Page 192 - Internal Auditing Standards
P. 192

Guide to Using International Standards on Auditing in the Audits of Small- and Medium-Sized Entities Volume 1—Core Concepts


           The definition of a group component is broad. Before concluding that this standard is not applicable,

           ensure that a significant component does not in fact exist.  A component could result from the entity’s

           organizational structure (such as subsidiaries, divisions, branches, joint ventures, or investees accounted
           for by the equity or cost methods of accounting) or financial reporting systems organized by function,

           product, service, or geographical location.

           If a significant component exists, this standard outlines a number of requirements relating to:
           •    Responsibility of the group engagement partner;

           •    Audit planning and materiality;
           •    Risk assessment and response;

           •    Relationships between the group engagement team and component auditors;

           •    Nature and extent of communications; and
           •    Group-wide controls and the consolidation process.

        Note:  On the assumption that group audits are not that common in the audit of SMEs, the following exhibit
               contains only extracts from the many requirements contained in the standard.

        Exhibit 15.6-1
                               Summarized Extracts from the Requirements Section

         Responsibility        •    The group engagement partner is responsible for the direction, supervision and
         600.11                     performance of the group audit engagement in compliance with professional

                               •    The auditor’s report on the group financial statements shall not refer to a
                                    component auditor.

         Acceptance/           •    The group engagement team shall obtain an understanding of the group, its
         Continuance and            components, and their environments that is sufficient to identify components

         Planning                   that are likely to be signifi cant components.
                               •    The group engagement partner shall agree on the terms of the group audit
                               •    The group engagement team shall establish an overall group audit strategy, and
                                    shall develop a group audit plan.
         Understanding         The group engagement team shall obtain an understanding that is suffi  cient to:
         the Group, Its        •    Confirm or revise its initial identification of components that are likely to be

         Components and             signifi cant; and
         Their Environments
         600.17-18             •    Assess the risks of material misstatement of the group fi nancial statements,
                                    whether due to fraud or error.

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