Page 193 - Internal Auditing Standards
P. 193

Guide to Using International Standards on Auditing in the Audits of Small- and Medium-Sized Entities Volume 1—Core Concepts

                               Summarized Extracts from the Requirements Section
          Understanding        If the group engagement team plans to request a component auditor to perform
          the Component        work on the financial information of a component, the group engagement team shall

          Auditor              obtain an understanding of:
                               •     Whether the component auditor understands and will comply with the
                                     ethical requirements that are relevant to the group audit and, in particular, is
                               •     The component auditor’s professional competence;
                               •     Whether the group engagement team will be able to be involved in the work of
                                     the component auditor to the extent necessary to obtain suffi  cient appropriate
                                     audit evidence; and
                               •     Whether the component auditor operates in a regulatory environment that
                                     actively oversees auditors.
          Materiality          The group engagement team shall determine:

                               •     Materiality for the group financial statements as a whole when establishing the
                                     overall group audit strategy;
                               •     Lower amounts than group materiality, where applicable, for particular classes
                                     of transactions, account balances, or disclosures;
                               •     Component materiality for those components where component auditors will
                                     perform an audit or a review for purposes of the group audit; and
                               •     The threshold above which misstatements cannot be regarded as clearly trivial
                                     to the group fi nancial statements.

                               The group team shall also evaluate the appropriateness of performance materiality
                               determined by the component auditor at the component level.

          Responding to        The auditor is required to design and implement appropriate responses to address
          Assessed Risks       the assessed risks of material misstatement of the fi nancial statements.
                               The group engagement team shall:
                               •     Determine the type of work to be performed by the group engagement team,
                                     or the component auditors on its behalf, on the financial information of the

                               •     Evaluate the appropriateness of further procedures to respond to identifi ed

                                     significant risks of material misstatement of the group financial statements; and

                               •     Evaluate the appropriateness, completeness, and accuracy of consolidation
                                     adjustments and reclassifications, and shall evaluate whether any fraud risk

                                     factors or indicators of possible management bias exist.

                               For a component that is significant due to its individual fi nancial significance to the group,

                               the group engagement team, or a component auditor on its behalf, shall perform an

                               audit of the financial information of the component using component materiality.

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