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A28 u.s. news
Diahuebs 19 Mei 2022
U.S. warns abortion ruling could increase extremist violence
By BEN FOX end in Buffalo, has surpassed
Associated Press the danger from abroad.
WASHINGTON (AP) — The memo, dated May 13
The leak of a draft Su- and obtained Wednesday by
preme Court opinion The Associated Press, seeks
striking down the consti- to differentiate between il-
tutional right to abortion legal activity and the intense
has unleashed a wave of but legal outpouring of pro-
threats against officials tests that are all but guar-
and others and increased anteed when the Supreme
the likelihood of extremist Court issues its ruling at the
violence, an internal gov- end of its term this summer,
ernment report says. regardless of the outcome.
“DHS is committed to pro-
Violence could come from tecting Americans’ freedom
either side of the abortion of speech and other civil
issue or from other types rights and civil liberties, in-
of extremists seeking to ex- cluding the right to peace-
ploit tensions, according to a fully protest,” the agency said to one side or the other, the related to this issue were abortions aren’t safe (then)
memo directed to local gov- in a written response to ques- memo says. primarily committed by you aren’t either.”
ernment agencies from the tions about the memo. Opponents of abortion have abortion-related violent ex- The leak of the opinion this
Department of Homeland Those protests could turn vi- carried out at least 10 kill- tremists that opposed abor- month, authorities prompt-
Security’s Office of Intelli- olent. The memo warns that ings as well as dozens of ar- tion rights,” it said. “Going ed a “significant increase” in
gence and Analysis. people “across a broad range son and bomb attacks against forward, grievances related threats through social media
It’s an added element to what of various ... ideologies are medical facilities in their long to restricting abortion ac- of Supreme Court justices,
is already a volatile environ- attempting to justify and in- campaign to overturn Roe v. cess could fuel violence by members of Congress and
ment in the U.S., where au- spire attacks against abortion- Wade. DHS said there is also pro-choice abortion-related other public officials as well
thorities have warned repeat- related targets and ideological a potential for violence from violent extremists and other” as clergy and health care pro-
edly over the past two years opponents at lawful protests.” the other side, citing recent (domestic violent extrem- viders, the memo said.
that the threat posed by do- Violence associated with the damage to buildings used by ists). In the Wisconsin inci- At least 25 of those threats
mestic extremists, such as the abortion debate would not abortion opponents in Wis- dent, it noted, the building were forwarded to law en-
gunman who committed the be unprecedented nor would consin and Oregon. was set on fire and the perpe- forcement agencies for fur-
racist attack over the week- it necessarily be confined “Historically, violent acts trators left graffiti that said “If ther investigation.
Feds: National Guard members on state duty can join unions
By DAVE COLLINS ficials, according to the Vet- duty can unionize.
Associated Press erans Legal Services Clinic The Justice Department
HARTFORD, Conn. (AP) at Yale Law School, which and Connecticut Gov. Ned
— The Department of represented the unions in the Lamont’s office did not re-
Justice has given the green lawsuit, filed in November. spond to messages seeking
light to National Guard “Before this case, unions comment Wednesday.
members on active duty were understandably de- “Members of the Connecti-
for their states to join la- terred from organizing state cut National Guard now
bor unions, despite a U.S. active duty National Guard have additional reassurances
law that makes it a felony members due to the poten- that our rights will be upheld
for military personnel tial for criminal penalties,” through union advocacy,”
on active federal duty to Rekha Kennedy, a Yale law Walter Morton, a Connecti-
unionize.The agreement, student working for the clin- cut National Guard member,
finalized Tuesday, settles ic, said in statement. said in a statement.
a lawsuit filed in federal “With this reassurance from The Connecticut National
court in Connecticut by the DOJ, unions nation- Guard has been called to state
labor unions against At- wide can begin the process of were encouraged by a January Connecticut lawsuit settle- duty several times in recent
torney General Merrick building relationships with court filing in the Connecti- ment. years. Members have helped
Garland and the Justice Guard members without fear cut case where the Justice “Meanwhile, our education with cleanup efforts after ma-
Department, seeking col- of prosecution,” Kennedy Department acknowledged benefits have been cut, we’re jor storms, aided police in re-
lective bargaining rights said. the federal ban did not apply subjected to inconsistent and sponse to protests and served
for Connecticut National If Guard members do union- to National Guard members unclear leave policies, and during the state’s response to
Guard members on state ize, they will be in a better on state duty. we lack benefits comparable the coronavirus, including
duty ordered by the gov- position to negotiate pay, Some Texas National Guard to those received on federal setting up field hospitals and
ernor. benefits, working conditions, members have criticized service such as health insur- distributing supplies during
living conditions and other their working and living con- ance,” he said. “DOJ’s posi- the early days of the pan-
Already, the case has prompt- arrangements for active duty ditions at the U.S.-Mexico tion confirms that we are demic.
ed some National Guard state deployments, members border, where Gov. Greg Ab- free to organize and fight for Maj. David Pytlik, a spokes-
members in Texas to union- said. bott has sent them to help changes that every service person for the Connecticut
ize. Connecticut Guard members in efforts to arrest migrants member deserves.” National Guard, said he did
A 1978 federal law makes it a were waiting for the agree- crossing the border. National Guard officials were not think the lawsuit settle-
criminal felony for members ment to be finalized before “We’ve been rapidly activated reviewing the Connecticut ment would have a major
of the armed forces, includ- beginning unionizing efforts, with no notice, often work- court case, a national spokes- impact on the state Guard,
ing the National Guard, to but some Texas National ing long shifts on irregular person said. Another Guard because active duty state de-
join or attempt to form a la- Guard members already schedules, and living in poor spokesperson, Air Force Maj. ployments are not common.
bor organization. have moved ahead with their conditions far from our fam- Matt Murphy, said a previous But it could have a significant
But the statute only applies to plans, joining the Texas State ilies and homes,” Texas Na- legal analysis by the Guard effect on other state Guards
service members when they Employees Union starting in tional Guard member Hunt- came to the same conclusion with ongoing state deploy-
are on active federal duty February. er Schuler said in a statement as the Justice Department, ments, including Texas, he
ordered by U.S. military of- Texas members said they Wednesday in response to the that members on active state said.