Page 194 - Internal Auditing Standards
P. 194

Guide to Using International Standards on Auditing in the Audits of Small- and Medium-Sized Entities Volume 1—Core Concepts

                               Summarized Extracts from the Requirements Section
         Consolidation         The group engagement team shall design and perform further audit procedures on
         Process               the consolidation process to respond to the assessed risks of material misstatement
         600.32-37             of the group financial statements arising from the consolidation process. This shall

                               include evaluating whether all components have been included in the group fi nancial
                               If the group financial statements include the financial statements of a component with a

                               financial reporting period end that differs from that of the group, the group engagement
                               team shall evaluate whether appropriate adjustments have been made to those fi nancial

                               statements in accordance with the applicable financial reporting framework.
         Subsequent            The group engagement team or the component auditors shall perform procedures
         Events                designed to identify subsequent events that may require adjustment to or disclosure
         600.38-39             in the group fi nancial statements.

                               The group engagement team shall request the component auditors to notify the
                               group engagement team if they become aware of subsequent events.

         Communication         The group engagement team shall communicate its requirements to the component
         with the              auditor on a timely basis. This communication shall set out the work to be performed,
         Component             the use to be made of that work, and the form and content of the component
         Auditor               auditor’s communication with the group engagement team. This would include:

                               •    Confirmation that the component auditor will cooperate with the group
                                    engagement team;
                               •    Relevant ethical and independence requirements;
                               •    Component    materiality;
                               •    Identifi ed significant risks of material misstatement of the group fi nancial

                                    statements, due to fraud or error, and that are relevant to the work of the
                                    component auditor; and

                               •    A list of related parties prepared by group management, and the timely
                                    communication of related parties not previously identified by group

                                    management or the group engagement team.
                               The group engagement team shall request the component auditor to communicate
                               matters relevant to the group engagement team’s conclusion with regard to the
                               group audit. For example:
                               •    Compliance by component auditor with:
                                    –     Ethical requirements including independence and professional
                                          competence, and
                                    –     The group engagement team’s requirements;

                               •    What  financial information of the component is being reported upon;
                               •    Instances of non-compliance with laws or regulations;
                               •    A list of uncorrected misstatements;
                               •    Indicators of possible management bias;

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