Page 388 - ITGC_Audit Guides
P. 388
Establishing Engagement Objectives
The objectives of the engagement depend on the
context and purpose of the engagement. For Help with Engagement Planning
compliance audits, the objectives are derived from For detailed instructions on
the compliance requirements that must be
developing the elements below,
reviewed. For risk-based assurance engagements, see IIA Practice Guide “Engagement
objectives are based on the initial purpose of the
Planning: Establishing Objectives
engagement and the results of the risk assessment. and Scope”:
For consulting engagements, objectives must
Risk scenarios.
address governance, risk management, and
Risk and control matrix.
control processes to the extent agreed upon with
Risk prioritization maps
the client (Standard 2210.C1).
(i.e., heat maps).
Engagement Objective Examples
Assurance engagement (Compliance) – This engagement will evaluate compliance with the GDPR that
requires protection of personally identifiable information (PII). In this example, the criteria for
evaluation, required by Standard 2210.A3, are the applicable privacy requirements and controls
defined in GDPR.
Assurance engagement (Risk-based) – This engagement will evaluate the effectiveness of the
insider threat management program using as a reference the Framework for Improving Critical
Infrastructure Cybersecurity published by NIST. In this example, the criteria for evaluation, as
required by Standard 2210.A3, is the NIST framework, presented in Appendix C as an engagement
work program.
Consulting engagement – This engagement will evaluate the effectiveness of the process to identify
and classify digital assets. The internal audit activity will provide recommendations on how to
improve the process (if necessary). In this example, the criteria for evaluation, as required by
Standard 2210.A3, is determined by the stakeholder who requested the review.
Establishing Engagement Scope
The engagement scope sets the boundaries of the engagement and outlines what will be included
in the review. The scope may define such elements as the specific processes and/or areas,
geographic locations, and time period (e.g., point in time, fiscal quarter, or calendar year) that will
be covered by the engagement, given the available resources.
Once engagement objectives have been established, the internal auditor must establish a scope
sufficient to achieve the engagement objectives (Standard 2220 – Engagement Scope), taking into
5 For more information about GDPR see, Auditing Insider Threat Programs 20