show more  stands ready to seize a histor-  cal moment for our security,”  If  Erdogan’s  objections  are
            tary  organization, in  a  move  respect for Turkish sensitivi-  ic moment and move quick-  a  beaming  Stoltenberg  said,  overcome,  and  accession
            that marks one of the biggest  ties about terrorism. He is re-  ly  on  allowing  Finland  and  as he stood alongside the two  talks  go  as  well  as  expected,
            geopolitical  ramifications  of  fusing to budge over what he  Sweden to join its ranks, after  envoys,  with  NATO,  Finn-  the two could become mem-
            Russia’s  war  on  Ukraine  —  says  is  their  alleged  support  the two countries submitted  ish and Swedish flags at their  bers soon. The process usu-
            and which could rewrite Eu-  for Kurdish militants.       their membership requests.   backs.                       ally takes eight to 12 months,
            rope’s security map.         Erdogan  accuses  the  two  The  official  applications  set  Russian  President  Vladimir  but  NATO  wants  to  move
            The diplomats, who did not  countries  of  turning  a  blind  a security clock ticking. Rus-  Putin has demanded that the  quickly given the threat from
            want  to  be  named  because  eye to activities of the banned  sia,  whose  war  on  Ukraine  alliance  stop  expanding  to-  Russia hanging over the Nor-
            of the sensitive nature of the  Kurdistan  Workers  Party,  or  spurred  them  to  join  the  ward  Russia’s  borders,  and  dic countries’ heads.
            proceedings,  declined  to  say  PKK, even though the group  military  organization,  has  several  NATO  allies,  led  by  Public  opinion  in  Finland
            precisely  who  or  what  was  is  on  the  European  Union’s  warned that it wouldn’t wel-  the  United  States  and  Brit-  and Sweden has shifted mas-
            holding  up  the  procedure.  anti-terror blacklist.      come such a move, and could  ain,  have  signaled  that  they  sively in favor of membership
            They pointed to the messages  “You will not hand over ter-  respond.                   stand ready to provide secu-  since Russia invaded Ukraine
            from many of the 30 NATO  rorists  to  us,  but  you  will  “I  warmly  welcome  the  re-  rity  support  to  Finland  and  on Feb. 24.
            allies welcoming Finland and  ask  us  to  allow  you  to  join  quests  by  Finland  and  Swe-  Sweden  should  the  Kremlin
            Sweden’s request.            NATO. NATO is a security  den  to  join  NATO.  You  are  try to provoke or destabilize  Finland and Sweden cooper-
            Lithuanian  Ambassador  De-  entity. It is a security agency.  our  closest  partners,”  Stol-  them during the time it takes  ate closely with NATO. They
            ividas Matulionis told Swed-  Therefore,  we  cannot  say  tenberg said. “All allies agree  to become full members.  have  functioning  democ-
            ish  and  Finnish  media  that  ‘yes’ to depriving this security  on the importance of NATO  The countries will only ben-  racies,  well-funded  armed
            the  envoys  had  exchanged  organization  of  security,”  he  enlargement.  We  all  agree  efit  from  NATO’s  Article  5  forces  and  contribute  to  the
            views  about  their  national  said Wednesday, in an address  that we must stand together,  security guarantee — the part  alliance’s  military  operations
            security. “The discussion was  to ruling party lawmakers.  and we all agree that this is an  of  the  alliance’s  founding  and air policing.

                              Mozambique declares polio outbreak linked to Pakistan

            Associated Press             the  case  reported  in  Malawi
            JOHANNESBURG  (AP)  earlier this year.
            —  Health  authorities  in  WHO declared Africa free of
            Mozambique  declared  a  the wild polio virus in August
            polio  outbreak  Wednes-     2020 even though numerous
            day  after  confirming  that  countries  across  the  conti-
            a  child  in  the  country’s  nent have reported outbreaks
            northeastern  Tete  prov-    linked  to  the  vaccine  in  re-
            ince  had  been  paralyzed  cent  years.  There  is  no  dif-
            by the disease.              ference  between  the  disease
                                         caused  by  the  wild  virus  or
            The  case  in  Mozambique  is  the  mutated  virus  from  the
            the second imported case of  vaccine.
            polio in southern Africa this  “The  detection  of  another
            year, following a case discov-  case  of  wild  poliovirus  in
            ered in Malawi in mid-Feb-   Africa  is  greatly  concerning,
            ruary. It’s the first case of wild  even if it’s unsurprising given
            polio  in  Mozambique  since  the  recent  outbreak  in  Ma-
            1992,  although  cases  linked  lawi. However, it shows how
            to a mutated virus  from the  dangerous  this  virus  is  and
            oral  vaccine  were  detected  how  quickly  it  can  spread,”
            in  2019.  The  latest  case  in  said  Matshidiso  Moeti,  the
            Mozambique was found in a  World Health Organization’s
            child  who experienced  signs  Africa director.
            of paralysis in late March, ac-  In  response  to  the  case  in
            cording to a statement issued  neighboring  Malawi,  Mo-  Disease surveillance is being  lion children aged five years  and it can only be prevented
            by the World Health Organi-  zambique  recently  carried  strengthened  in  five  coun-  and below.                 by immunization. WHO and
            zation.                      out  two  mass  vaccination  tries:  Malawi,  Mozambique,  Polio  is  highly  infectious,  its  partners  began  an  effort
            Sequencing indicates that the  campaigns in which 4.2 mil-  Tanzania,  Zambia  and  Zim-  spread  mostly  via  water  to eradicate polio globally in
            case in Mozambique is linked  lion  children  were  vaccinat-  babwe.  Vaccination  cam-  and  largely  affects  children  1988  and  have  missed  nu-
            to a strain of polio spreading  ed  against  the  disease,  said  paigns  in  the  coming  weeks  younger  than  five  years.  merous deadlines to wipe out
            in Pakistan in 2019, similar to  WHO.                     are planned to reach 23 mil-  There  is  no  cure  for  polio,  the disease.
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