Page 19 - Modul English Communication In Nursing
P. 19
Language Focus: Useful expressions to ask patient’s condition, inform about
relaxation methods and procedures, and give motivation
The following are some useful expressions to ask patient’s condition, inform relaxation method and
procedure, and give motivation.
Asking patient’s condition Informing relaxation method and Giving motivation
✓ "How are you feeling today? ✓ "First, let me explain what ✓ "You’re doing great, and
Are you experiencing any we’ll be doing step by step so every small step is helping
discomfort or pain?" you know what to expect." your recovery. Keep it up!"
✓ "Could you tell me more about ✓ "To start, we’ll go over each ✓ "I know this process can be
where you feel pain and how it part of the procedure to make challenging, but you’re
affects you?" sure you’re comfortable." making progress. That is
something to be proud of."
✓ "Could you rate your pain right ✓ "First, I’ll have you find a ✓ "You are not alone in this.
now on a scale from 1 to 10, comfortable position. Take a I’m here with you every step
with 10 being the worst pain deep breath in, hold for a few of the way, and we’ll keep
imaginable?" seconds, and then slowly working to help you feel
exhale. Repeat it three times." better."
✓ "Is there anything specific that ✓ "Next, I’ll gently apply the ✓ "It may take time, but with
makes the pain worse or warm compress on the area each relaxation technique,
better?" near your pain, but not we aim for more
directly on it." comfortable recovery."
✓ "Have you noticed any ✓ "Then, I’ll slowly check your ✓ "Remember, each day brings
changes in your pain since vital signs to ensure everything you closer to feeling better.
your last treatment?" is stable." You’re stronger than you
✓ "How are you coping ✓ "After that, we’ll give the ✓ "I know recovery can feel
emotionally with everything? I compress a few minutes to slow, but every day you’re
know it can be tough." work, so you might start to making progress. Keep up
feel some warmth and the good work!"
✓ "Are you feeling any stress, ✓ "Once we finish this step, we’ll ✓ "I’m proud of how you’re
anxiety, or other emotions move on to the next part, managing everything. Stay
you’d like to talk about?" which involves monitoring positive. It makes such a
how you feel." difference!"
✓ "In your own words, how ✓ "Finally, I’ll check back in a few ✓ "This isn’t easy, but you’re
would you describe your minutes to see if you’re feeling showing incredible strength
overall condition right now?" any relief from the and patience."
pg. 9