Page 129 - Chayei Adam LAYOUT sivan 5782
P. 129

םדא                        תועיקתה רדס  -     ב “ מק ללכ                 ייח

              ,תֹועּור ְּת יֵני ִמ 'ג לָּּכ ה ֶשֹוע ֶ ׁש ןָּויֵּכ ך ָּ ׁש ְּפַּנ ה ַּמ ִמ םי ִר ְּבֹוס ּונ ָּא ך ֲח ְּרָּּכ לַע ,ת" ַר ְּ ׁש ַּת

              א ָּּמ ֶ ׁש ןי ִ ׁש ְּ ׁשֹוח ּונ ָּא ןֵּכ ם ִא ְּו ,ֹוני ֵא ֶ ׁש ֹומ ְּכ ר ָּא ְּּ ׁש ַה ְּו ,אֵצֹוי ,ןי ִד ַה ן ִמ אּוה ֶ ׁש ן ֶה ֵמ הֶזי ֵא ְּב
              הָּעּור ְּת םי ִרָּב ְּ ׁש ע ַק ְּתִי ם ִא ןֵּכ ם ִא ְּו ,ת" ַ ׁש ַּת ֹוא ת" ַר ַּת ק ַר ַעֹק ְּתִל יּוא ָּר ןי ִד ַה ן ִמ

              ם ִא ף ַא ְּד ,תֹומי ִ ׁשְּנ 'ב ְּב ןי ִשֹוע ןֵכָּל ְּו ,הָּעּור ְּת אל ְּו םי ִרָּב ְּ ׁש ןאָּּכ ןי ֵא ת ַח ַא ה ָּמי ִ ׁשְּנ ִב
              אָּפּוּג הָּעּור ְּת ִב ּו ּ ל ִפֲא ַד םי ִר ְּמֹוא  ׁשֵי א ָּה ,הָּעּור ְּת םי ִרָּב ְּ ׁש ךי ִרָּצ אָּני ִד ִמ ְּד ר ַמֹול אָּצ ְּמ ִת ּ
                  19 :ה ָּמי ִ ׁשְּנ י ֵד ְּכ ִמ ר ֵתֹוי קי ִס ְּפַי אּ ֶ ׁש ר ֵהָּזִי םֹוק ָּמ לָּּכ ִמּו .אָּצָּי ה ָּמי ִ ׁשְּנ י ֵד ְּכ קי ִס ְּפ ִה ם ִא
              דֹוע ַעֹק ְּתִל ןיִגֲהֹונ  ׁשֵי ְּו .תֹולֹוק 'ל ם ַעַ ּפ ַה דֹוע ַעֹק ְּתִל ןיִגֲהֹונ הָּּ ל ִפ ְּת ַה ר ַמ ְּּג ר ַחא   ַ  ]טי[
              םי ִר ְּמֹוא  ׁשֵי ,תֹועי ִק ְּת ַה לָּּכ ר ֵמֹוּג ֶ ׁשכּו    ְּ  61  .תֹולֹוק ה ָּא ֵמ םיִל ְּ ׁש ַהְּל י ֵד ְּכ תֹולֹוק 'ל ם ַעַ ּפ ַה
              ַע ֵקֹו ּת ַה ּו ּ ל ִפֲאַו     61  .תּוב ְּ ׁש אי ִה בֹוט םֹוי ְּב תֹועי ִק ְּת א ָּה ְּד ,םָּּנ ִח ְּב דֹוע ַעֹק ְּתִל רּוס ָּא ְּד
              א ָּטי ִשפ    ׁ ְּּ  63  ,ך ֶרֹצְּל אּ ֶ ׁש ֹואי ִצֹוהלּו    ְּ  62  .ד ֵּמַל ְּת ִהְּל ןֹו ׁשא ִר םֹוי ְּב ַעֹק ְּתִל רּוס ָּא ,יִנ ֵ ׁש םֹוי ְּב
                                      64 :'א ן ָּמי ִס ו"צ לָּל ְּכ לי ֵעְּל ר ָּאֹב ְּּמ ֶ ׁש םי ִרָּב ְּד ר ָּא ְּ ׁש ִכ ֹוני ִד ְּו ,רּוס ָּא ְּד
                                                        םדו רשב
              in following with the Rema’s recommendation,   minority  opinions  as  well,  but  certainly  one
              and then later, another ten, to bring the total   may blow shofar for one who is uncertain if he
              to one hundred. It should be stressed that the   has  fulfilled  his  obligation  according  to  the
              final blasts are not mandatory and there is no   mainstream opinions in halacha.
              obligation for an individual davening alone to
              hear  one  hundred  blasts.  There  are  varying   62.   Although he is not blowing simply to
              customs  regarding  at  which  points  in  the   produce the sounds but blows instead for the
              liturgy  after  musaf  these  last  two  sets  are   purpose  of  a  mitzva,  since  he  does  not  fulfill
              positioned,  and  each  congregation  should   any  mitzva  while  blowing,  it  is  rabbinically
              follow its own custom.                       prohibited.  Furthermore,  he  is  likely  in
                                                           violation  of  preparing  for  the  second  day  of
              61.    From the incident which took place in   yom tov on the first. (See above, 139:14)
              Magentza  (see  above,  note  20)  it  is  apparent
              that blowing shofar unnecessarily is a violation   63.   Magen Avraham   Nevertheless, since
              of  yom  tov,  and  the  Rema  codifies  this  as   the shofar may be used to blow for someone
              halacha.  Although  the  Taz  takes  a  different   who  hasn’t  yet  fulfilled  his  obligation,  it  isn’t
              approach,   the  poskim  reject  his  proofs  and   muktza.
              rule  in  accordance  with  the  Rema.    Many
              poskim  however  permit  blowing  shofar  in  an   64.   See  there  that  although  carrying  in  a
              effort  to  fulfill  the  mitzva  according  to   public domain on yom tov is permitted, this is
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