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                                                                                                       sports Diahuebs 19 Mei 2022

                    Francona back managing Guardians following COVID-19 outbreak

            By TOM WITHERS                                                                                                      last  two  seasons  to  handle
            AP Sports Writer                                                                                                    some serious health issues.
            CLEVELAND  (AP)  —                                                                                                  With Francona back, pitching
            Guardians manager Terry                                                                                             coach  Carl  Willis  returns  to
            Francona missed so much                                                                                             his normal duties after serv-
            time over the past two sea-                                                                                         ing as acting manager.
            sons that even a four-game                                                                                          Sandy Alomar and Mike Sar-
            absence was difficult.                                                                                              baugh,  the  team’s  respective
            “This  was  forced  retire-                                                                                         first- and third-base coaches,
            ment,”  he  said.  “It  wasn’t                                                                                      are still sidelined after testing
            very fun.”                                                                                                          positive.
                                                                                                                                Hitting  coach  Chris  Valaika
            Francona  and  two  of  his                                                                                         returned to the Guardians on
            coaches  cleared  health  and                                                                                       Tuesday  after  missing  three
            safety  protocols  Wednesday                                                                                        games.
            and returned to the team af-                                                                                        The  Guardians  considered
            ter  missing  part  of  the  past                                                                                   bringing  up  other  coaches
            week after testing positive for                                                                                     from  the  minors,  but  Fran-
            COVID-19.                                                                                                           cona  said  the  team  opted  to
            Francona  was  back  for                                                                                            shift healthy members of his
            Wednesday’s  game  against                                                                                          staff into  other roles to give
            the  Cincinnati  Reds  along                                                                                        the players some continuity.
            with  bench  coach  DeMarlo  in recent weeks, and the lat-  it’s over and you can let your  house.  Francona  said  he  “The biggest thing with Carl
            Hale  and  assistant  hitting  est  rash  of  cases  has  height-  guard  down.  We’re  going  to  could be n the lineup as early  was,  we’re  trying  to  keep
            coach Justin Toole. The trio  ened the team’s awareness.  have to mask up indoors just  as  Friday,  when  the  Guard-  some  sense  of  normalcy,”
            tested  positive  with  coro-  “Up to this point I think we  to take care. Because once it  ians open a three-game series  he said. “When you’re miss-
            navirus  last  week  while  the  feel  pretty  fortunate,”  Fran-  happens, it’s kind of too late.”  at home against Detroit.  ing  seven  guys,  that’s  kind
            Guardians  were  in  Chicago  cona said. “It was starting to  First  baseman  Josh  Naylor  The 63-year-old Francona, in  of hard. One, we know that
            and returned to Ohio by bus  work it’s way through. Once  remains  the  only  Guardians  his  10th  season  with  Cleve-  the players will respect when
            as the team continued its trip  it gets into the clubhouse, ev-  player  currently  sidelined  land, dealt with some symp-  Carl  talks.  We  just  wanted
            to Minnesota.                erybody’s  breathing  on  each  with  the  virus.  However,  toms  over  the  weekend  but  the  games  to  be  played  like
            The  Guardians  have  dealt  other. We live together.     Naylor  is  close  to  returning  has  felt  better  the  past  few  they’re supposed to.”q
            with  two  separate  outbreaks  “But I will say this, it’s not like  and  was  back  in  the  club-  days. He missed most of the

                          Paredes homers twice, Rodriguez leaves early, Rays win 6-1

            By DICK SCANLON              or us,” Hinch said. “We’ve got
            Associated Press             to play better. We’ve got to hit
            ST.  PETERSBURG,  Fla.  better. We’ve got to play more
            (AP)  —  Isaac  Paredes  up-tempo. We’ve got to get in
            homered twice against his  the strike zone. I could keep
            former teammates to dou-     going for a while. We’ve got
            ble  his  career  big  league  a lot more to do than piecing
            total,  helping  the  Tampa  together the rotation.”
            Bay Rays beat the Detroit  Drew  Rasmussen  (4-1)  al-
            Tigers  6-1  Wednesday  on  lowed four hits in five shut-
            an  afternon  Eduardo  Ro-   out innings with seven strike-
            driguez  left  in  the  first  outs and no walks, improving
            inning and headed to the  to 4-0 with a 1.01 ERA in his
            injured list.                last  five  starts.  Matt  Wisler,
                                         Colin Poche and J.P. Feyerei-
            Rodriguez  (1-3)  lasted  just  sen  finished,  with  Feyerei-
            one  out  and  averaged  91.9  sen  striking  out  two  in  the
            mph for his fastball, 2.4 mph  ninth during his 15th straight
            below his season average. He  scoreless appearance.
            left  the  mound  with  Tigers  Paredes, traded by the Tigers
            head  athletic  trainer  Doug  for Austin Meadows on April
            Teter.                       5, hit solo home runs in the
            “His  left  side  is  bother-  third off Rony García and in
            some,”  manager  AJ  Hinch  the  eighth  against  Wily  Per-  have  the  opportunity  to  be  Mejía  hit  a  two-run  single  is  scheduled  for  a  bullpen
            said. “It got worse during his  alta.                     able to play against them.”  for a 3-0 lead.. After another  session this week.
            warmup. He tried to go out  “After  the  first  one,  I  heard   Yandy Díaz had three of the  walk, Rodriguez was replaced  Rays: RHP Phoenix Sanders
            there,  and  you  could  tell  he  guys  in  the  bullpen  saying   11 hits by the Rays, who won  by García.        (low back spasms) was rein-
            was off. He’ll be out for a bit.  some  things,”  Paredes  said   for  the  fifth  time  in  seven  The three-run inning made it  stated from the 15-day IL and
            Likely IL.”                  through  a  translator.  “But   games.                    easy for Rasmussen.          optioned  to  Triple-A  Dur-
            Rodriguez  allowed  three  after the second one, I don’t   Spencer  Torkelson  homered  “It really let me settle down  ham.
            runs, four hits and two walks,  think they wanted to say any-  in the seventh off Wisler and  and  just  work  in  the  strike  UP NEXT
            throwing just 11 of 23 pitches  thing.”                   has  a  team-high  four  home  zone,” he said. “My goal to-  Tigers:  LHP  Tarik  Skubal
            for strikes. After signing a $77  Paredes  hit  one  home  run   runs for the Tigers, who have  day was to get back into my  (3-2, 2.50) will try to win his
            million, five-year contract, he  each in 2020 and 2021 for the   hit  a  major  league-low  20  pitch count after the first (in-  third straight start in Friday’s
            has a 4.38 ERA.              Tigers.                      homers in 38 games.          ning). Because we scored so  opener of a three-game series
            Among the Tigers rotation at  “Like I’ve said before, I want   Tampa  Bay’s  first  five  bat-  much so early, it was easier to  at Cleveland.
            the start of the season, Casey  to beat them. I want to play   ters  reached.  Díaz,  Wander  do that.”             Rays:  LHP  Ryan  Yarbrough
            Mize, Matt Manning and Ty-   against  them,”  he  said.  “But   Franco  and  Harold  Ramírez  TRAINER’S ROOM        (0-0,  4.91)  will  make  his
            ler  Alexander  already  have  I’m  just  giving  100%  of  the   loaded the bases with singles,  Tigers:  RHP  Jose  Cisnero,  fourth start of the season Fri-
            spent time on the IL.        skill that I have, and I’m just   Randy  Arozarena  walked  on  on  the  60-day  IL  all  season  day night at Baltimore.q
            “Nobody’s going to feel sorry  very fortunate to be here and   four  pitches  and  Francisco  with  a  right  shoulder  strain,
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