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A30     world news
                       Diahuebs 19 Mei 2022
                         4 EU nations to harness North Sea wind for green transition

            By JAN M. OLSEN                                                                                                     weaning  itself  off  Russian
            Associated Press                                                                                                    fossil  fuels  this  year.  The
            COPENHAGEN,           Den-                                                                                          goal is to deprive Russia, the
            mark  (AP)  —  Four  Eu-                                                                                            EU’s  main  supplier  of  oil,
            ropean  Union  countries                                                                                            natural gas and coal, of tens
            plan to speed up the conti-                                                                                         of  billions  in  revenue  and
            nent’s green transition and                                                                                         strengthen  EU  climate  poli-
            help  wean  it  off  Russian                                                                                        cies.
            energy imports through a                                                                                            “We  are  taking  our  ambi-
            large new project to build                                                                                          tion  to  yet  another  level  to
            wind  farms  in  the  North                                                                                         make  sure  that  we  become
            Sea, Danish Prime Minis-                                                                                            independent  from  Russian
            ter Mette Frederiksen said                                                                                          fossil fuels as quickly as pos-
            Wednesday.                                                                                                          sible,” von der Leyen said in
            She  said  her  country,  to-                                                                                       Brussels  when  announcing
            gether  with  Belgium,  the                                                                                         the  package,  dubbed  RE-
            Netherlands  and  Germa-                                                                                            PowerEU.
            ny,  “want  to  increase  our                                                                                       The  EU  has  pledged  to  re-
            total offshore wind capac-                                                                                          duce  carbon  dioxide  emis-
            ity  fourfold  by  2030  and  pean  Commission  President  change, both which, she said,  150 GW by 2050.”          sions by 55% compared with
            tenfold by 2050.” The plan  Ursula von der Leyen.         “affect  the  European  econ-  This, they said, would deliver  1990  levels  by  2030,  and  to
            is to provide energy to 230  Scholz  said  the  scale  of  the  omy  and  the  safety  of  our  more  than  half  the  capacity  get to net zero emissions by
            million  European  house-    project  “will  be  of  an  un-  peoples.”                needed  for  the  EU  to  reach  2050.
            holds.                       imaginable order.”           Von  der  Leyen,  who  earlier  climate neutrality.       The  European  Commission
                                         “The North Sea is the place  in the day presented an EU-  In  Brussels,  the  Euro-    has  set  an  overall  target  of
            “(This)  means  that  we  are  where,  with  the  offshore  wide energy package in Brus-  pean  Commission  moved  generating  300  gigawatts  of
            able, the four of us, to deliver  wind parks, we can produce  sels, said the war in Ukraine  Wednesday  to  jump-start  offshore energy by 2050.
            more than half of all offshore  electricity on a large scale, in  “highlights the risks we have  plans for the whole 27-nation  Along  with  climate  change,
            wind needed to reach climate  the large quantities we need  taken to be too dependent on  EU to abandon  Russian en-  the war in Ukraine has made
            neutrality  in  the  European  --  and  can  already  do  (that)  Russian fossil fuels.”  ergy amid the Kremlin’s war  EU  nations  eager  to  reduce
            Union,” Frederiksen added.   today in a way that it is eco-  The  four  countries  pledged  in Ukraine. The commission  their dependency on Russian
            She spoke at an event in Es-  nomical,” he said.          to  set  “ambitious  combined  proposed a nearly 300 billion-  natural gas and oil. In 2021,
            bjerg,  260  kilometers  (162  The new wind farms will be  targets  for  offshore  wind  of  euro  ($315  billion)  package  the  EU  imported  roughly
            miles)  west  of  Copenhagen,  built  along  the  four  coun-  at least 65 GW by 2030,” their  that  includes  more  efficient  40% of its gas and 25% of its
            attended  by  German  Chan-  tries’ North Sea coasts.     energy and climate ministers  use of fuels and a faster roll-  oil from Russia.
            cellor  Olaf  Scholz,  Dutch  Frederiksen  said  the  project  said  in  a  statement.  It  said  out of renewable power.  At  a  March  11  summit,  EU
            Prime Minister Mark Rutte,  would help address the chal-  they also aim to “more than  The investment initiative by  leaders agreed in principle to
            Belgian  Prime  Minister  Al-  lenges posed by Russia’s war  double our total 2030-capac-  the  EU’s  executive  arm  is  phase out Russian gas, oil and
            exander De Croo, and Euro-   against  Ukraine  and  climate  ity of offshore wind to at least  meant  to  help  the  bloc  start  coal imports by 2027.

                    U.N. envoy: U.S. sanctions on Iran worsen humanitarian situation

            By AMIR VAHDAT               and children” as being badly
            Associated Press             affected by the measures.
            TEHRAN,  Iran  (AP)  —  Douhan,  a  Belarusian  who
            Sweeping  U.S.  sanctions  was  appointed  in  2020  and
            imposed  on  Iran  have  reports to the U.N. Human
            badly impacted the coun-     Rights  Council,  also  said
            try’s  economy  and  wors-   that the “sanctions have been
            ened  the  humanitarian  substantially exacerbating the
            situation  in  the  Persian  humanitarian  situation  in
            Gulf nation, a United Na-    Iran.”  She  urged  countries
            tions  special  envoy  said  that imposed unilateral sanc-
            Wednesday.                   tions  against  Iran,  especially
                                         the United States, to remove
            According to Alena Douhan,  them.
            the  U.N.  special  rapporteur  Former  President  Donald
            on  unilateral  coercive  mea-  Trump pulled America out of
            sures, the sanctions have af-  the nuclear deal between Iran
            fected  Iran’s  main  export  and  world  powers,  re-im-
            groups,  banks  and  also  sev-  posed sanctions and also in-
            eral companies and nationals,  troduced new, tougher mea-
            including  some  pharmaceu-  sures against Tehran in 2018.
            ticals and food production.  The  nuclear  deal  had  grant-  reached completion in March  nuclear  program  has  rapidly  acknowledging  nearly  two
            This has led to inflation and  ed Tehran sanctions relief in  before  Moscow  demanded  advanced.                   dozen arrests.
            growing poverty, and deplet-  exchange  for  strict  curbs  on  that its trade with Iran be ex-  However, over the past weeks,  Bus drivers in Tehran seeking
            ed state resources for dealing  its nuclear program. Talks in  empted  from  Western  sanc-  anger  over  Iran’s  worsen-  a 10% wage increase walked
            with the basic needs of people  Vienna to revive that deal —  tions over Ukraine, throwing  ing economic conditions has  off the job on Monday, para-
            with  low  income  and  other  something hat the Biden ad-  the process into disarray. Ne-  mounted amid price hikes of  lyzing  parts  of  the  city,  and
            vulnerable  groups,  Douhan  ministration is trying to do —  gotiators  have  yet  to  recon-  dinner table staples as a result  teachers  have  also  gone  on
            told reporters during a press  have  stalled  over  an  Iranian  vene  in  the  Austrian  capital  of a new government policy  strike  over  the  past  months
            conference  in  Tehran.  She  demand that Washington lift  of Vienna, and it’s unclear ex-  to  amend  the  food  subsidy  in  cities  and  towns  across
            singled  out  those  suffering  a terrorist designation on the  actly what hurdles lie ahead.  system.  Scattered  protests  Iran.  They  have  walked  out
            from  “severe  diseases,  dis-  country’s paramilitary Revo-  Despite  the  deadlock,  offi-  have  erupted  over  the  price  of  their  classes  to  press  for
            abled  people,  Afghan  refu-  lutionary Guard.           cials say the urgency to close  changes in several provinces,  better pay and working con-
            gees, women-led households  The     negotiations   nearly  the deal has grown as Iran’s  with Iranian state-run media  ditions.
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