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A32 sports
Diahuebs 19 Mei 2022
Dainese claims 1st grand tour stage, López keeps Giro lead
REGGIO EMILIA, Italy ni for his first stage win at a ite Richard Carapaz moved
(AP) — Alberto Dainese grand tour. into second after picking up
became the first Italian “This morning the plan was bonus seconds during the
rider to win a stage in to go for (teammate) Cees entirely flat 203-kilometer
this year’s Giro d’Italia (Bol) in the sprint but in the (126-mile) leg from Sant-
by sprinting to victory on last kilometers we swapped as arcangelo Di Romagna to
Wednesday’s 11th leg, and he didn’t feel so good,” Dai- Reggio Emilia. López has a
Juan Pedro López kept nese said. “I was a bit boxed- 12-second lead over Cara-
hold of the pink jersey. in in the middle then I found paz and João Almeida as the
a gap on the left and I just three-week race passed the
Dainese, who rides for Team went to the line with Gaviria halfway stage.
DSM, was a long way behind on the right. The last 20 me- “I saw that Richard Carapaz
his rivals at the start of the ters I came past him and that was going for seconds in the
sprint but powered his way feels super.” intermediate sprint but I’m
through to beat Fernando There was a slight change in aware that I’m not as fast as
Gaviria and Simone Conson- the overall standings as favor- him so there was nothing I
could do to counter him,” point. But with the prospect
López said. “However, I’m of crosswinds coming out of
happy to keep the maglia rosa Bologna, the peloton upped
at least another day.” the pace and the breakaway
Eritrean cyclist Biniam Gir- riders were caught with 90
may pulled out of the Giro kilometers remaining.
before the start of the 11th Dries De Bondt, who has
stage after getting injured never won a stage in a grand
when he popped a prosecco tour, launched an impressive
cork into his eye during the solo attack with about 60 ki-
podium celebration follow- lometers remaining but was
ing his victory the previous caught with the final kilome-
day. ter in sight.
There is a wine and food Thursday’s 12th stage is the
stage every year in the Giro longest in this year’s race
and Wednesday’s stage was – albeit only by one kilo-
linked to the production of meter. There are also three
parmesan cheese in the area. third-category climbs on the
Filippo Tagliani and Luca 204-kilometer (127-mile)
Rastelli escaped at the start route from Parma to Genoa.
and had an advantage of The Giro finishes on May 29
nearly six minutes at one in Verona.q
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